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Zen Gardner

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Aug. 3, 2014

There have been many many moments over the past few years that have made me ponder my past and the experiences and knowledge that I have gathered along the way.  I cannot tell you how many times in the last two years alone that I have had major personal revelations about things that I have gone through or learned in the past that are suddenly so relevant in the NOW.  Last night was one of those moments.

For almost 20 years I have had an almost morbid fascination with the Ebola virus, and Haemoragic fevers  such as Marlburg and Lassa, in general.  It started when I read the book “The Hot Zone” in 1996, and continued when I worked with a former US Special Forces Military doctor in Thailand who had a vast amount of knowledge on the ebola virus.  Ever since then I have read possibly hundreds of medical reports and studies on the topic….  reports and studies that were written before this so called “outbreak” and the very blatant editing that has been perpetrated across the media.

….. obviously to prepare myself for this article today.

…. Very interesting that the Wikipedia listing for Ebola Zaire doesn’t specify how the virus is transmitted, don’t you think?

If you’ve read any main stream media news outlet or alternative news site, you’ve heard all the panicked fear mongering about the purported “Ebola” outbreak in west/central Africa.  These reports started appearing in the main stream media news in February 2014 while I was in Malta.  I immediately started following the news and kept abreast of the latest developments.  I also immediately started to smell a rat.  The Media banged on the fear porn drum for a few weeks and then it all just sorta disappeared (they couldn’t seem to keep people’s attention on “world war III” starting in the Ukraine AND the “pandemic of Ebola”  at the same time).   Then in the past few weeks they’ve ramped up the Ebola fear porn drama again…..

…. Distract Distract Distract.

Ukraine didn’t work out the way they wanted so they needed another distraction.  Enter the insanity of Netanyahu  and the debacle being played out in the gaza strip.  But now that is not working out for them either as the world is standing up and shining the light of outrage on Gaza.  So another distraction is necessary.  Enter: ebola panicked “pandemic” in Africa.

I am not going to get into all the main stream media ebola circus- open any news website and you can read it all- but I will discuss several glaring pieces of obvious bullshit, and “facts” that the so called medical professional associations have invented to perpetuate this travesty.

“Their” goal is only one thing: FEAR & DISTRACTION.   They need to keep the public distracted from the fact that their entire financial world empire has crumbled to the ground and they have lost everything they have. …. I’ll be going into details on this subject in my next article.   For this moment I will focus on the fear porn campaign that “they” are currently pushing onto the public.

Before I start posting the links and my commentary, I will post this note that I wrote in one of my skype rooms as an intro to the topic:

 D.breakingthesilence:  “they’ve” been trying to weaponize ebola for over 40 years.  they can’t do it because the Mayinga strain of ebola (the only known strain to be contagious through aerosol transmission) kills people too quickly for it to work as a broad spread bio weapon.  they’ve been playing with the Marlburg/ebola crosses to create a virus with a longer gestational period so that cross infection/contamination will spread farther.  but Marlburg cancells out the aerosol transmission factors of the Mayinga strain of ebola, which leaves them with oral/mucous membrane transmission, which isn’t effective as the virus dies very quickly unless it’s in a very hot humid climate (hence the fact that they do their testing in western Africa in jungle climates).  Air conditioning kills the virus almost instantly.”

