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The scaremongering & treatment

for the deadly Ebola virus

By: The Unhived Mind – 3rd August 2014

This is in reply to information posted by Jim Stone

I will reply about the Ebola scaremongering campaign. I cannot understand why you and others did not before now think about Ascorbate based on the symptoms of Ebola. It is blatantly obvious that the symptoms are hyper-depletion of Ascorbate which is medically termed as scurvy and this also happens with many other dangerous and terminal diseases such as H5N1 Avian flu. In truth Ascorbate is not the true answer to the problem since it is an aid against the symptom, of course the Ascorbate levels will needed to be replenished in order to counter the losses as soon as possible. You are just adding Ascorbate trying to combat or buffer the rapid loss hoping to keep it at a normal level or above in order to aid the immunity to do its job but the immunity was shafted from the start otherwise the virus would not have taken hold and then later caused the hyper-depletion of Ascorbate from the body. The immunity is connected with the Kidneys and the Spleen when we deal in Chinese medicine and believe me they know more than anyone on the human body and how it functions.


LINK or a backed up audio file along with a Different Video


I should point out that you cannot treat the ebola virus using just Ascorbate pills or powders from the local store (most of which are made now in China and with GMO corn). You would initially need to have pharmacological dosages of Ascorbate intravenously until you hit a threshold where then you could use the more simpler methods. If you want a clue then you should look at how the family of Allan Smith in New Zealand forced doctors to use intravenous Ascorbate to cure his terminal swine flu whilst he was in intensive care. Allan Smith started with intravenous Ascorbate and then eventually he could go to powders and lower dosages on a regular basis. You obviously do not understand Ascorbate and its actions in the body if you think like that about just using pills. I should also point out in the movie ‘The Stand‘ by Stephen King, the guy who survived was regularly eating Ascorbate pills. Now he would have been dead in real life doing such a thing but the movie was giving you the clue to Ascorbate. I am not a doctor and would not want to be and even I know these facts so no need to brag about a mysterious doctor as if he is all knowing, its all old news to us real healers and researchers.


What is the true action of vitamin C against viruses etc when taken in pharmacological dosages intravenously? It becomes an oxidizer so now we get into the realm of ozone therapy which is the ultimate oxidizer and safer than using 35% hydrogen peroxide or MMS. When you understand ozone and other similar systems you soon realize that non of the biological weapons are a true threat anymore and this is why the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries and the Worshipful Company of Barbers detest such therapies especially the polyatomic apheresis ozone work and this is why the Worshipful Company of Technologists make sure search engines suppress data as they now do. What Kim Dotcom needs to create next is a search engine that does not censor information and can compete with Google but becomes totally independent of Google and not an inter-connected fork. If you want revolution that can destroy New Venice then in computer systems turn to Kim Dotcom and in our world turn to Vladimir Putin.

What have you all forgotten about? Homoeopathy! I’ve had experience of all different healing methods from supplements (Ascorbate) to herbal medicines to acupuncture and non of them come close to homoeopathy performed correctly with the right remedies. I’ve turned a raging fever into the opposite within thirty seconds, yes just seconds using just two small pills of Belladonna 30c and that is just one example of many. Why do you think that the Doge (Queen Elizabeth II [Guelph]) of New Venice (British Empire) uses homoeopathy as her first line of defense and attack? The Doge is not on her own as many other Black Nobility families do the same like I’ve exposed on my site along with Eustace Mullins highlighting the same (his video is on my site where he mentions this fact and about the Rockefeller family).

It is a fact that the number one healing system is homoeopathy and this is especially true for the acute conditions where it dominates. Homoeopathy can not only combat biological weapons from God and man but it can also combat many chemical weapons and it has thousands of powerful remedies to utilize in doing so. I should point out that the Doge’s physician is the top homoeopath in New Venice known as Dr Peter Fisher who’s real name is Esther Adelaja and he’s based in the land once known as England. I have listed some homoeopathic treatments for Ebola in the past and I will add them here in the quotes below.

There is absolutely no need to panic and bare in mind seven hundred Ebola deaths in Africa is peanuts compared to thirty-thousand deaths each year or more just by the flu in the United States. Lets also bare in mind when the flu was at its worse in Britain one year they hit the thirty-thousand deaths figure so seven-hundred is fly excrement in comparison. Viruses are protein solvents originally designed by God to remove filth from both the planet and its creatures. Viruses need filth in order to survive and thrive so if one keeps their body as clean as possible then viruses become less of a problem. This is also part of the reason why Africa and other nations suffer more with such problems. You could get a serious flu situation in those countries at the same time as Britain but the Africans etc would have a much larger kill rate. Nations such as those are suffering from lack of hygiene as well as malnutrition so these people do not stand a chance even with some more minor illnesses in the West. If you want to understand true healing and understanding you have to start off with the knowledge from Antione Bechamp not the Venetian puppet Louis Pasteur. Pasteur’s pseudo-science feeds the pharmaceutical barbaric system headed by the Livery companies mentioned above and their pirates.

