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Source: Border agents unable to go home due to threat of disease

Dave Gibson - Immigration Reform Examiner

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Multiple sources working out of Border Patrol stations throughout Texas have reported that due to fear that their families will contract one of the many diseases being seen at the facilities in a large number of the thousands of men, women and children coming across the border on a daily basis, many of the agents are no longer returning home when their shifts end. Unwilling to expose their own children to a host of highly contagious diseases, agents are reportedly renting rooms in local motels (at their own expense), rather than returning to their homes.

One agent who spoke to this columnist under the condition of anonymity said: "I have kids, I have a wife, these people have scabies, lice and even swine flu...I'm not taking a chance on giving that to one of my kids. Some of us have already gotten sick."

In fact, it has been reported by the National Border Patrol Council 2455, that an agent working out of the Laredo, Texas, Sector has been hospitalized for more than a week now with bacterial pneumonia, contracted while working around a large number of illegal aliens inside the station. As a result of the illness, the unidentified agent is expected to suffer from chronic asthmatic symptoms for the rest of his life. He is reportedly unable to even speak at this time, due to the severe swelling in his throat.

Agent Jarrad Seely, vice president of NBPC 2455 told National Review Online:

It’s a very traumatic experience for [the agent] and [the agent’s] family. [The agent’s] got small children.

It is not known at this time if the agent will be able to return to active duty.

Hector Garza, the secretary and treasurer of NBPC 2455, added: "Our agents have been getting sick more often than before with flus and congestion and a whole bunch of respiratory illnesses. The processing room was severely overcrowded and that just made [it] the perfect breeding ground for these diseases."

The diseases now being seen in a large number of illegal aliens, include:




-Chicken Pox

-Viral and Bacterial Pneumonia

-Dengue Fever

And, contrary to what the Obama administration has been saying publicly, many of those coming here illegally, are not receiving any basic medical screening prior to being sent into this nation's interior cities.

In an internal memo, an official with the Health and Human Services Department has admitted to "a breakdown of the medical screening processes at the Nogales, Arizona, facility," ABC News reported.

The report stated:

The memo said pointedly that officials in charge of moving the immigrants from Border Patrol processing centers to Health and Human Services facilities are “putting sick [fevers and coughing] unaccompanied children on airplanes inbound for [Naval Base Ventura County] in addition to the chicken pox and coxsackie virus cases.”

There has also been at least one outbreak of pneumonia and H1N1 among the so-called unaccompanied minors being housed at the Ventura Naval Base in Southern California.

Read the base's official (if not informative) press release on the situation...

Throughout the entirety of this current, Obama-inspired border crisis, we have heard so much about the plight of the "unaccompanied children," while precious little coverage has been devoted to the threat posed to the communities to which they are being sent. Furthermore, not one shred of coverage has been given to the dangers being posed not only to the agents on the ground who are tasked with dealing with this human tidal wave, but to those brave folk's spouses and children as well.

Now we may know the real reason President Obama refused to visit the border and meet with some of those he has encouraged to come here illegally...He did not want to get sick!