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Has Patricia Doyle Sold OUt?

Keith Howe

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ead her essays and heard her interviews occasionally with Jeff Rense and viewed her as an ally of mankind in exposing the lies and deceit of the US government when it comes to laboratory-created "emerging diseases". But to now read Patricia Doyle's uncritical endorsement of the utter tripe and lies promoted by three of the biggest fear-promoting propagandists working for the government: Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger (who was THOROUGHLY outed by Dr A True Ott last year as the CIA's designated point man who went up to Alaska in 1997 and dug up the bodies of locals who died of the 1918 Spanish flu virus so that he, and his CIA pals at Fort Detrick, MD could re-create an even deadlier killer pathogen), Matthew J Memoli, MD, and the NIH and National Cancer Institute's TOP propaganda mouth piece and disinformation peddler of the century, Dr Anthony Fauci, as if these guys were honest scientists, rather than the lying jackals they actualy are, is more than I can bear.

It also concerns me that Patricia refers to as her source for her article posted on March 27, 2010 at Do a little digging, and you find that is just a wee bit more connected and funded than you would expect from a web site founded in 2004 "by two PhD students motivated by the void in hard science news designed for informed and educated readers" The web site was bought out in 2005 by Omicron Technology Limited which has a relatively modest size building on Peel Road in Douglas, Isle Of Man (UK), and a much larger buiding in London at 37 Warren Street, Westminster. A google search turned up very little informationa about this company, except to find that onicron is the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet   This company merits deeper investigation. Perhaps some enterprising person out there with the time and expertise can provide more information on the size of this organization and who runs it....Ken Adachi]

From Keith Howe <>

March 28, 2010

Has Patricia Doyle Sold Out? (March 28, 2010)

Subject: Birds of a feather Promote Flu Terror together


Date: Sun, March 28, 2010

To: Ken Adachi

Hi Ken,

Looks like Henry Niman has a new friend spreading Flu Terror, Patricia Doyle. In her following article she states;

“Swine Flu Over? Guess Again - And The News Gets Worse”

From Patricia Doyle, PhD 3-27-10

“Both patients in the new report developed resistance to the key influenza drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu), and one also demonstrated clinical resistance to another antiviral agent, now in experimental testing, intravenous peramivir, note senior authors Matthew J Memoli, MD, and Jeffery K Taubenberger, MD, PhD.”

This is not a development of resistance to these drugs, they were practically useless, and in some cases deadly, from the beginning! More pharmaceutical fraud!

As far as Jeffrey Taubenberger goes, here is a little “cull the population” diddy on him! (along with Fauci and Julie Gerberding, all of whom should be sent to the Hague)

”But Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger, chief of the molecular pathology department at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, had an idea for finding that ancient virus. He recalled that his institute had a warehouse of autopsy tissue, established by President Lincoln.

Dr. Taubenberger investigated and found tissue from two soldiers who died of the 1918 flu, one in Massachusetts, one on Long Island. The tissue was snips of lung soaked in formalin and encased in little blocks of wax. In that tissue was the virus, broken and degraded, but there, untouched for nearly 80 years.

Then Dr. Taubenberger received a third sample, from a woman who had died in Brevig, Alaska, when the flu swept through her village, killing 72 adults and leaving just five. The dead were buried in a mass grave in the permafrost. A retired pathologist, Johan Hultin, hearing of Dr. Taubenberger's quest, had traveled from his home in San Francisco at his own expense. He dug up the grave with the villagers' permission, extracted the woman's still frozen lung tissue and sent it to Dr. Taubenberger.

Dr. Taubenberger and his colleagues spent nearly a decade carefully extracting and piecing together the viral genes, like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Along the way, they published findings that they and others used to try to understand the 1918 flu, but until now they had published only the sequences of five of the eight genes that make up the virus. The last three, which make up half of the virus's length, are published today in their paper in Nature.” see full story at:

Also see:

"Man Made Swine Flu Designed to Cause Genocide Native Alaskan verifies how 1918 killer virus was duplicated"

By Greg Szymanski, JD Aug. 16, 2009

"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds" Robert Oppenheimer, Trinity 1945 . Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger, hired by the UN and U.S. government, reversed engineered the 1918 flu virus that killed upwards of 50 million.

If idiots like this would leave the human immune system alone, and quit resurrecting and making stronger, more resistant viruses in their labs (including human petri dishes) the flu would be nothing more than a 10 day inconvenience! Of course that would not fit their "agenda" nor be profitable to them now, would it?


March 29, 2010