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Mad cow disease detected in U.S. dairy cow; South Korea halts all US beef sales

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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April 25, 2012

(NaturalNews) It's baaack! Mad cow disease, our favorite prion from planet Bovinopolis, has once again reared its ugly folded protein head in a California dairy cow. It was detected there just a few days ago, but have no fear, courageous American beef eaters: U.S. "authorities" have declared it to be a "random mutation," meaning that mad cow disease prions spontaneously appeared without cause in that cow, and it most certainly absolutely assuredly and definitely was not due to anything in the cow feed, they say.

That's a relief, eh? Because if we can explain mad cow disease by simply invoking MAGIC (spontaneous generation, etc.), then who needs to look further into what these dairy cows are being fed?

It used to be that cows in the USA were fed the ground up parts of other cows, including spinal cord and brain material. Yummm... kinda makes your burger just a bit more juicy, doesn't it? But that practice was stopped -- at least they SAY it was stopped -- after the last mad cow scare in 2006. But who knows whether or not the occasional cow head gets tossed into the feed grinder, eh?

So now, whenever there's a mad cow scare, agricultural authorities (who are so deeply in bed with the cow industry that their mattresses actually have hoof prints on them) simply announce the disease happened by magic! "Random mutation" is the scientific version of "it magically appeared," of course, just to make it sound like it's based in science.


Beef sales halted in Korea

In response to this latest case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the USA, South Korea has banned all sales of U.S. beef. This is almost certainly a wild overreaction, given that U.S. beef sold every single day in South Korea is contaminated with antibiotics, growth hormones, and GMO artifacts from the cows eating genetically modified soy.

But that doesn't seem to bother anyone. It's the mad cow disease that freaks them out -- even though this dairy cow wasn't even slaughtered and put into the food supply!

Japan said it would keep US beef sales flowing, and Taiwan shelved its regulatory discussion of the issue to wait and see what happens.

What happens if you EAT mad cow beef?

Here's the best part about mad cow disease: If you eat a piece of meat infected with it, the folded prion proteins in the tissue go into your body, make their way into your brain, and then they turn your brain into gray goo!

Seriously, mad cow disease literally turns you into a brain-dead zombie. And if other people eat your brain (for whatever weird reason), then THEY become zombies, too.

And cooking the meat doesn't help because mad cow prions aren't even alive. So they can't be killed! Meaning that any piece of meat infected with these prions can potentially infect a consumer who eats it, turning them into a zombie.

(I'm not making this up. This is really how prions work.)

So what happens after your brain turns into gray goo from eating prions? Then you become what I called "zombified." As the prions start to eat your brain, you begin to exhibit bizarre behavioral and psychiatric dysfunction. You also start to lose rational cognitive function and end up eating Pop-Tarts and voting for globalist infiltrators for President.

In other words, you become a typical American! In fact, there is a theory floating around that American consumers are already heavily prion-damaged which is why people seem so bizarrely uninformed and incapable of rational thought. Is it possible they are simply one burger over the prion limit for healthy brains?

Maybe we should have a rule at the voting booth next time: If your brain has turned into grey prion goo, you don't get to vote!

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