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Rocky Montana - Opinion / 11-28-11

Beware, evil always wears a clue.  The article, 'Expert unease over deadly flu virus 'created' in Dutch laboratory' below may be the clue or tip-off to the next planned, false-flag, bio-terrorist attack upon the American people and/or other peoples of the world by those hiding under the cloak of the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.).   

Ask yourself the following question:  Why would a benevolent sounding organization like the N.I.H. be involved in the creation of a deadly flu virus?  Is the N.I.H. not what it appears to be?  Is this organization actually a part of the C.I.A.-MI-6-Mossad (the secret branch of Z.O.G., the Zionist Occupational Government) and using its benign-sounding name in order to escape exposure of plans for terrorist acts to be perpetrated upon our nation and/or other nations?  If so, should not the F.B.I. and D.H.S. be investigating the N.I.H. for possible past and future involvement in the creation, finance, manufacture, distribution and release of deadly biochemical agents--in other words, international bio-terrorism?

Now ask yourself the following question:  Who are the U.S. government, the British government, the Israeli government and their propaganda organization "the media" (A.K.A.:  the Zionist Occupational Government) accusing of financing and supporting international terrorism without a shred of evidence?  Iran, and now Syria.  Might these two countries be a likely first target for this new strain of flu virus--in order to weaken these people, for a subsequent invasion?     

If you think I am fantasizing about bio-terrorism perpetrated by the U.S. government, etc., please reread a few of the many articles exposing the "Mexican Swine flu" of 2009 and subsequent fraudulent Pandemic for the totally planned and executed, false-flag, bio-terrorist attack against us, the American people, and the peoples of the world that it truly was.  It was perpetrated for the two-fold purpose of killing as many of the world's people as possible with that flu virus, and for force-inoculating all of the world's people with who-knows-what under the guise of saving them with a flu vaccine.  Both these objectives failed miserably, which is, perhaps, why they are still at it, trying to develop a virus that will do the job.  Only, the bio-terrorists involved in this Crime upon Humanity were chiefly the U.S. government, the British government the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, the CIA, a few international drug companies, namely Baxter and Novartis (who conveniently provided the vaccines to miraculously "cure the disease"), and let's not forget the Department of Propaganda (in this case, the media, the AMA and your friendly, brainwashed orthodox medicine practitioners).  The list seems endless.  And according to Hal Turner in 2009, the actual flu strain used in that "Mexican Swine flu" outbreak came right out of the Ft. Detrick, in Fredrick, Maryland.

Truth will not be silenced and evil acts are being exposed daily.  We must awaken to and expose the plans of the satanic ones, or continue to be victimized by them.  Just by looking at and recognizing a problem which exists in the now can lessen its impact in the future.

Read the complete article below.



Expert unease over deadly flu virus 'created' in Dutch laboratory

Nov. 25, 2011

Dutch scientists have created a flu virus which is so deadly there is doubt about whether the research should be published, the Volkskrant reports on Friday.

The paper says American experts are worried detailed information could fall into the wrong hands and that terrorists could recreate the virus as a weapon.  The fears are notable because the work was carried out on behalf of the National Institutes of Health in the US.  [RM:  N.I.H. are NOT the good guys, and should not to be confused with A.N.H. (Alliance for Natural Health) or H.F.A. (Health Freedom Alliance).]  

The research team, led by Ron Fouchier, professor of virology at Erasmus teaching hospital, was able to create a highly infectious variant of the bird flu virus H5N1. H5N1 rarely transfers from animal to human, but if it does, the infection is often fatal.


Fouchier was asked to find out if H5N1 could lead to a pandemic and was able to show that a couple of mutations in the virus dna changed it into an extremely virulent form. Japanese researchers have also made similar findings, the paper says.

Fouchier then offered an article on his findings to scientific journal Science which asked a US institute for bio-security to examine the result. That institute told the US government the research could be threatening to public health and security.

The Volkskrant says Fouchier is unwilling to comment on the situation because he does not want to prejudice the expert opinion. Both his and the Japanese research are currently being scrutinised.
