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Martial Law in Sierra Leone

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Aug. 1, 2014

Martial Law in Sierra Leone

I spoke to Chernoh Alpha M Bah last night.  Chernoh was formerly Boy soldier in Sierra Leone and is now the leader of a 100,000 strong youth movement in West Afrika aiming for State power.  He is in the heart of the Ebola crisis.


There is a state of emergency in Sierra Leone; Martial law has been declared; our people can be shot on sight if they are on the streets. The people are effectively under house arrest. Chernoh along with everyone else cannot leave the country.


There are medical squads with soldiers doing house to house searches. If they decide you have Ebola you are taken away for “treatment" and injected with something. 90% of those “treated” die. The people are more worried about the “treatment" than the alleged Ebola.