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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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June 5, 2013

(NaturalNews) The stunning, jaw-dropping and tearfully devastating true story of the conventional cancer industry is unleashed in a new documentary called "Cut, Poison, Burn." While celebrities like Michael Douglas are grabbing headlines by promoting the dangerous myths and false narratives of the cancer establishment, Cut, Poison, Burn lays out the rest of the story you're never told.


If you're angry about Monsanto and GMOs, you should be just as angry about the criminal cancer industry and how it exploits the bodies of men and women for profit.


Click here to watch the preview. The full film is available now from


Exposing the myths and lies of the cancer industry

Based on over 150 hours of original interviews with top cancer researchers, doctors and families who have dealt with cancer, Cut, Poison, Burn explores concepts like:


• How the "war on cancer" is a never-ending scam that funnels money into an industry that doesn't really want to find a cure for cancer


• Why cancer treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery) are killing more people than cancer itself


• The truth about why the cancer industry never talks about cancer prevention (because they don't want you to know you can AVOID cancer)


• Why top doctors like Dr. Julian Whitaker warn patients about the deadly consequences of chemotherapy and radiation


• The collusion among the American Cancer Society, the FDA, the AMA and other groups to monopolize the cancer industry and shut out alternative therapies that can save lives


This is a must-see film the exposes the true depth of the crimes against humanity being committed every day by the cancer industry.


Watch the preview here.




Featuring amazing interviews with top experts on cancer

The film includes interviews with:


Dr. Vincent DeVita, Professor of Medicine at the Yale Cancer Center, Former Director of the National Cancer Institute


Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PH.D., Burzynski Clinic, Houston


Dr. Michael Kosty, MD, Medical Director of the Scripps Cancer Center


Dr. James Privitera, MD, Medical Physician and Holistic Medicine


Dr. Soren Nielson, Cancer Smart


Dr. Charles Simone, MD, Simone Protective Cancer Center


Dr. Filiberto Munoz, MD, San Diego Clinic, Tijuana, Mexico


Dr. Julian Whitaker, MD, Founder and President, Whitaker Wellness Institute


Dr. Leonard Zwelling, MD, Vice President of Research Administration and Professor of Experimental Therapeutics, MD Anderson Cancer Center


Dr. Eugenie Kleinerman, MD, Head of Pediatric Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center


Devra Davis, PhD, MPH, Author, Secret History of The War on Cancer


Dr. Ralph W. Moss, Author, The Cancer Industry


Shane Ellison, M.S., Organic Chemist, Author


Dr. Sherrill Sellman, N.D., Author, What Women Must Know