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Response: 'All Flu Including the Swine Fu Virus are not Contagious'

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From: CB

To: LW

Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 7:41:10 PM

Subject: Re: Fascinating!::::::All flu including the swine flu virus are not contagious

This is a fallacy.

Viruses are contagious. When our immune system becomes compromised by overwork, not eating right or not getting enough sleep. There is no such thing as viruses "cleaning" the body.

Bacteria cannot be fought by our immune system; antibiotics only kill bacteria, not viruses. The only "good" bacteria exists in our mouths, noses and intestinal system, which creates a "balance" in our bodies and fights against organisms attempting to invade. When our immune system runs low on fuel, then we get sick.

Viruses mutate and only symptoms can be treated. There is no cure for a virus. We do have vaccines specifically designed to fight against known organisms, taken from survivors because they have developed antibodies. These antibodies are primary components of vaccines.

New vaccines are always subject to side effects until proven safe and effective. The new H1N1 vaccine is an emergency measure to safeguard the population. However, the vaccine is flawed. The mercury levels are too high to be safe, and mercury is a poison.

Check out your sources before sending everyone these kind of emails. Not everything we read is the truth.

Balance is what is needed. Balance in our habits, sleeping patterns and nutrition, as well as resting. All my life, I've heard crackpot stories like this, and they are simply not true.

More later.

From: L


Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 5:24:23 PM

Subject: Fascinating!::::::All flu including the swine flu virus are not contagious

----- Original Message -----
From: Lc
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 12:24 PM
Subject: Flu is Not Contagious
That's right. All flu including the swine flu virus are not contagious. That\'s because viruses are not living organisms like bacteria are. Colds however are contagious because they involve bacteria. As toxins enter the body they are absorbed by tissue and become waste products. When one has as cold, microorganisms break down damaged tissue and disposes of them through the nose and mouth, coughing and sneezing being the common signs. Having colds is a natural way for the body to clean itself. The flora in our bodies works to keep the toxicity level down. However, when the body is overloaded with toxins and the friendly bacteria is unable to break it down, the body must then create a solvent to dissolve the stored waste. This solvent is in fact the virus itself. Instead of letting the toxins build up to the point of death, the body creates a virus in order to clean itself from the harmful material. There are over 2,000 different kinds of viruses the body can make because there are over 2,000 different types of tissue in the body which can store toxins. Toxins enter the body primarily through the nose, mouth, and injection.

The seasonal flu is not contagious just like bears going into hibernation. As food becomes scarce, bears will find a place to hibernate until food becomes available again in the spring. Bears going into hibernation is not contagious but rather a result of temperature reduction. Sunshine is like food for plants, animals, and humans as well. As the temperature goes down in the fall, many trees loose their fruit and leaves. They become dormant and go into a hibernation like state due to the lack of ultraviolet light. As temperature increases so does the level of ultraviolet light. This is why trees will bear leaves and fruit in the spring. Vitamin D is an important nutrient that comes form the sun. Vitamin D is needed for normal bone and tooth structure in humans. In other words, sunshine is responsible for growth. The most important source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Eating foods rich in Vitamin D is simply not enough in getting adequate amounts of Vitamin D in one\'s body. Sunlight must be absorbed. When one lacks Vitamin D, one will have a decrease in productivity. The body\'s productivity includes bone, muscle, blood, organs, and the cleaning system. This cleaning system is made up of bacteria and cells. So this is why many people produce the flu in the winter season, because their productivity is reduced due to their deficiency in Vitamin D caused by the decrease in absorption of ultraviolet rays. Different bodies will produce the flu at different times, every 4 month, once a year, every 2 years, 5 years, 11 years, etc., depending on the individual\'s toxicity and productivity. This cycle changes when the level of toxicity and/or productivity change. Now when the body is able to break down the stored poisons using the friendly bacteria, it will produce a common cold. Obviously, more people commonly produce colds in the winter rather than the summer. Examples of food sources that contain friendly bacteria include raw milk, yogurt, and sauerkraut. Influenza in Latin means influence because people believed !


s were caused by the influence of stars. Well, the sun is a star. Influenza stays true to its name. The increase of seasonal flus in the winter is a direct result of the climate itself.

