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Jan Smith

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FW:  Dec. 1, 2012

Take a good look at the first two photos below and ponder why a person with Morgellons disease would have tissue coming out of their body with embossed Arabic numbers on it.  This photo is real and the sample has not been altered in any way. It is available for research and DNA testing.

The perpetrators are not beings from outer space.  They live right here on this planet. This is not the first time that numbered pieces of tissue have been found by sufferers of this diabolical disease.

An interviewer from MSNBC chose to take selected excerpts from a phone conversation with me.  She manipulated my words in a newspaper article to make me sound as though I believed that extraterrestrials were to blame for this disease.  Not true.... 

I was pointedly asked at the very beginning of this interview if I thought that aliens had caused this disease. I did not bring up the subject.  It was rather a trick question.  My answer was that it was possible that materials may have been taken from the space shuttle as a pathogen but I did not say it was probable nor do I think it is the case.

Look around my site.  It has been here for many years and you will not find mention of aliens being the cause of this disease.

Being the trusting soul that I am, I thought I was having a theoretical conversation.  Little did I know that the point of interviewing me was to remove my credibility. OK- I should have known better than to trust the mainstream media, my bad.

If that sort of effort was made to silence a disabled old lady with a website then I must be doing something right. 

I have always maintained that I have many samples and will freely hand them over to qualified scientists.  Funny, but no one has come forward and asked to see even one of them.

All of the health professionals who I know personally have been harassed and discredited for even trying to help this community.  Why would that be?   What evil deed is so protected that they persecute people like my friend Dr. Edward Spencer?

Ed purchased a dermatoscope and offered to looked at the skin of Morgellons patients.  Even worse he saw fibers.  He later learned that vaccines could be a source of health problems to humans. He mentioned these possible problems to other Doctors.

In the end this graduate of Stanford and Yale with 30+ years of medical experience as a neurologist was ostracized and ridiculed by his own profession.  In all those years of practice Dr. Ed Spencer never had a patient who complained.  Go figure-  The evildoers just don't care.

{Dear Ed, Thanks  for caring and trying to help this community.}

Personal Note:

In the end, a number of people with Morgellons have died recently.  Included among those was a dear friend of mine named Karen Whitledge.  She was the amazing person who built this website for me.  She is greatly missed by all who knew her.   See her Dark Shurikin page to see the startling nano device removed from her body.

Many others are very ill and suffering.  This includes family pets, and infants.  How do you explain a delusional infant or pet? 

Dying is not "attention seeking behavior". Morgellons is not a mental illness.  It is a slow agonizing death which is ridiculed on blogs and chat boards by evil creatures who are probably on a payroll.

Please wake up people. Humanity is under attack.  Transhumanism is real.  Please go to YouTube to see an important lecture given by Sofia Smallstorm who had my cooperation in compiling material for this full length video.

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology

God Bless Us Everyone


Photos of Arabic numbers embossed on Morgellons tissue. Tissue as shown was found like this.

This sample was engineered by humans who use Arabic numerals to mark their nanotechnology (quite like a predator marking his territory with urine - only with malicious intent and a greatly inflated Machiavellian ego).