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United States Accused of Planting Avian Flu in Recent H7N9 Outbreak

Janet Phelan o- AP

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May 9, 2013

Amidst allegations by a highly placed Colonel in the Chinese army that the U.S. has released a bioweapon in Mainland China, concerns are ramping up that this year’s version of the avian flu, H7N9, may turn into a major pandemic.

The last few years have seen several false alarms on the pandemic front. Neither the bird flu of 2004 nor the swine flu of 2009-2010 ended up being of much concern, although agencies from the WHO on down certainly created quite a flurry around both of these flu bugs.

H7N9 has already shown itself to have a high mortality rate, higher in fact than the Spanish flu of 1918, which caused 50 million deaths worldwide. The latest figures show H7N9 as having a mortality rate of 21- 24%. Out of 131 reported cases, thirty-one have died and most remain on the critical list. The bug has already jumped from Mainland China to Taiwan and a number of articles on H7N9 have nervously published the flight paths out of China to the rest of the world, which show how quickly an infected person or persons could create a global pandemic.

According to Keiji Fukuda, WHO’s assistant director-general for health, security and the environment, “This is definitely one of the most lethal influenza viruses that we have seen so far.”

Already, there are questions as to whether H7N9 has mutated and is now transmissible from human to human. Of those who have been documented as infected with this flu, several are family members of others who have been infected. As quoted in Quartz on April 18, “The Chinese National Health and Family Planning Commission said on Thursday it could not rule out human-to-human transmission in the case of a Shanghai family—two brothers, at least one of whom has the virus, and their 87-year-old father, who was the first confirmed H7N9 fatality. A husband and wife in Shanghai also both contracted H7N9.” (Source)

United States Accused of Planting Avian Flu in Recent H7N9 Outbreak

In a carefully worded statement, WHO has declared: “So far, there is no evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission.” So the fact is that while H7N9 may have already mutated to afford the leap to human-to-human transmission, this has not yet been noted as a regular event.

H7N9 is made up of four strains, which have been delineated as coming from a migratory bird in East Asia, a duck from the Yangtze River Delta and then subsequently mixed with poultry. Its novel gene sequence is already considered to have enabled it to adapt to human hosts.

H7N9 is considered to be resistant to the popular flu countermeasure, Tamiflu.

After Chinese PLA Colonel Dai Xu posted a scathing attack on the United States, accusing the primary global power of releasing H7N9 as a bioweapon on the mainland of China, the U.S. was quick to respond, denying the allegations. However, Dai Xu’s accusation, posted on the Chinese microblog Sina Weibu, brings up an inconvenient fact. The United States has already been documented as violating the international biological weapons treaty, known as the BWC and has launched a covert program of offensive biological warfare research.

Should the U.S. intend to launch a global pandemic for the purposes of population reduction and/or genocide, what better mechanism than to plant a bug in a faraway country, to obscure the genesis of the initiating event and to make this appear as if this were out of the U.S.’s control and jurisdiction?

The fact that several selective delivery systems for biological/chemical warfare have already been documented within the borders of the United States adds credence to the perception that a flu planted in another country could be used as a cover for a selective devastation of certain demographic groups within the First World. The declaration of a global pandemic gives the WHO the power to mandate vaccinations, overriding sovereign national law concerning the right of refusal.

Vaccines, imposter pharmaceuticals, the double line water system  – any and all of these mechanisms could be used to launch a bio/chem attack under the cover of a global pandemic.

Speaking under conditions of anonymity in a recent interview, a well-connected U.S. microbiologist stated that he believed that the United States was launching a covert program of biological warfare which would selectively impact designated target groups. He also stated concerns as to H7N9 being one of the tools which could be used to accomplish a genocidal agenda.

China, he also pointed out, has possibly the largest depository of rare earth minerals in the world. “You can’t get at them with all these billions of people living right on top of them,” he said.

A number of insiders, including Dr. Daniel Gerstein of the Department of Homeland Security, former Senators Bill Talent and Bob Graham of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Center in Washington, D.C. and vaccine manufacturer, Dr. J. Joseph Kim of Inovio Pharmaceuticals, have stated that a major global pandemic is likely to take place before the end of 2013. (Source)