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Young woman tells of horrific, debilitating health issues she now faces in years following Gardasil vaccination

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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Sept. 12, 2013

(NaturalNews) The "skeptics" are always quick to denounce any evidence pointing to harm caused by vaccinations, especially when such evidence is inaccurately perceived to be limited or anecdotal. But the side effects associated with vaccines are very real for many people, including for 27-year-old Brittney Fiste, whose daily struggles post-vaccination with Gardasil, the infamous human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, have left this previously vibrant and healthy young woman bedridden and seizure-stricken.


In a piece posted by back in May, Brittney's mother, Roxie, recalls how her daughter's health quickly deteriorated after being jabbed with Gardasil back in 2007. The story is all too familiar -- a young woman full of energy and ambition is reduced to near-vegetable status, struggling just to get out of bed in the morning and function without collapsing or suffering a serious seizure in the process. This is the harrowing life that Brittney and thousands of other young women like her must now live with as a result of Gardasil.


For Brittney, serious declines in health began to manifest less than one day after she got her first Gardasil injection back in June 2007. Brittney's mother says her daughter collapsed on the family room floor the morning after receiving the shot and in the days and weeks that followed experienced partial seizures, severe leg pains and then full seizures, among other symptoms. Brittney's behavior also changed, as she suddenly began to have random, unprovoked outbursts of anger.


Concerned about the situation, Brittney's parents talked to the family doctor, who insisted that Brittney was just fine and that her symptoms were unrelated to Gardasil. A later blood test revealed that Brittney was deficient in potassium, but doctors again claimed that this was unrelated to the Gardasil vaccine. Trusting these reassurances, Brittney's parents took their daughter in for her second round of Gardasil shots, which caused even more problems.


"From this point on, Brittney's health deteriorated quickly," explains Roxie, noting that within a week of getting her second round of injections, Brittney developed severe head pain, weak jaw muscles, blurred and double vision, extreme sensitivity to light -- Brittney now wears protective, wraparound sunglasses every day -- swelling around her skull and severe pains throughout her body.


"Her pain was so bad, she cried all of the time," adds Roxie. "The nightmare didn't stop there. Her face would sometimes droop to one side like it was sliding off her skull, as pressure in her head grew worse. Seizures and stroking migraines began to happen 24/7. Her stomach was upset all the time. She could hardly keep anything down. She lost sensation in her legs and fingertips, she became completely bedridden, and simply longed to die."


You can read Roxie's entire account of her daughter's horrifying health conditions post-Gardasil here:


Brittney's personal account reveals random blackouts, debilitating pain among many consequences of Gardasil

More recently, Brittney decided to publish her own account of life after being injected with Gardasil, sparing no details in describing the extreme pain and suffering she continues to endure more than six years later. Without the help of her faithful and loving parents, Brittney simply would not be able to survive everyday life, and this is from a vaccine that the medical establishment continues to claim is safe and effective.


"My head feels strange, like I might have a seizure today," explains Brittney about an average morning post-Gardasil, which quickly turns into a nightmare situation. "The blinding pain hits me like a white-hot knife cutting through my head. It is a searing series of jolts, like I am being electrocuted multiple times. Mercifully, an inky blackness spreads over me and everything goes dark."


You can read the rest of Brittney's horrifying story, as told in first person, here:


You can also view Brittney's video journal entries at YouTube here:


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