The belief in infections is a fallacy. There is no germ or parasite that can cause disease. However, certain toxins that enter the body can trigger the cleaning system to be activated. Humans, animals, and plants are all types of living organisms. Bacteria is a living microorganism due to its size. There are 2 types of bacteria, friendly and harmful. When friendly bacteria enters the body it is treated as a nutrient. When harmful bacteria enters the body it is treated as a poison. Poisons jeopardize productivity and must be cleansed. If one were to drink urinated toilet water that has been sitting there for a month, their cleaning system would immediately go to work. The bacteria in the water has transformed into toxins from being stagnant for days. One\'s body would need time to fully dispose of those toxins taking days or even weeks. There is no germ in that water that caused the cleaning system to react but rather the toxins itself. Germs do not exist. When people drink raw milk (mother\'s or cow\'s) their body accepts the friendly bacteria as a kind of nutrient and productivity increases. When people cut themselves with rusted metal, their body may react with swelling and blistering. This is not an infection, but rather the body\'s response to the bits of metal embedded in the skin because they are poison to the body. The same applies to food. If one were to eat certain poisonous mushrooms their body would go into an intense detoxification taking years to recover. When people eat non-poisonous mushrooms, the organisms are digested and absorbed as a protein. Toxins can also be inhaled. As animal flesh decomposes, it produces a foul odour. This particular odour is toxic to the human body. This is why some people working with animal skins will breath in enough harmful bacteria to the point where their bodies will need to clean itself of the stored toxins. The most common detoxification the body creates for this type of cleanse is anthrax. Many people have the view that parasites are harmful, but in fact!

  parasites are usually unknown friends. Parasites do not thrive in healthy intestines which is why most people never know they have them. Only when the intestines have become weakened form over-toxicity, malnutrition, and/or excessive over-eating can parasites become overpopulated. In general, parasites eat bits of the food ingested and work in harmony with the body. When certain animals die, parasites help the body decompose. Vultures who feed on dead animals may ingest some parasites along with the meat and the circle of life continues. Parasites can\'t cause disease, only the condition of one\'s body can.

Viruses have no locomotive ability. They can not travel from one place to another. When people catch a cold they inhale actively cleansing bacteria that has migrated form the cough or sneeze of another. If the body happens to have enough toxins stored at the time, then the microorganisms inhaled will activate their friendly bacteria in the intestinal fora and a cleanse would take place. Its either now or later. If one manages to dodge the ACB (actively cleansing bacteria) at the point of opportunity, then toxins would continue to build up in the body and a more intense detoxification will later take place and may even advance into a viral detox. You can run from airborne bacteria but you cant hide form the toxins that enter your body. Detoxifications are inevitable. If one were given the option of having to produce either a cold detox or a viral detox, one would choose cold because it\'s less painful. Colds are gifts. We help each other stay clean. When people inhale ACB at times when their bodies don\'t have enough stored toxins to activate the cleaning system, nothing happens except for adding a few more microorganisms to the system which is unnoticeable. Now, if one were to be next to a pig while it was going through a viral detoxification, one could breath in some of the ACB and a cold cleanse would take place if enough toxins were being stored. If the bacteria was unable to break down the toxic waste wherever it my be stored, then the body would create a virus in order to dissolve the damaged tissue. However, there is no chance that you would produce the same virus that the pig produced. That\'s because you are not pig, that DNA does not exist inside of you. Even if one were to eat the rash where the virus was discharging out of the body or the entire pig itself, you would not get the virus. After animal products are consumed, the animal\'s tissue is completely dissolved and converted into human tissue. Flu viruses can not be caught, just like the AIDS virus. If you stand next to an AIDS victim while they sneeze, you can not get AIDS. If you kiss an AIDS victim and swallow some of the saliva, you can not get AIDS. However, if you withdrawal blood form an AIDS victim and inject it into yourself, you can get AIDS. The same applies to swine flu. After getting injected with a swine flu vaccine, which by the way contains pig DNA, the chances of you getting the swine flu virus has just now gone form 0% to 100%. You are now part pig and bird (most vaccines are gown in egg embryos) as well. Injecting people with foreign tissue is an unnatural activity. Have you ever heard that people need to know their blood type just in case they need to have blood transplants after having an accident? Well, pig DNA doesn\'t even fall into one of those blood type categories and is bound to cause complication. After injection the body will become alarmed with foreign DNA which is why some people will immediately go into anaphylactic shock and even die. Most people however will have a more mild reactio!

