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300 more fall prey to dengue virus across country (VN: Bill Gates again)


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engue Virus"? Its carried by mosquitos and HAARP did that flood before this began which is a perfect storm for mosquitos breeding and multiplying that carry this virus. We do know its a "BY GENOTYPE" Patented virus as evidenced here. . Vatic also covered just a while back, before this in Pakistan, the use of experiments for killing the dengue virus ladened mosquitos in Australia and guess who is involved in all this??? You guessed it, BILL GATES AGAIN.  The man is a walking murder machine, and he needs to face justice for all those he is harming with his satanic damn foundation. One of our regular readers from Australia wrote us about it and gave us the story. She was pretty upset they were introducing a foreign organism into her country.

300 more fall prey to dengue virus across country\10\28\story_28-10-2010_pg1_2

Staff, Daily Times of Pakistan, October 28, 2010

LAHORE: More than 300 people have become victim of the dengue virus in the last 24 hours across the country, whereas 23 people have died of the fever, a private TV channel reported on Wednesday.

According to the National Institute of Health, the number of dengue fever patients had reached 3,138 in number. The deadly disease has affected the Sindh province most. At least 63 people have been diagnosed with dengue fever during the last 24 hours in Karachi, 44 people in Hyderabad, 3 in Sanghar and one person each in Larkana, Nawab shah and Mirpur Khas were tested positive for dengue fever in the current month.

The disease has affected 1,048 people in the Punjab province, whereas most patients have been found in the city of Lahore where 901 people were affected from the outbreak. 135 cases of the fever had been reported in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and 5 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). In Rawalpindi and Islamabad, 316 people were affected from the disease. A doctor of the PIMS Hospital also fell prey to the dengue virus. On the other hand, 4 people have died of the fever in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, 16 in Sindh, 2 in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and one in AJK have died of deadly disease.

Substandard anti-dengue spray is being used in the Punjab province. A laboratory report proved that the anti-dengue spray used in the Punjab province was substandard. Former executive district officer health had been held responsible as he bought the spray. The report had been sent to the Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, a private TV channel reported.

Jan. 28, 2011