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The 'Golden Age' Of Antibiotics Is Over! - Vibrio Is Coming Your Way[with comment by PHB]

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July 26, 2012

NOTE:  Colloidal Silver is still the best natural antibiotic around and will stop Vibrio and other infections.  ---PHB



This may be the time to use the Rife Machine or the Doug Coil Machine in addition to IV Vitamin C in high doses. Search for these machines on Google. Then we can discuss these probable treatments. Is it probable that Mycoplasma fermentans incognito strain is associated with this infections since about 98% of us may be harboring this mycoplasma since it was weaponized by the power that was since 1942? If you have an input just let us discuss them briefly. I think this is serious enough. RT


From: on behalf of Doctor Keith (

Sent: Tue 7/24/12 4:03 PM

To:  Ruben (

July 19th 2012
A Picture So Horrible You Will Feel Sick But You Need To See It...

What's the point?

The point is that this picture shows what we are facing when antibiotics don't work. It shows what happened to one human being, who got a tiny cut in his skin while fishing. It destroyed him WITHIN HOURS.

Bacteria move terrifyingly fast. This particular organism is called Vibrio vulnificus. And it's moving into your locality--right now.

This vibrio is something you can pick up through tiny cuts in the skin. It's so dangerous that people with iron overload (which compromises their immunity) are warned never to walk barefoot on the beach.

But the victim in this picture was healthy and well and did not walk barefoot on the beach; he was fishing in a bay outside of Rockport, Texas. According to his wife Janet, they had fished for two days. The second day the man got a tiny cut on his leg, he reached down and wiped the blood off with his hand and kept fishing.


Within a few hours he was in deadly trouble. The photo you see (used with permission from Janet) was a few days later, after they cut away the dead, rotted skin and flesh from his leg, to try to save his life.

It was to no avail. This man died

Why am I trying to shock you? Because people are still too complacent and most are still "thinking antibiotics". You have to let them go. Trust me: the golden age of antibiotics is over, finito.

You need to start learning instead about antibiotic alternatives. In this case, massive doses of IV vitamin C might have saved the man's life. Doctor were lazy and just tried "the usual" instead.

Vibrio Is Coming Your Way

Now Vibrio is spreading. Because of climate warming, it is moving north. The chances of an infection are still small but the "V Movie" is coming soon to a cinema near you.

A paper, published in the journal Nature Climate Change (July 22nd 2012), provided some of the first firm evidence that the warming patterns of northern seas have coincided with the emergence of Vibrio infections.

A team of scientists from institutions in Britain, Finland, Spain and the United States examined sea surface temperature records and satellite data, as well as statistics on Vibrio cases.

They found the number and distribution of cases of Vibrio infection is strongly linked to peaks in sea surface temperatures. Each year, as the temperature rose by one degree, the number of vibrio cases rose almost 200 percent.

As ocean temperatures continue to rise and coastal regions in northern regions become less saline, Vibrio bacteria strains will appear in new areas, the scientists said.

Vibrio outbreaks have also appeared in temperate and cold regions in Chile, Peru, Israel, the northwest U.S. Pacific and northwest Spain, and these can be linked to warming patterns, the scientists said.

So far, scientists and doctors have not been keeping their eye on this particular ball. Previous Vibrio outbreaks in colder regions have often been put down to a sporadic event or special conditions rather than a response to long-term climate change.

Now the scary truth is emerging.

But Vibrios are just one strain of bacteria. There are tens of thousands. It is estimated that there are 5 million billion billion of them (that's 5 followed by 30 zeroes). If every bacterium was a penny, the chain of pennies would stretch a trillion light years (and a light year is 6 million million miles).

They divide every 20 minutes; one single organism can multiply and fill a bucket in a day. The only thing that stops them is that food becomes scarcer, the more their numbers.

We are OVERWHELMED by bacteria. Some live on us and in us. Some are friendly and safe. But you must never NEVER underestimate the power of bacteria. Even the friendly ones can turn bad and kill you, if your immune system is compromised.

The only answer is to be informed and know what alternatives are available in combatting bacteria. You will be pleased to know that there are hundreds, several of which could probably have saved this man's life, if they had been used in time.

That's my plea: you cannot afford to wait till somebody falls ill. It may be too late. There will not be time to go Googling for information.

Arm yourself with knowledge NOW. Protect yourself and your loved ones by getting and reading my encyclopedic book "How To Survive In A World Without Antibiotics".

Some day (maybe soon) you will be glad you did. Very glad.

Find it here:

Sorry for the shock. But sometimes it is the best way.

Prof. [Reference: Nature Climate Change (2012) doi:10.1038/nclimate1628. Published online 22 July 2012]

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About Me

Biographical Notes
Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby MD, MB ChB, PhD
Qualified in medicine MB ChB (same as MD) in Manchester, UK in 1970. Almost immediately jumped the fence into controversial alternatives.
Started the first successful Food and Environmental Allergy Clinic in 1979 which rapidly spread to Harley St (London), Glasgow, Dublin and Stockholm. Those were exciting days in which we made many new discoveries.
I made medico-legal history in 1986, when a UK Crown Court accepted my evidence that food allergy was capable of making a youth murderously violent; I rated 20 minutes of Channel Four News and the youth was given a conditional release (condition: that he stick to Scott-Mumby’s diet!)
By 1990 the press were calling me “Britain’s Number One Allergy Detective”. I have published several books in this field. I have been interviewed by the BBC and TV and radio stations worldwide, as a recognized expert in alternative health paradigms.
More recently, I have gone into other areas and started to search for answers as to why an individual gets allergies in the first place. The answers have led me into homotoxicology (“complex” homeopathy) and electro-dermal screening, using computers and the Chinese model, allied to a Western technological database.
I now write and lecture internationally on the themes of energetic medicine and the new anti-ageing science, which is my current forte. I wrote the book VIRTUAL MEDICINE to bring science and validation to this emerging field and the vast technology it has spawned.
I was appointed professor of energy medicine at the Capital University of Integrative Medicine (now demised) and professor of nutrition at the Open International University for Complementary Medicines, USA. I am also on the Senate of the latter.
My major book DIET WISE is the summation of 30 years advanced clinical work. It is truly the book that has been missing from the diet market. It tells you why there is no set diet for health; why what YOU need to eat for vitality and a long life differs completely from everyone else! Forget the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Blood Typing Diet and all the other me-too plans. What you never get to hear about is that all these diets make some individuals very ill. It’s simply not scientific that we can all be squeezed into one or two, or even a dozen, categories. Everyone is genetically unique and this is reflected in our own very personal food tolerances. Knowing what you should and shouldn’t eat is being Diet Wise!

Professional Status

Founding member of the British Society for Clinical Ecology (now the British Society for Nutrition, Allergy and Environmental Medicine)
Medical Advisor to the board What Doctors Don’t Tell You (journal)
Scientific and medical advisor to the British Society for Homotoxicology
Certified chelation member of American College for the Advancement of Medicine
Professor of Nutrition and Vice-Chancellor at the Open International University for Complementary Medicines, also Senate
Professor of Energy Medicine at the former Capital University of Integrative Medicine
Faculty: California Institute for Human Science
Vice-Chancellor of the newly forming CAM University

List Of Published Books

The Food Allergy Plan (Unwins 1985)
Allergies: What Everyone Should Know (Unwins 1986)
The Allergy Handbook (Thorsons 1988)
The Poisoned Tree (Pan Paperback 1990)
The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Environmental Illness (Thorsons 1993)
Virtual Medicine (Thorsons 1999)
Diet Wise (Timpanogos, 2007)
Many eBooks and reports.

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