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Marco Torres, Prevent Disease

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March 8, 2013

The conventional medical opinion is that birth control is one of the most important hallmarks of an advanced society. Those well-versed in natural health including many scientists know that it is also the hallmark of disease that only leads to lasting and damaging long-term health effects. Bluntly stated, when it comes to your health, if you artificially mess with your hormones, you’ll eventually be in a world of trouble.


The birth control pill, which the FDA approved 50 years ago, was the first medicine designed to be taken by people who were not sick. In 1999, it was called the most important scientific advance of the 20th century by The Economist.

There are many contradicting studies on the relationship between birth control and cancer. Much of this can be attributed to the high rate of data falsification among scientific studies controlled by pharmaceutical interests that don’t want the public to know the truth about how and why oral contraceptives cause cancer.


Most birth control pills are a combination of the derivatives of the hormones estrogen and progestin. They work by mimicking the hormones in your body, essentially fooling your intricate hormonal reproductive system into producing the following effects:

  • Preventing your ovaries from releasing eggs
  • Thickening your cervical mucus to help block sperm from fertilizing an egg
  • Thinning the lining of your uterus, which would make it difficult for an egg to implant, should it become fertilized

However, it is naive to believe that these are the only impacts the synthetic hormones are having. Your reproductive system does not exist in a bubble…it is connected to all of your other bodily systems as well. The Pill, too, does not only influence your reproductive status; it’s capable of altering much more.

Progesterone is a very important hormone in a woman’s body. It plays a major role in maintaining the normal functioning of the menstrual cycle. As Dr. Elizabeth Plourde describes in the above video, the Pill leads to progesterone deficiency, which can also be partially diagnosed through a hormone deficiency test questionnaire.

Estrogen and progesterone are responsible for ovulation, menstruation, pregnancy, maintenance of pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, etc. Apart from these, they are also interlinked with metabolism and various other bodily functions.

Progesterone Deficiency

Along with maintaining the uterus lining for the planting of the egg, progesterone is also responsible for keeping the fetus safe, does not allow the uterus to make any movements, prevents infection and prepares the uterus for birth. If therefore there is a progesterone deficiency, it will lead to certain symptoms. Let us see what progesterone deficiency symptoms are:

* Weight gain especially over the belly area

* irregular periods

* Abnormally heavy flow during periods

* Low sexual drive

* Infertility

* Pain in breasts

* Mood swings

* General body pain

* Hot flashes

* Varying degrees of fatigue

* Irritability

* Cravings of a wide variety

* Depression

* Mental stress

* Onset of insomnia

* Lowered immune system

* Hampered intestinal health

* Uterine and breast cancer as a long term effect

* Several heart diseases

* Osteoporosis

* Increase in cholesterol levels

* The formation of fibroids

* Frequent bloating and occurrence of gas

* Indigestion

* Migraines and headaches

* Snoring

* Miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy

* No ovulation

* Formation of ovarian cysts

* Lowered body temperature

* Cramping during menstruation

* Excess water retention

* Puffiness in cheeks

* Formation of acne and tremendously oily skin

* Feelings of anxiety

* Lack of concentration

* Memory loss

* Problems in urination

* Night sweating

* Thoughts of suicide and exhibiting suicidal tendencies

* Vaginal dryness

* Joint pain

* Onset of urinary tract infection

* Changes in appetite

* Inability to lose weight

Women can start experiencing a progesterone deficiency as early as their 20s. Some of the main signs are belly-centric weight gain, low libido, irregular or heavy periods, infertility and difficulty maintaining a pregnancy. C.W. Randolph, M.D., co-founder of the Natural Hormone Institute, says that women with low progesterone may also experience lumpy breasts that are painful to the touch, severe premenstrual symptoms of bloating, moodiness, cravings and pain, or especially severe hot flashes and irritability during perimenopause and menopause.

Birth Control = Cancer and other Diseases

Birth control has also been found to cause heart disease, bone loss, memory loss, blood clots and prostate cancer in men through men’s greater exposure to the oestrogen hormone found in the water supply and food chain.

Many scientific publications such as the British Medical Journal have revealed that data falsification among scientists is disturbingly widespread. Inappropriately adjusting, excluding, altering, or fabricating data is commonplace among scientists who serve their drug industry masters and those who conduct studies on oral contraception also fall prey to dollar signs. Thankfully, there is an abundance of studies that do provide substantial evidence that birth control causes cancer.

British Medical Journal – Mortality associated with oral contraceptive use

“increase in mortality from circulatory diseases and cervical cancer among women were using oral contraceptives or had used them in the past 10 years”

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention – Use of Oral Contraceptives and Breast Cancer Risk

The Norwegian-Swedish Women’s Lifestyle and Health Cohort Study

“Long-term users of OCs were at a higher risk of breast cancer than never users”

Cancer Prevention Research Journal – Effects of Oral Contraceptives on Ovarian Cancer

“OC also influences ovarian carcinogenesis….OC increased invasion in a K-ras/Pten OvCa cell line established from the mouse tumors, suggesting that OC hormones, particularly estrogen, may have a detrimental effect after the disease process is under way.”

Gynecologic Oncology and Pathology – Combined oral contraceptives and cervical cancer

“Increased risk of cervical cancer (up to twofold)”

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention – Human Papillomavirus and Long-term Oral Contraceptive Use Increase the Risk of Cervical Cancer

“long-term OC use may contribute to the pathogenesis of these tumors in some women.”

Journal of National Cancer Institute

Oral contraceptives cause Breast Cancer

Birth Control Pill Can Increase Breast Cancer Risk

The longer you use it, the higher your risk of disease.

Pill Use May Raise Cervical Cancer Risk

A review of research by scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France and the London-based charity Cancer Research UK shows that the longer women use the pill the greater their chances of developing cervical cancer.

Oral Contraception Linked To Prostate Deformities

Oestrogen-like chemicals commonly found in oral contraceptives could deform the prostate gland of human embryos.

Regardless of any position whether pro-life or pro-choice and based on just the few studies (of many) above, surely even those who are strongly in favour of contraception can appreciate and accept that there are real and potential health dangers in subscribing to any type of oral contraception. As many health experts have often stated, if you alter hormones at any age with the introduction of artificial chemicals, you will eventually experience long-lasting detrimental health effects.

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.
