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Michael Edward

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While the rest of the world has been deliberately kept in the dark, the Gulf of Mexico has become a chemical and biological battleground. Our shorelines and coastal areas are now the front lines of this deadly war that will bring an onslaught of casualties during the next decade and beyond. We are all entrenched in a war for our survival and the survival of our families for generations to come.

While the Gulf Blue Plague continues to affect more and more of us each day, our State and Federal governments ignore us, lie to us, and call us everything from mentally ill to conspiracy theorists. Common sense dictates that the only conspiracy evolves from those who deliberately cover-up the truth of what is taking place in the Gulf. The facts dictate that the chemical and biological war taking place here is surely no theory. One can only conclude that the true conspiracy theorists are those who are deliberately concealing the truth.


Our private testing of Gulf of Mexico water samples were taken from a 12-15 foot depth approximately 25 miles west of Venice Inlet (Florida) on August 24. We had our testing performed outside the U.S. under the direct supervision of a Chemistry PhD with over 30 years laboratory and field experience at a national university. We are awaiting the final results of time consuming chemical and biological tests that are not yet completed, especially with regards to specific DNA markers for bacterial and cellular mutations. For the time being, our source will remain absolutely anonymous due to the sensitive nature of the ongoing tests.

These tests have revealed astounding high levels of a dangerous toxin that no-one has been mentioning, let alone monitoring: ARSENIC. The WHO safety toxicity guideline for arsenic in water is 10 ppb or less to be considered at a safe level. Our test sample from the Gulf of Mexico was 731 ppb of arsenic. Arsenic concentrations are often reported in milligrams of arsenic per liter of water. Therefore, 0.010 mg/l is equivalent to 10 ppb and 0.731 mg/l is equivalent to 713 ppb.

One can only imagine the arsenic levels in the northern Gulf waters where the enormous lakes of oil lie hidden beneath the surface along with other contributing factors discussed below.

I challenge every independent testing lab and private university in North America to verify the presence of high arsenic and arsenic compound levels in the Gulf of Mexico water as we did. Since “official” water and air tests of the Gulf over the past five months have been highly questionable (to say the least), it lies with the American people to expose the truth of why the Gulf Blue Plague has arrived.

I also challenge every hospital, medical clinic, and physician to have urine and hair samples from your Gulf Blue Plague patients sent to a lab for arsenic analysis. It’s the least you can do to uphold your Hippocratic Oath.


After World War I, the United States built up a large stockpile of 20,000 tons of Lewisite, a/k/a "Dew of Death", a chemical weapon which is made from acetylene and an arsenic compound. Most of the stockpile was “neutralized with bleach” and dumped into the Gulf of Mexico in the 1950’s. Lewisite remains in a liquid state under a wide range of conditions. Since it stays a liquid in temperatures from below freezing to very high, it can last for an extremely long time. (1) The “bleaching” of the Lewisite supposedly neutralized the effects of the arsenic-acetylene chemical compound, but it apparently did not neutralize the arsenic itself.

Because this was a military operation, there are no public records we can find pinpointing the locations in the Gulf of Mexico where the bleached “Dew of Death” was dumped. If any canisters and drums were deposited in proximity to the canyons near the BP Macondo wells or in close proximity to the Biloxi Dome, this could partially explain the extremely high levels of arsenic in the Gulf water and air if they were damaged by either the operations that have been taking place or by the fissures now evident on the seafloor.


According to Imperial College London in an early 2010 study, arsenic is a poisonous chemical element that is present in crude oil. High levels of arsenic in seawater can enable the toxin to enter the food chain and disrupt the photosynthesis process in marine plants. This increases the potential for genetic alterations which have been proven to cause birth defects and behavioral changes in all aquatic life. It can also kill animals, such as birds that feed on sea creatures affected by arsenic.


The high amount of arsenic in the Gulf of Mexico water and air may also be coming from yet another source. During and after the Vietnam War, the United States sprayed AGENT BLUE, which is a mixture of two arsenic-containing compounds. Could it be possible that such an arsenic compound is being sprayed both in and over the Gulf of Mexico?

The answer is an astonishing YES. According to the EPA, the Corexit® EC9500A used to disperse the Gulf oil contains 0.16 ppm of arsenic. (2)

Interview with a BP cleanup worker, GRC Radio (South Carolina), September 30, 2010:

(Aircraft) spraying with no lights at night... The people on board thought the boat was on fire... We kept smelling burnt wire… we didn't realize it was the smell of arsenic... It's the chemicals that were being sprayed that left that smell... Our lungs fill up with fluid, can’t breathe... terrible, terrible headaches, skin lesions... I want to live to see my granddaughter... People, we really need help...

Arsenic trioxide is 500 times more toxic than pure arsenic and its fumes have an odor somewhat resembling garlic. This and other similar arsenic compounds have also been reported to smell like shorted electrical wires or burnt wiring. Arsenic (as well as most arsenic compounds) rises in heat at atmospheric pressure converting directly to a gaseous form. (3) If there is an arsenic compound being sprayed, you would be able to smell it immediately on contact. If there were arsenic compounds in the Gulf of Mexico at any depth, when they come to the surface and become a gas, you would smell it. Those along the Gulf of Mexico and those who have been working from their boats have smelled it repeatedly. That’s all the evidence that’s needed.

