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Mike Rivero has been sick for too long (with Comment by PHB)

Jim Stone

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Feb. 6, 2014

NOTE:  As I have said for years, colloidal silver of good quality will kill all microbes such as virus, bacteria, fungus,etc.  See. "People of the LIe -  Colloidal Silver"  ---PHB


Mike Rivero has been sick for too long


I regularly read, and believe Mike Rivero is one of the good guys. Any errors he makes are the result of trying to guess what is correct in a sea of B.S. and only post what passes muster. I believe he is honest. Any way you cut it, Mike does a good enough job to get screwed with the same way I get screwed with on a regular basis.


Mike got sick last week in a way that I am suspicious of. Both he and his wife got sick at the same time (not entirely plausible to me, because viral infections vary too much) and he has been down too long. I am actually starting to worry about whether or not Mike got targeted. And I also got sick at the same time, in a different way. Antibiotics could not touch what I had. My infection I believe started as an aerial spray that got in my eyes (I noticed it immediately) and kicked off a wicked eye infection (which I cured with a self mixed 10 percent solution of boric acid that would be way beyond legal limits in the U.S.) and because the eyes drain into the nose, which then drains into the stomach whatever was in my eyes started a nasty stomach infection. After trying antibiotics which totally failed I ended up killing it by drinking hot salt water mixed with honey, because honey is a broad spectrum antibiotic that nothing out there has a built up immunity for (as is salt). It worked. (boric acid is not Borax)


If Mike hits this web site (he has before) I don't know what will work for a lung infection that appears to be viral other than Noni (which is in Noni juice) and also at 1/10th potency naturally occurring in pineapple. A couple quarts of real 100 percent pineapple juice per day(even if pasteurized) has been able to knock out any virus I have ever had. Just google Noni Juice anti viral and Pineapple has noni. Since the medical community has not figured out a way to synthesize noni and charge you $85,000 for a dose, they don't acknowledge it even exists. And BTW, contrary to popular myth, pineapple has NO vitamin C at all, so it is not vitamin C doing the work. If I was Mike's doctor I'd start with Noni and salt water honey.


Get well soon, Mike


Jim Stone: