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Hidden factors — not related to health — might determine who is quarantined

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July 14, 2014

Just before his death last month, Frank Schirrmacher, the German journalist, warned that a secret global surveillance system — established also by Google and the NSA — could feed information into other information systems to allow for the covert harassment of people going about their daily business for political reasons.

In an ARD interview published the day after his mysterious death, Schirrmacher predicted that people will increasingly come to understand that apparently random events — such as being passed over for a bank credit, job promotion or being denied entry to countries — are, in fact, planned and coordinated and executed according to a political agenda.

“The whole question of what we have up to now called fate or coincidence will change,” he says at time point 7:07 minutes.

His remarks have significant implications for the current Ebola outbreak.

Can we rule out that there is a list of people who will be apparently “randomly” selected by thermal cameras at airports for quarantine when any high body temperatures which equipment registers is, in fact, predetermined by external databases?

Will journalists, whistleblowers, infact, anyone who is judged to be capable of resisting the chilling elite agenda of world tyranny find they are the ones who have the crucial 38 degrees fever or higher when they pass through thermal screening to catch their flight independently of their real body temperature?

First, it is well documented that secret databases of political opponents are already coordinated with US government information systems for purposes of harassment.

Secret corporate or government lists of political opponents already feed into the US IRS tax and TSA airport information systems, triggering the harassment of individuals or groups for  other, deceptive reasons.

It is not then a big step to imagine that a secret partnership is already in place for the WHO and the CDC to supply Google, the NSA, the US, UK and other government and spy networks with real-time information on movements of designated “political targets” as they travel around the globe.

Crucially, the International Health Regulations 2005 give WHO and the CDC virtually limitless power for the harassment, quarantine and, indeed ultimately murder, of targets under the pretext of treating them preventively for Ebola and other diseases.

But could this really be the case? Surely, someone suspected of Ebola or another dangerous disease has to present clear symptoms?

NO. The WHO and CDC s new strategy focuses on prevention, ie catching people in the early stages. In fact, having a temperature of 38 or 38.5 degrees and looking unwell are criteria for having Ebola, according to current WHO and CDC guidelines.

Such nonspecific criteria show a total disregard for medical factors and could apply to almost every adult.

What is going on? Is there, in fact, another secret level of political criteria for triggering a thermal camera’s red light when a specific individual passes?

For sure, the technology already exists to hack or remote control a thermal camera to get it to register a high body temperature when predetermined targets — whistleblowers, journalists — pass through.

It was after all a private corporation Air France, which supplied thermal cameras to screen passengers for Ebola in Guinea airport in April. Why is a private corporation allowed to supply such sensitive equipment and who makes sure it is not faulty or tampered with to communicate, for example, with other networks — such as the Air France passenger list database itself synchronized with other elite databases– or whether a list of names or faces has been preloaded onto the thermal camera?

Interestingly, the CEO of Air France-KLM, Alexandre de Juniac, worked for IMF Director Christine Lagarde. This blog has argued since 2009 that the pandemic plans are actually tools for controlling populations facing poverty due to the activities of the banksters manipulating the fractional reserve banking System.

It gets worse. Google, NSA and governments could supply WHO and the CDC with meta data about the family, work colleagues and friends of a whistleblowers and political opponents. This would allow for a q target’s entire support network to be rounded up and also taken into quarantine under the pretext of controlling a disease outbreak.

The CDC is using a new software tool called Epi Info viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) to find “everyone that was exposed to, and possibly infected by, someone with a contagious disease,” according to a press release.

WHO and CDC have established a gigantic, multi level, global database. There is a WHO Global InfoBase, an IDS and numerous other information systems. These vast databases, information systems and networks appear to be  centralized in the SHOC room in the WHO headquarters in Switzerland. The SHOC room supercomputers appear to interface with other information systems belonging, for example, to the UN military arm.

But maybe WHO’s supercomputers also interface with NSA, Google, CIA, FBI, MI5 and other spy network databases?

Synchronized and coordinated, the  WHO’s, CDCs and NSA’s and CIA’s information systems would allow for any target anywhere in the globe to be located and taken into custody and quarantined as soon as they are designated as potential carriers of a disease or as a person who has come in contact with a so-called disease carrier.

Networks and data collection points, including petitions and church organizations, could also be feeding information into a global database of people resisting the New World Order tyranny ready to activate thermal cameras at Airports.

Alternative media like Alex Jones, Jim Corr, Teresa Forcades and Manfred Petritsch of Alles Schall und Rauch seem to exist to collect the IP addresses of visitors.

Schirrmacher thematized the issue of the gigantic powers of the new Orwellian surveillance and control apparatus in a series of groundbreaking articles in his newspaper the Frankfurther Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).

Shoshane Zuboff warned of the absolute power and all-seeing eye of “Dark Google” in a piece published in the FAZ in April.

Springer Verlag chief Mathias Döpfner also spotlighted the gigantic´global power of Google.

In his interview just before his death, Schirrmacher issues a stark warning about the secret influence of the Google, NSA global surveillance system on our lives.

He also berates the ARD journalist interviewing him for biased questions.

Gerhard Wisnewski notes that Schirrmacher had begun to criticize the way the German government controlled media, the ZDF and ARD, serves as a propaganda tool before his death and suggests was murdered to intimidate other members of the controlled German mainstream media?

He observes that Schirrmacher’s sudden death from a heart attack was mysterious, especially as it was played out in a fictional book by a Sueddeutsche journalist two years earlier.

Schirrmacher’s death on June 12th just after he conducted this eye-opening ARD interview was  convenient for former Defence Minister Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg, who addressed a Microsoft forum in Berlin two weeks later, unencumbered by much needed questions about how a secret, gigantic, global surveillance System interferes in and micromanages our lives depending on our political views.

The presstitute journalists, scientists and government and WHO officials who think they are safe because they do the bidding of the NWO should be aware that they are making the rope which will hang them too eventually.