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Another 9-11 First Responder Dies of Cancers

Dana Garrett, CNN Senior Producer

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Well, sad to say, there's been YET ANOTHER death via (the shocking alternative) radiation sickness among the brave fire-fighters who attended that 'catastrophic' day in New York.

Of course, ALL CORPORATE MEDIA OUTLETS are concentrating on the 'toxic dust' as a cause of death making us believe that pulverised concrete or asbestos or benzine can cause Chronic Radiation Sickness in First Responders, because the thought that DEEP UNDERGROUND DEMOLITION NUKES went off under the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001 is just too implausible to promote to You The People.

9/11 firefighter dies of cancer linked to toxic dust

By Dana Garrett, CNN Senior Producer

March 3, 2011 -- Updated 0658 GMT (1458 HKT)

New York firefighter Randy Wiebicke lived "in a way that inspired everyone around him," his wife says.

"I thought I was bulletproof," firefighter said in 2010 interview

New York (CNN) -- Firefighter Randy Wiebicke who, like so many New York City firefighters, toiled in and around ground zero in the months after 9/11, died Wednesday following a nearly three-year battle with multiple myeloma, an aggressive and fatal blood cancer.

Wiebicke underwent an experimental stem cell transplant procedure last summer, when his cancer was in remission. But just two months after the transplant, he developed viral infections that, ultimately, his weakening body could no longer fight. [source CNN]

March 3, 2011