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Gulf hero Dr. Soto: Detox or move only ways millions will survive

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The humanitarian known as "An American Treasure" who has been consistently advocating for the Gulf people for almost seven months since the Gulf operation began,(1) Mr. Jeff Rense, on national and international Rense Radio, interviewed Gulf hero, Dr. Rodney Soto who advised to fearlessly keep trying to get information to the public that the Gulf crime against humanity will be the greatest disaster of mankind. The only two ways for up to 40 million people as far as 1,000 miles inland to survive toxic exposure, Dr. Soto said, is either relocate or be on an intensive, long-term, well-managed detoxification regime.

“They are killing our American citizens, especially the children” and “Cancer is going to surge” are two statements in the radio program unreported by mainstream press.

Born in Equador and completing university work in the U.S. including specialist degrees, Dr. Soto stated that he is regularly finding 5-7 VOCs in his patients. These patients include people not directly involved in clean-up and residents not right on the coast.

“In my opinion, we should not let people eat any of the Gulf seafood,” said Dr. Soto. Dr. Soto believes the seafood is what will kill the most people.

The so-called “safe” amount of toxins is 1.3ppm. Dr. Soto highlighted that in Pensacola and other areas, soon after the Gulf Operation began, the toxic level was 1000’s ppm. Then, “they stopped reporting it.”

Mr. Rense asked how people are being poisoned; “How would you describe the vectors?”

Without hesitation, Dr. Soto listed ways people have been and are being injured:

1. Air

2. Skin (playing in the sand)

3. Food

Dr. Soto said, “The food being distributed now will be the most common way to kill people.”

Mr. Rense’s response about the Gulf seafood was, “It is obviously tainted. They don’t care about human life."

"Where does the body keep toxins it cannot rid?” asked Mr. Rense.

“These compounds are fat soluble,” said Dr. Soto, explaining that among other places is the brain because the brain is 70% fat.

“You willl see cancers in the precious organs,” he said, plus “all forms of brain disorders.”

While it might be argued by some “environmentalists” that “plants and animals have taken the brunt of this murderous operation,” 20-40 million people have been poisoned according to doctors including Dr. Soto. Deliberately sprayed Corexit, banned in other countries due to its human injury of body and mind - in unprecedented amounts, is a crime against humanity continuing today.

Most of these millions of people are not suffering yet, thousands are - all neglected aside from what a few medical people of integrity are doing.

Dr. Soto on RenseRadio and Mr. Jeff Rense provided an international reality check on November 15, both agreeing that truth and courage to publicly share personal information is critical to saving people.

Dr. Soto is one of the relatively few doctors actually testing, diagnosing and treating many of the people poisoned, as all doctors pledged to do when they took an oath to do no harm.

Covering this up and not taking direct action to halt this unprecedented crime is complicity - as Germans were for German Nazi criminals, many covertly working toward their goal in the U.S. since Operation Paperclip.

On Rense Radio tonight, November 16, Mr. Rense will interview two other unsung Gulf heroes, Dr. Tom Termotto and “Picola” Gregg Hall.

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Nov. 16, 2010