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Rocky Montana

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Sept. 2, 2012

(CNN) -- Sixty-six people have died from West Nile virus infections this year, and the number of human cases has grown to 1,590, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday.

That's the highest case count through the last week of August since the virus was first detected in the United States in 1999.

Nearly half of all the infections have occurred in Texas, where officials said later Wednesday that 894 cases have been reported along with 34 deaths.

... More than 70% of all West Nile virus cases in the United States are found in six states: Texas, South Dakota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Michigan, according to the CDC. ...



Assuming that the above CNN report is correct, approximately half the infections of West Nile Virus have been in Texas.  Is this coincidence or by design?  Do you remember the refusal of Texas to go along with the draconian rules and edicts coming out from the Obama administration in recent years?  Is the Obama Administration using the West Nile Virus to punish Texas for its defiance of Obama's communist and anti-American policies?  Certainly Arizona has also given the Obama administration a difficult time in recent years, but mosquitos don't do well in arid climates like Arizona.  'Wildfires' do much better in Arizona, as a punishment for the defiance of Obama's communist and anti-American policies.  In 2011 alone, 'wildfires' burned a total of 1, 626, 598 acres in Arizona, triple the land burned in the three years prior, and claimed 159 structures.  Are these things coincidence or are they acts of revenge by an insane President and administration?  It is my hunch that it is the later, based on the past four years of shenanigans by the 'Obama crime organization'.  Whether you believe it, or not, the World Elite is at war with America.  Go ahead, call me paranoid.  A good definition of a paranoid person is a person who is not dead yet.


One thing is for certain, there is no reason, other than ignorance or stubbornness, that anyone has to become sick or die from West Nile Virus, or any other man-made virus', or bacteria for that matter.  Americans must understand that most, if not all, of the debilitating and deadly virus' (crystalline life forms) have been created in the laboratories of Man, and that these virus' (and bacteria) are used as silent weapons in quiet wars by the World Elite upon their enemies.  And know this: Their enemies are all people who are not of them.  Their goal is to eradicate all but 550 million of humans upon Earth.  But take heed, Creator Source has blessed His people with antidotes (cures) for man-made, debilitating and deadly virus' unleashed upon His people.  The West Nile Virus, and all other virus', as well as bacteria and protozoa, entering your body can be killed by taking either Colloidal Silver or 35%, food-grade Hydrogen Peroxide taken in appropriate amounts and diluted appropriately in water or other liquids.


I have used 35% food-grade H2O2 for 20 years now.  During that time I have neither been bed-sick nor missed one day of work.  Before that time, however, I would get the flu nearly once a year, like so many other people.  That was a big eye-opener for me and made me a true believer in the merits of this little-known product.  Since that time, I have treated all my filtered drinking water with it (10 drops per one gallon).  I also treat all other store-bought liquids I drink with H2O2, and take filtered and treated water with me when I go out of town.  Sure, I have certainly contracted bacteria and virus since the start of using 35% food-grade H2O2, but when symptoms occur I double-up on H2O2, using Colloidal Silver as an alternate, and the symptoms disappear shortly thereafter.



H2O2 can be purchased over the internet.  I have found that the one gallon size purchases of 35% food-grade H2O2 is the most economical purchase size, and lasts me approximately two years.  I store it in the refrigerator.  There are a multitude of uses, i.e., mix with tooth paste, sterilize your tooth brush, use as a mouth wash, add to bath water for therapeutic bath, sterilize any surface, add to dish or laundry soap, or rinse, etc.  You will need different ratios for different uses.  Colloidal Silver can be used in the same ways. 

I purchased a Colloidal Silver kit from the 'Dr. Hulda Clark Association' ten years ago and have used it ever since.  The nice thing about this kit is that I make the solution and don't have to pay others to make it for me.  The silver electrodes have worn down over the years but this doesn't prevent me from making Colloidal Silver.  Some day I expect I will have to replace these electrodes.  This is also a good kit to have in your survival gear.


Make sure you are purchasing 35% food-grade H2O2, and not a lesser percentage of H2O2 as it is also sold in diluted amounts such as 30%, 17% and 7%.  Also, never purchase or use drug store sold H2O2 or industrial-grade H2O2 for internal use.  They are both impure and are toxic to the body.  Drug store H2O2 is a 3% that can be used for treating surface wounds only.  



It is far easier to maintain your health by using these products to prevent illness rather than treating yourself after becoming ill.  Also, because these products kill all virus' and bacteria in your body when used properly, you must, daily, replace the good fauna and flora living in your stomach and intestines for optimum digestion.  A good Pro-biotic product is one that contains Acidophilus, Bulgaricus, Themophilus, and Bifidum in amounts of 500 million organisms or more.  Pro-biotic capsules can be purchased at any health food store.

Live long in good health.

Rocky Montana


NOTE:  A Pro-biotic is not necessary when using only colloidal silver. ---PHB