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Morgellons Disease - GMOs bring a new horror (Opinion)

Hesh Goldstein, citizen journalist

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The doctors, whose pharmaceutical funded medical school curriculum never broaches this disease, says that the people suffering from it have invented it and are generally treated with antipsychotics.

However, several doctors, who have dared think out of the box, have discovered a pathogen known as agrobacterium tumefaciens. Interesting enough, AT is used in the production of some GMOs.

Farmers know about AT as well. They are plagued with it. It presents itself as a tumor-like growth on a plant and affects corn, beets, nuts and fruits. What happens is that AT inserts itself into the DNA of the host plant. The GMO scientists have found a way to transfer the AT from the host plant to other genetic materials.

Of the individuals exhibiting Morgellons that have been studied, AT has been found present within all of them. Healthy individuals have not presented AT infestation.

A recent study at the University of Bristol in the UK stated, "that agrobacterium tumefaciens in GMOs suggests an alternate route by which GM genes could find their way into the natural environment". What's even scarier is that scientists are seeing that AT is capable of transforming human cells as well. Not just plant cells.

As if this isn't bad enough, repeated chemtrail activity is being conducted over the waters of the Hawaiian Islands. These chemtrails are dropping aluminum, barium and strontium into the atmosphere, which are then blown inland by the trade winds. The result is the destruction of natural plant life, but it proves ineffective to the aluminum resistant GMO crops.

Assuming there is validity to the conspiracy theory that Monsanto wants to control the world's food supply and Big Pharma wants everyone to be as sick as possible to sell more drugs, wouldn't you think that these two examples are a great start for them?

Remember, in God we trust. All others pay cash!


About the author

Hesh Goldstein: Vegetarian since 1975, vegan since 1990. Moderator of a weekly radio show in Honolulu called, "Health Talk" since 1981. Obtained a Master's degree in Nutrition, in 2007, to silence the so-called "doctors" that called in to my weekly radio show asking for my "credentials". At 71, I am in perfect health, have no illnesses, take no meds, play 4 on 4 half court hoops 2 hours a week, body surf, race walk, do various cardio and weight exercises, teach women's self defense classes based upon 30 years of Wing Chun training and play in a softball league twice a week.

To obtain a state of good health, if it had a face or a mother or if man made it, don't eat it.

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Hesh is also the distributor of Organic Sulfur Crystals, an incredible healing nutrient. For more information on this go to his website and click on Products.

Jan. 21, 2011