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Madeleine, Hillary and hemorrhagic fever

John Kaminski

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June 13, 2012


Savor the ever-present odor of Rothschild's underwear


Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton were both U.S. Secretaries of State. Both were longtime politicos who pretended not to be Jewish but were, and uttered almost identical lines 20 years apart that gives you the real flavor of what America has become.

Madeleine, who "discovered" her parents were Jewish very late in life, is most infamous for her statement on the Jewish TV show "60 Minutes". Asked if she thought the deaths of a half million Iraqi children were worth the U.S. victory in the Gulf War of the early 1990s, Albright responded boldly: "Yes, I think they were worth it!"

Just the other day, current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was performing her daily rounds of Islamic character assassination when quizzed about the shooting in the head of a large number of children in the middle of the night in Syria, which she vociferously and indignantly blamed on the Syrian dictator, an ophthalmologist who reluctantly succeeded his dictator father.

Now reports are erupting like a bad case of acne from around the world saying that all those children shot in the head in the middle of night were killed on direct orders of Hillary Clinton, by the rebels the U.S. Jews had hired to destabilize Syria.

Savor the ever-present odor of Rothschild's underwear, which he never changed until they rotted off.

And, every day it seems, just when you think it can't get any more perverse, disgusting and downright lethal, it, of course, does. Americans may now consider themselves the lowest of the low for this.

It wasn't bad enough to ruin the world with the Stuxnet virus, then invent the Flame virus which is even worse, but to do this . . . defies any definition of sanity ever attempted.

Iran's Mehr News Agency reports 29 people have contracted the Crimean Congo Fever — 7 have died — according to the head of the Pasteur Institue labs in Tehran. I don't know if this is a special freakout message from Donald Rumsfeld or not, but it sounds authentic and alleges the germs came over the border from Afghanistan, which is perfectly plausible given that the U.S. Jews have built 44 bases in countries surrounding Iran and has filled the Persian Gulf with warships for decades.

The stories about the attacks on Iran's computer systems are well known, and the bellicose rhetoric from the demon state Israel has rocked the world for a half century through Jewish control of the world's media and educational systems has enraptured the world with its financial blackmail.

The virus has been confirmed in 27 or Iran's 31 provinces since March.

The Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a severe viral disease communicated to humans through animals, especially ticks. The first signs are flu-like symptoms such as fever, aching muscles, dizziness, neck pain and stiffness, headaches and soreness of eyes. It may also result in mood swings, depression, confusion and aggression. Later symptoms are severe bleeding through the skin from a rash or internal bleeding that may lead to death.

Suggested ways to stop the contagion include using gloves when handling meat and keeping meat in a freezer for 48 hours before consumption. CCHF has no cure, but treatment of the symptoms usually leads to the patients' recovery. The World Health Organization puts the disease's mortality rate at 30 percent.

The world needs to realize that the Saudis are not Muslims, they're Wahhabi Jews. And because of that, they are fifth column in every Islamic country on this planet — beholden only to themselves and their evil plan for world domination. Same goes for the Taliban — they're Wahhabi Jews, helping their Jew masters destroy the world.

The phony leftwing organization Avaaz encouraging everyone to support the invasion of Syria has pretty much been outed as disgusting shills at this point, but the CIA website Veterans Today remains as the champion of NATO ethics deluding political savants who insist they know what's going on.

Tom Metzger sent me a terrific link to Sheik Imran Hosein's authentic analysis of the situation in Syria — and reveals it is another Libya.

The saddest thing he reports is that since Qaddafi was murdered in the streets, NATO's al-Qaeda allies have brutally murdered all the black Africans who had been invited to Libya to organize a genuine Pan African Union.

The Shia, Sunni And Akhirulzaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein

Syria's Alawites

Once, just once, try to imagine 44 Iranian bases encircling the United States. The world needs to know they'd be a lot friendlier than ours.

And they wouldn't have people like Madeleine and Hillary.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail:

250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.