I had mentioned during the October 1 WVP Radio show (see how all the flies and insects at our coastal Florida animal sanctuary had died the night we experienced a strong and steady wind from the Gulf of Mexico. Wherever there is animal manure in southern Florida, you will assuredly have an abundance of flies and insects year round. When they’re all of a sudden gone from the air and seen dead floating with a brown film in all the water troughs, this is an unusual event easily noticed. It ends up that the toxicity of arsenic to insects led to its use as a wood preservative (CCA) that has since been banned due to the toxicity of arsenic. (4)


Symptoms of arsenic poisoning begin with headaches, confusion and drowsiness. These are the same initial symptoms for those of us who have experienced the Gulf Blue Plague since early August.

Because arsenic targets widely dispersed enzyme reactions, it affects nearly all organ systems. The most sensitive physical symptom due to arsenic exposure is dermal effects. Skin lesions are common effects of heavy chronic exposure. (9) After continued low levels of arsenic exposure, many skin ailments appear.

Besides rashes of varied appearance, hypo-pigmentation (white spots) and hyper-pigmentation (dark spots) are very common. After about 10 years, skin cancers appear. After 20 - 30 years, internal cancers appear especially in the bladder and lungs. (10) As arsenic poisoning develops, convulsions and changes in fingernail pigmentation may occur.

Unusual white or dark coloring (pigmentation) under fingernails and on the skin has been overlooked by most everyone, yet most that are now sick with the Gulf Blue Flu and Gulf Blue Plague have now confirmed this physical sign with us after we specifically asked them to look at their fingernails and skin. I personally have white pigmentation spots now clearly visible on my legs and thighs. Another common place these pigmentations show up is on your back.

Sometimes, the obvious is hidden in plain sight.

The organs of the body that are usually affected by arsenic poisoning are the lungs, skin, kidneys, and liver. When the poisoning becomes acute, symptoms can include diarrhea, vomiting, blood in the urine, cramping muscles, stomach pain, convulsions, and even hair loss. (5)

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) states that the long term effects of arsenic exposure cannot be predicted. (7) In other words, they don’t know. Add some DNA mutated viruses (bacteriophages) or mutant bacteria, and the effects will come about quickly since this is uncharted chemical and biological territory. Those of us living along the Gulf already know. We see the effects among ourselves each day as we watch our families, our friends, our neighbors, and co-workers suffer from those effects.


Toxic levels of arsenic cause significant DNA hyper-methylation. DNA hyper-methylation is a process that can cause genetic alterations through inactivating DNA-repair genes. (8) This simply means that a toxic level of arsenic in any cell brings about DNA changes so that the genes which normally repair cells become inactive or dormant. It causes your natural immunity and detoxification system to sleep when it’s needed most. Think of it as if your hands have been tied behind your back when trying to play the piano.


Low-level exposure to arsenic compromises the initial immune response to H1N1 or swine flu infection according to NIEHS-supported scientists. The study suggests that people exposed to even a minute amount of arsenic are at an increased risk for more serious illness or death in response to infection from the virus. (6) I have no doubt this applies to all viruses that effect mankind. Arsenic could very well explain why Gulf Blue Flu victims all have a seriously compromised immune response.

There are tests available to diagnose poisoning by measuring arsenic in blood, urine, hair, and fingernails. The urine test is the most reliable test for arsenic exposure within the last few days. Urine testing needs to be done within 24–48 hours for an accurate analysis of an acute exposure. Tests on hair and fingernails can measure exposure to arsenic over the past 6–12 months. These tests can determine if one has been exposed to above-average levels. (7)


It doesn’t matter if these arsenic compounds came from chemical warfare canisters dumped into the Gulf 50+ years ago; from gigantic lakes of crude oil that exist in the Gulf depths; or from the current dispersant spraying from airplanes and boats. Most likely, all three are equal contributors. We know it’s in the water and it’s being sprayed at night along with the other unknown proprietary (corporate secret) ingredients in what they keep calling Corexit - that is, if it’s even anything that chemically resembles what we’ve been told is Corexit in the first place.

Regardless of where in the world you live, the Gulf Blue Plague will eventually affect you in one way or another.

Wherever the Gulf wind blows…

Wherever the Gulf water flows…


1 - Levine, Herbert. Chemical & Biological Weapons in Our Times. USA: Franklin Watts, 2000. See also “Facts About Lewisite.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 14 March 2003. 7 May 2006.

2 - Stellman, Jeanne et al. The Extent and patterns of usage of Agent Orange and other herbicides in Vietnam. Nature. Vol. 422 (17 April 2003) pp 681 – 687). See also and

3 - Holleman, Arnold F; Wiberg, Egon; Wiberg, Nils (1985). "Arsen". Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie (91–100 ed.). Walter de Gruyter. pp. 675–681. ISBN 3110075113. See also

4 - Rahman FA, Allan DL, Rosen CJ, Sadowsky MJ. “Arsenic availability from chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood”. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2004 Jan-Feb;33(1):173-80. pmid = 14964372 )

5 - "OSHA Arsenic". United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

6 - Courtney, D; Ely, Kenneth H.; Enelow, Richard I.; Hamilton, Joshua W. (2009). "Low Dose Arsenic Compromises the Immune Response to Influenza A Infection in vivo". Environmental Health Perspectives 117 (9): 1441–7. doi:10.1289/ehp.0900911. PMID 19750111

7 - The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (2009)

8 - Baccarelli, A.; Bollati, V. (2009). "Epigenetics and environmental chemicals". Current opinion in Pediatrics 21 (2): 243–251. See also

9 -

10 -

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Oct. 13, 2010