 n such as nausea, diarrhea, headache, or all the signs of a flu. The body is unable to discharge the newly implanted animal cells and will function abnormally. The cleaning system will not function properly when producing viruses in the future because cells are part of the cleaning system. The cleaning systems of birds and pigs react a certain way to stored toxins in which is exclusive to their own species. As time goes on, the animal cells form the vaccine injection will distribute throughout the body. When it comes time to making a virus to dissolve the stored waste products, the body will use the avian cells and swine cells in addition to the human cells. The combined efforts of the bird\'s way for dissolving waste along with the pig\'s way for dissolving waste will work in one big predicament with the human's way to dissolve waste as a mutation. The body keeps trying to eliminate the harmful toxins with various symptoms but is unsuccessful due to having been genetically altered.

Back in the day vaccines were made by taking pus form a sore where the dissolved toxins (virus) was being discharged and contaminating an animal with it. In the case of the typhoid fever vaccine, human pus was taken from those going through the typhoid fever detoxification and applied it to freshly made open wounds in piglets. Then the virus activated the pig\'s cleaning system and began the process of elimination stored toxins. After the bodies began to discharge the waste, pus, which contains pig DNA, was harvested and put into chicken eggs for incubation. This vaccine, which is similar to how the vaccines are made today, was mandatory to all US soldiers going into WW1 in 1917. All medical and non-medical authorities agree that vaccines are designed to clause a mild case of the virus itself. Immediately after taking the vaccine a portion of the military developed what the doctors labeled as paratyphoid. It was basically typhoid fever that was not full blown. Now, if those soldiers would have been given a vaccine made solely form human tissue, they would have gotten typhoid fever. However, since they were given a vaccine made by mutating the human typhoid virus in pigs, and then re-mutating it again in bird eggs, they were given a genetically different virus. This human-swine-avian DNA mutation would cause the bodies of those soldiers to malfunction in the future. During WW1 soldiers were exposed to heavy gases on a regular bases. The poisons from those gases accumulated in the lungs and would eventually need to be cleansed. In most cases, the body would detoxify by creating the pneumonia cleanse. However, because the cleaning system was using the chicken\'s way for dissolving toxins along with the pig\'s way for dissolving toxins, it malfunctioned and was unsuccessful in doing so. The body would send blood to the lungs in attempt to dissolve the accumulated toxins, which is known as inflammation, but was futile in doing so due to the operation being confused with foreign animal DNA. The body would try repetitively by pumping additional blood into the lungs which would eventually lead to hemorrhage, choking on one's own blood, suffocation, and then death which is today known as a cytokine storm. The cytokine storm is precisely what caused the 1918 flu pandemic. Not the seasonal flu, not the swine flu, but the body's new way for dealing with an overload of toxic waste caused by the alien tissue injected form the typhoid fever vaccine. If we take a look at all the gas being released in the sky from the chem-trails all across the United States, some of us may see a connection.

In 2009 shortly after vaccination campaigns took place in Mexico, a few cases of swine flu were reported. The White House then projected to the public that 50% of the US population would be infected with the swine flu virus and predicted the death rate would be 10%-20%. Infections is a fallacy and the death rate from the swine flu for 2009 was actually lower than the 2 previous seasonal flus combined. The death rate of people dying during the season flu detoxification is less than 0.1% every year. Micheal Leavitt, who led the development of the US pandemic flu plan, commented on the government\'s projection, \"what happened was not an overreaction. It was a prudent response,\" he then goes on to say, \"If imminent information about terrorism is known to authorities, they need to react. A pandemic is sort of nature\'s terrorist.\" Well lets take a look at a few ways nature could be a terror to humanity. All the birds in the world could get together and fly over populated areas dropping excrement at once. The fecal matter would then, in combination with global warming, fill the air with putrid methane gas and the masses would suffocate to death. That\'s one possibility. Another possibility is all the pigs could develop a mad pig\'s disease by being fed their own species. They would then break out of their pins and devour every human in sight like zombies. That is possible. However, there is absolutely no chance that animals will terrorize humans by giving us a flu. That\'s because flus aren\'t contagious. The only way a flu can become a pandemic to humanity is if people are injected with foreign tissue and their bodies are overloaded with toxins. Toxins exist in the air we breath, the water we drink, the food and medications we eat, and the injections we take.

