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Boy sells kidney to buy iPad, now regrets decision as his health wanes

Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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(NaturalNews) Some people will do anything to obtain the latest Apple technology, which apparently includes selling their vital organs. A recent report from China's Global Times explains that a 17-year-old boy from China's Anhui Province sold one of his kidneys for the equivalent of roughly $3,000 in order to buy the latest Apple iPad 2 tablet computer.

The boy was allegedly contacted by a broker online who offered him 22,000 yuan for one of his kidneys. Eager to get his hands on the new iPad, the boy, surnamed Zheng, agreed to meet at Chenzhou No. 198 Hospital to have the surgery performed. Without telling his parents, Zheng traveled to neighboring Chenzhou City where the hospital is located to complete the surgery.

"I wanted to buy an iPad 2 but could not afford it," said Zheng to reporters. "A broker contacted me on the Internet and said he could help me sell one kidney for 20,000 yuan."

Upon returning home from his surgery, Zheng's parents became aware of what had happened and immediately contacted authorities. The broker who arranged the surgery allegedly could not be reached, and the hospital where the surgery took place denied responsibility. The hospital also apparently had no idea that the surgery had even occurred as it is not a qualified facility to perform such a surgery, and its urology department is contracted out to a third party businessman.

Zheng has indicated that his health has declined since the operation, and that he regrets his poor decision. Officials are also reportedly continuing their investigation into the situation to determine the identity of both the broker and the surgeons.

According to the UK's Telegraph, Apple products are in very high demand in China, and those who own them are considered to be wealthy and sophisticated. And some Chinese youth obviously value these badges of social honor more than they do the health-maintaining benefits of their bodily organs.

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