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Highly Regarded AZ Physician Warns of Pandemic Diseases Coming Into the USA from Illegal Aliens

Dave Hodges

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July 23, 2014

Dr. Jane Orient[1]

Dr. Jane Orient


Dr. Jane Orient is one of Arizona’s most respected physicians. She has and does sit on many medical boards and often serves as the head. I recently interviewed Dr. Orient and she discussed the viruses and diseases coming into our country via the recent illegal immigrant invasion.

In the interview, she alludes to federal collusion with regard to this danger. The number of infected Border Patrol is referenced and she even discusses a Halliburton type of company that is buying up abandoned buildings in order to profit from the present situation. In the interview, you will hear Dr. Orient agree with the statement that it is a matter of when, not if, Ebola makes its way into the country. This is a stunning interview from a highly respected physician.


Listen to Hour 1[2]

  1. [Image]:
  2. Listen to Hour 1:

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