Just exactly how did vaccines get started? Vaccinations developed in China as early as 200 BC and may even have originated in India 1000 AD. Smallpox was a common detoxification throughout the world and about 50% of the population would produce it. 20%-30% of those who created the virus in their body would die during the cleanse. The first method used to avoid smallpox was to take smallpox scabs, make a powder out of it, and then inhale some of it. Later on smallpox scabs were taken and inserted under the skin by making a small cut which is known as violation. These methods were used up until the17th century. Because people were being injected with the smallpox virus, many became seriously ill or died from variola. New methods were being explored. Eventually someone tried taking cowpox scabs from the breast of cattle and placing it under the skin in children which was called engrafting at the time. This method became popular because the death rate was 1/10 that of variolatio!

 n. Engrafting was introduced into England in the 1710\'s. Many people believe that engrafting prevented them form getting smallpox but in actuality only changed their body\'s productivity. Because their bodies were being introduced with a similar virus, the cow\'s version of smallpox, their cleaning system, which is made up of bacteria and cells, was unable to produce the normal virus. Having a foreign virus introduced into you can\'t change the fact that toxins are still entering your body and will eventually need to be cleansed. Now that people\'s genetic code had been altered, their bodies could not make smallpox and had to create a new virus such as measles, mumps, or chickenpox. The common belief is that smallpox was eradicated through vaccination which is probably untrue. The likely reason that there has been no more cases of smallpox since 1977 is because sanitation and manufacturing has improved tremendously. Either that or all of our ancestors have been vaccinated with cowpox. The Black Death was primarily caused by poor sanitation which wiped out half of Europe\'s population. This led the survivors to improve sanitation from then on. Stainless steel was not used by most people in the world and has become commonly available only in recent times. This means significant amounts of free radicals were entering the body from food and water contaminated by iron pots, lead cups, etc. A recent example of food contamination came during WW2. Canned foods came out and became popular amongst US citizens. Since the nervous system uses metallic minerals for transmission, tin was implanting itself into the spinal cord. This is what led many people to produce the polio cleanse. People who weren't eating canned foods didn\'t produce polio such as the Amish. Improved manufacturing and sanitation has significantly reduced the amount of heavy cleanses people produce, such as pertussis, in the last 50 years.

Lets take a look at what viruses are exactly. If you look inside an encyclopedia, you will read that viruses may have evolved from plasmids while others may have evolved from bacteria. This means viruses are created within the body either by bacteria or by cells. There are 10 times more bacteria in human flora then there are in the body which means viruses are most likely made by the cells. There are no prehistoric records of viruses because a virus is a solvent just like water. You can\'t find water in a fossil just like a virus. Water dissolves rock. Viruses are too small to be seen with a light microscope and are 100 times smaller than the average bacterium. Biology says, \"A virus exists in 2 states. When not in contact with host cells, it is dormant. There are no internal biological activities occurring - the virus is a static organic particle. This is referred to as a viron.\" This viron is precisely the solvent that the body creates. It then goes on to say,  "When the viron comes into contact with a host, it becomes active and is then referred to as a virus.\" In other words, when the solvent comes into contact with the damaged tissue, it dissolves the toxins and beings the process of elimination. Viruses come in thousands of different shapes and sizes because there are thousands of different tissues in the body that can be cleansed. The only way to get the same virus someone or some animal is producing in by injection. Nobody in the world is genetically identical, even twins. All viruses contain genetic information from either the DNA or RNA that is in the tissue being dissolved. So if i were to breath in some friendly bacteria form someone going through a viral detoxification and that bacteria produced a solvent and started a viral detoxification in my own body, i would have a completely different virus even if the same tissue was being cleansed. That\'s because my DNA or RNA that is being disposed is genetically different from the other person. Now if i got injected with some of the tissue form that person, then i would get his virus. This could be tested. If you take 1000 people who going through the seasonal flu and put them in a room with 1000 people who are not going through any cleanse, nobody would get the flu from another person. Blood tests would prove that. Now if you took 1000 birds and 1000 pigs going through their own flu and put them in a room with 1000 non-detoxing people, nobody would get an avian flu or a swine flu. Unless of course some of those people have been given a bird flu or a swine flu vaccine, then they would be part bird and/or part pig and would produce a mutated virus. Colds discharge toxins through the mouth and nose while viruses discharge toxins through the pores of the skin, by rash, sores, blisters, or in the case of influenza, by sweat.

