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 From many years of experience in living in our sick world, and from my personal research into natural healing I have learned how to stay fairly healthy. Occasionally, my wife, Anne, and I have consulted and have been greatly helped by others, who are highly trained and very proficient in naturopathic healing.

One such organization is that of Alt Med Services. Only in the last few years did we become aware of their extensive healing work, and discover that they were located only twelve miles from us in Black Hawk, South Dakota. Dr. Cory D. Carter (CND) had started his alternative medicine healing practice over 30 years ago. Over the years he and his small staff have helped thousands of people across the U.S. and in other countries. His wall map indicates that people have traveled from over thirty other countries around the world to come and be served in his small clinic.

Alt Med Services has helped people with every type of health problem and disease imaginable. Their extensive knowledge of herbs and natural healing remedies coupled with the latest technique in computer frequency analysis of organ functioning, etc. has enhanced their healing efforts. I know that Creator God has said He has provided a natural remedy for every disease and ailment of humankind. Based upon what I have learned through experience and of the work of naturopathic healers, I believe that to be true.

Alt Med Services has been of great help to Anne and me in these past five years. At one point Anne had become very ill with headache, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, insomnia and stomach pain. The medical profession had no answers. We made our first contact with Alt Med Services, and within fifteen minutes at their clinic, Dr. Carter determined that Anne had toxins from parasite infestation of the pancreas. Had this not been treated, Anne could have died within the week. Anne has also been greatly helped by Alt Med Services in her recovery from heart surgery this year.

My point in this discussion is that the Alt Med Clinic is about to be closed for lack of funds to continue their healing work. Because they are good people, they have helped many, who could not pay for their services. Though their fees are very low compared to the Medical Establishment, many people have been unable to pay their bills due to the negative economy. Dr. Carter told me recently that Alt Med Services has over fifty thousand dollars in outstanding accounts. They have now reduced their service to only four days per week to cut expenses.

Alt Med Services needs our help! People write me daily about their health problems. I have no answer for many, as I am not a health professional. If you have health questions, I urge you to call Alt Med Services, and pay them when they help you. Should you have no health problems, send them a few dollars, so they can continue their healing services for others.

Should you decide to make an appointment and travel to their clinic for personal contact and healing, do so, knowing that they are kind and sincere professionals in the healing arts, and that we highly recommend them to you. Let us flood these good people with telephone calls and appointments and ten dollars each to sustain their work and keep their clinic open.

There are other healers and clinics having similar problems. Alt Med Services is not alone. Let us all help where we can, and be helped in the process.

Please, will you help the Alt Med Clinic today?

  In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


Alt Med Services

8035 Black Hawk Road, Suite 3

Black Hawk, SD 57718

Phone 605-348-4665




Cory D. Carter, CNS

Randy McCormick, NPA

Angela M. Meyer, LE

Rochelle Jones, CMT


PayPal -- Use account and designate payment to Alt Med Services.

Check or Money Orders -- send by mail to Alt Med Services.