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Major new ruling in Germany, 2012 AIDS Conference, and more!

Intact America

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June 28, 2012




In light of this week’s German court ruling that a child's right to physical integrity must be protected, the time is NOW to go one step further and tell the global community that circumcision is wrong for babies, and wrong as a resource in the fight against AIDS. For years now, the pro-circumcision lobby has fought hard to convince America and the world that circumcision prevents the spread of HIV. But time and time again, these researchers-with-an-agenda refuse to look at the facts. Mass circumcision campaigns now being promoted in sub-Saharan Africa are:

  • diverting resources from proven prevention programs (such as condoms and education);
  • resulting in a high number of complications and deaths;
  • increasing risk-compensation behaviors (“I’m cut, so I can have sex without a condom”); and
  • putting women at higher risk for AIDS*


Next month, Intact America will be at the 2012 International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC—and with the conference taking place this year on American soil, it’s critical that we make a strong impact.

Attending conferences is Intact America’s biggest annual expense: the cost of a booth alone is more than $5,000. We also need to create free-standing banners, booth posters, and educational materials; we need to arrange for travel and hotel accommodations; and we need to promote our presence there.

Will you help us get to DC? We need your help, and we need it now.

We don’t have a choice; we have to be there, so we can give a voice to the millions of boys and men around the world who are at risk of being needlessly cut in the name of bogus science. Someone has to speak the truth: CIRCUMCISION DOES NOT PREVENT AIDS.

With all the media coverage of circumcision happening right now, we can’t afford NOT to be prepared for this conference. And we can’t be prepared without your help.

* Please read our Dangerous Mistake report for sources and citations.



Have you read the latest posts on Intact America’s blog? JUNE 27: Georganne Chapin, Executive Director of Intact America, responds to the new court ruling in Germany outlawing circumcision for religious reasons. JUNE 22: A review of the recent media coverage of circumcision: “Thoughts Provoked: Haaretz, the CDC, Pediatric News, and Yahoo Answers.” Join the conversation and subscribe!


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In a landmark new ruling, a German court has decided that non-medical circumcision is a "serious and irreversible interference in the integrity of the human body.” Read reports on the ruling in The Local >> The New York Times >> Der Spiegel >>

An important article in Haaretz—Israel’s most widely circulated newsletter—focuses on the increasing number of Jewish parents who are deciding to keep their sons intact. Read the article (site registration is free) >>

The Centers for Disease Control, which is still threatening to update its stance on circumcision to one more in favor of the procedure, recently reported on several cases in which neonatal herpes was transmitted to infants via the ultra-Orthodox Jewish practice known as metzitzah b'peh (where the circumciser places his mouth directly on the newly circumcised penis and sucks blood from the wound). Read the report >> as well as The Daily Beast’s terrific response, examining religion vs. rationality >>

Vibe magazine recently covered the topic of circumcision, reporting on many men’s efforts to restore their foreskin. Read more >>

According to a new report in Ob.Gyn. News, mandatory circumcisions in the U.S. would “not be cost effective” for HIV prevention. Read more >>

Georganne Chapin and Marilyn Milos have been invited to Rotterdam to attend a symposium this week on childhood circumcision. Stay tuned for updates and photos on our Facebook page! Follow us on Facebook >>

Last month, several of you were kind enough to share your Father’s Day stories with us. You can read excerpts of these heartfelt, emotional stories on our website Read stories >>

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James Loewen One of Intact America's greatest strengths is the diverse and supportive intactivist community. Our "Intactivist of the Month" segment highlights some of the most ardent opponents of infant and childhood circumcision, whose tireless efforts will ensure a future where all babies are kept intact.

James Loewen, an independent photographer and filmmaker from Vancouver, Canada, has become the intactivist movement's unofficial documentarian. Thanks to his video interviews—which have been viewed on YouTube more than half a million times—dozens of anti-circumcision activists have been given an audience and the opportunity to tell their story.

Read more about James >>


The International AIDS Conference is being held in Washington, DC next month. While Intact America is inside the Convention Center, demonstrators from all over the country will be outside supporting baby boys’ rights to genital integrity… and so can you! Many intactivists are planning to gather and demonstrate outside the convention center on Sunday, July 22 and Monday, July 23. Here are the details:

Demonstration for Genital Integrity at AIDS 2012 Conference:

  • WHEN: Sunday, July 22 and Monday, July 23
  • WHERE: Walter E. Washington Convention Center
  • ADDRESS: 801 Mount Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC 20001
  • MORE INFO: Join the event on Facebook
Please spread the word about the demonstration—as well as Intact America’s presence inside the Convention Center—via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and any other social media site you use. The conference is in our back yard this year, and we need to be there with voices loud and strong! Help Intact America make an impact at this year’s International AIDS Conference!



Most circumcision procedures are done without anesthesia; if analgesics are used, they only decrease pain, they don’t eliminate it. The assumption is (incorrectly) made that babies are too young to feel pain, they won’t remember it, and afterwards they seem “at peace.” The truth is that babies, just like adolescents and adults, do feel pain. A baby’s silence afterwards simply means he’s in shock from having been taken from his mother, strapped to hard plastic board, and subjected to the raw, surgical cutting of the most sensitive part of his body. And then he’s left with an open wound that will cause pain and discomfort for the up to two weeks it takes to heal. (Two weeks is a long time in a newborn baby’s life.)

The next time someone uses the argument that circumcision is harmless and babies don’t remember it, ask them to take a look at the Global Survey of Circumcision Harm, which is filled with poignant stories from men who did feel pain, and who do remember. And then ask them to imagine the same exact thing being done to them, right now, against their will, with or without anesthesia.



Visit Intact America's online store to browse fun intactivist gear that will help to spread the word and change the way your friends and family think about circumcision.

Show your support for Intact America and spread the word about circumcision with Intact America buttons! They come in a handy pack of ten, which means you can hand them out to fellow demonstrators or observers at the AIDS conference, put them on your tote bag, and give them to family and friends.


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Intact America

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