So what does a vaccine do exactly? The common perception is that a vaccine is a purified viral antigen that will sterilely stimulate their immune system and prevent them form getting the virus. An antigen in the virus itself capable of stimulating an immune response. An immune response is the body\'s reaction to the antigen in the formation of antibodies. An antibody is what the body produces after being stimulated by an antigen and acting specifically against the antigen. An immune system protects the body form foreign cells and tissues. Well guess what? The only way to get foreign cells and tissues into one\'s body is by injecting it into them. Allow me to paint out a very clear picture for you. The virus, which can only be obtained through injection, has just been given to you. Now, for the first time in humanity, your body must create whats called an \"immune system\" in order to protect itself from the new gift of alien genes, which could never happen in nature. Your body will be unable to dispose of those foreign tissues because they were injected instead of being ingested. The foreign tissues from a completely different species, which could never be caught, will now sabotage your body's productivity by mutation your genetic code. Your body will resist the alien tissue by going anti and making a small body to fight against the foreign DNA known as the antibody. The actual flu that came with that animal tissue, which is a viral detoxification close to being finished, will pass through your body very quickly by having some type of reaction such as swelling at the point of injection, body aches, fatigue, or all the signs of a flu. You are never exempt from the toxins that enter your body. The resistance your body creates in response to the foreign tissue, powered by your antibody, is known as immunity. Because your genes have transformed into a mutated species, various parts of your body will malfunction in the future depending on how many toxins enter your body. The fastest way for your body to become poisoned is through vaccination which contains things like mercury and aluminum which tends to accumulate in your brain. Your cleaning system may mistake harmless material as a threat, such as pollen, and instantly start a cleansing fury known as allergies. Your body may produce a rash, itching eyes, running nose to try and eliminate the harmless material when the real threat is the non-disposable foreign tissues and poisons. Other parts of your body may be confused such as your pancreas overproducing insulin which will lead you to have diabetes. Your body may completely stop eliminating toxins from your cleaning system being unable to make the appropriate virus to dissolve damaged tissue resulting in dead cells building up to the point of of a tumor known as cancer. Your body will forever be altered and your mutated genes will be passed on to your children. They may be born with a malfunctioning brain and have autism. Disease by definition is an abnormal bodily condition that impairs function. The only disease known to humanity can come only form an injection. Any cold or virus that is produced in someone who hasn't been injected is a normal condition of the body. All diseases are caused by injection. A symptom is something that indicates the presents of disease or abnormality. Only people who have been injected can have symptoms. A cold or a virus is a sign that the body is naturally cleansing itself from harmful material. A pandemic is a wide-spread outbreak of disease which could only be caused by wide-spread injection.

The evidence is undeniable. People can never catch a flu virus from another person or animal and it could never be proven in a laboratory that flus are contagious. Viruses are not organisms and can not travel. Vaccines do not prevent disease but rather creates it. People in 3rd world countries who have never been injected don't have disease. The information i present to you is radical simply because the majority of the people in the world don't know about it. The reason the majority are unaware of these facts is because the people misinforming us are doing so because they are deceiving us or they themselves are ignorant of the truth. Misunderstanding reality leads people to be confused about life and have unnecessary conflicts. The truth must be heard simply because "No country and no people can be free and ignorant at the same time" - Tomas Jefferson. That means most of us are currently slaves. Now reflecting on all this new information presented, some of us my ask ourselves: Why has 39 out of 50 states passed whats called a "state emergency and health powers act\" which will force all citizens to be vaccinated in the case of a pandemic? And why is it that the WHO is having all 196 countries in the world sign an agreement to force all their citizens to be vaccinated as well? Well, like Henry Kissinger said is his 1974 report, \"the greatest way to get rid of overpopulation is to inject people with contaminated medications."

Written by LC on 18 January 2010