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Ukraine Fatalities Spike to 727 – One Day Total 29

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December 31, 2009

3,753,896 Influenza/ARI

212,349 Hospitalized

727 Dead

The above totals are from the Ukraine Ministry of Health website, indicating the spike in deaths is increasing. The 727 dead are 29 higher than yesterday’s report and brings the total deaths in the past 96 hours to 94. The rate of one death per hour for the past four days is similar to the rate at the beginning of the outbreak in October.

The five deaths in Donetsk again were the highest, but four deaths in Crimea was associated with the curtailing of holiday activities in an attempt to control the spread (see map). The increases in deaths in Ukraine has attracted international attention because sequences from initial cases had receptor binding domain changes at position 225 (D225G and D225N). These results have led to further analysis by other countries, and sequences released from lung samples for patients in three regions of Russia also had D225G, raising concerns that the change was becoming more widespread, which could lead to a catastrophic wave in the upcoming weeks.

The recent sequences from Russia are distinct from each other signaling continued expansion of D225G/N via recombination, which is also happening with the Tamiflu resistance marker H274Y. Patients with both markers have increased concerns that a much more virulent H1N1 could also be resistant to Tamiflu and Peramivir.

These evolving developments continue to increase concerns, WHO proclamations notwithstanding.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:42 AM
Subject: Cause for concern: UPDATE WITH TODAY'S STATS ------ Ukraine H1N1 Cases Explode
[Important to note that a likely reason the WHO doesn't want to acknowledge recombination is that the audit trail will lead to a genetically-engineered LAB VIRUS that was designed to behave in such recombinant ways, thus the FRANKENVIRUS term Dr. Deagle coined back in April. The stubborn adherence to a false "random mutation" theory shows their steadfast continuing to attempt to achieve plausible deniability. It isn't working. -ed]
Fatal D225G / D225N H1N1 Co-Infections Raise Concerns

Recombinomics Commentary 15:28

December 30, 2009

Current data suggests that the cases involving variant viruses in different parts of the world are unrelated and the underlying mutation events probably occurred independently from each other in the infected individuals as a consequence of the natural variability of influenza viruses and their inability to correct random coding errors.
The above comment from the ECDC report on D225G and D225N is false. The current data suggests just the opposite and indicates these changes are transmitting and jumping from one genetic background via recombination. The frequency of D225G/N in public HA sequences (about 3000) is near 1% yet in Ukraine. D225G/N is in six of six isolates from fatal cases, which has a chance of a trillion to one if events are independent and random. Moreover, the association of H225G/N with fatal or severe cases extends well beyond Ukraine.
In Sao Paulo there are four examples and all four are also from fatal cases. The published sequences have two with D225G and two with D225N. However, recent sequences with D225G and D225N in the same sample in Sweden, Mexico, and the United States have raised the possibility that the mixture is common, but selection in the sample collected or isolation of the virus leads to detection of one or the other.
For the US (Utah) case the CDC published two sequences. One, A/Utah/42/2009, was taken directly from the clinical sample and it contained mixed signals at position 1 and 2 of the codon for position 225. The other sequence was a clone from the sample which had the D225G codon at position 225, indicating the mixed signals were due to two sequences in equal proportions which had D225G and D225N. All five sequences from patients, as well as a sequence from swine in Mexico, have these tandem mixed signals, indicating the hosts are co-infected with sequences containing D225G and D225N.
In Mexico, two patients in San Luis Potosi have the mixed signals in isolates which were collected within a day of each other. The WHO working hypothesis would require that both patients were independently infected by wild type H1N1 and the H1N1 in both patients would make the same two errors in adjacent positions to generate the fatal combination of D225G and D225N. The likelihood of this happening independently in two patients in the same location at the same time is beyond remote.
This combination is also seen in Ukraine samples. Four sequences generated by Mill Hill have D225G, while two sequences generated by the CDC have D225N raising the possibility that all six fatal cases have both D225G and D225N, which would make the WHO/ECDC working hypothesis even less tenable because it would require two changes at position 225 to happen in the same patient and have those two changes as the only non-synonymous changes in these patients relative to sequences isolated from survivors.
The reliance of the WHO and ECDC on such an unlikely explanation of the data raises serious questions about data analysis by consultants so wedded to such an outdated view invoking random mutations, which is not supported by the data.
This reliance is extremely hazardous to the world’s health.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 11:16 AM
Subject: UPDATE WITH TODAY'S STATS ------ Ukraine H1N1 Cases Explode
Ukraine Fatalities Spike to 675 – Two Day Total 42

Recombinomics Commentary 20:08

December 29, 2009

3,669,751 Influenza / ARI

207,013 Hospitalized

675 Dead

The above figures are from the Ukraine Ministry of Health and represent a spike of 42 fatalities in the past 48 hours. Oblast reporting 5 or more fatalities in the past 2 days includes Donetsk (7 to 80), Kharkiv (6 to 29), Dnipropetrovsk (5 to 32), Cherkasy (5 to 25) and Crimea (5 to 13). The increases to 20 fatalities per day are close to the levels when the outbreak was first reported in late October (see map).
Samples collected from the fatal cases had two receptor binding domain changes, D225G and D225N, which have also been associated with fatality rates of 100% in Brazil, Mexico, and France. However, the results from the first 6 cases in Ukraine represents the largest number from any country and additional examples are expected since the six cases were from at least two Oblast and were in individuals who were not contacts of each other.
A preliminary report by WHO and ECDC has suggested that the presence of D225G and D225N in the fatal cases is due to random copy errors, even though the cases in Ukraine involve two different changes, which represent the only non-synonymous HA differences between the fatal and recovered cases, and recently patients with both changes have been identified in the United States (Utah), Sweden (Stockholm), and Mexico (San Luis Potosi). The samples from the two cases in San Luis Potosi were collected within a day of each other. The same clustering in time and space was seen Ukraine, but on a different H1N1 genetic background.
The recent surge in fatal cases should allow for additional sample collection over a two moth time frame to allow for more extensive analysis, which will highlight the failure of random mutations to explain the dangerous polymorphisms, D225G and D225N, on multiple genetic backgrounds.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2009 9:13 AM
Subject: UPDATE WITH TODAY'S STATS ------ Ukraine H1N1 Cases Explode
3,482,456 Influenza/ARI

193,518 Hospitalized

615 Dead

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 25, 2009 9:35 AM
Subject: UPDATE WITH TODAY'S STATS ------ Ukraine H1N1 Cases Explode
3,414,040 Influenza/ARI

189.400 Hospitalized

597 Dead

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 1:49 PM
Subject: UPDATE WITH TODAY'S STATS ------ Ukraine H1N1 Cases Explode
3,335,355 total infections (93,628 today)

185,401 total hospitalizations (3804 today)

577 total dead (10 today)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 8:59 AM
Subject: UPDATE WITH TODAY'S STATS ------ Ukraine H1N1 Cases Explode
Stats were unavailable for several days as the Ukraine apparently had a blizzard and powergrid was down.
December 19, 2009
3,026,007 Influenza/ARI

171,076 Hospitalized

539 Deaths

December 20, 2009

3.044.929 Influenza/ARI

173,433 Hospitalized

545 Deaths

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 5:57 PM
Subject: UPDATE WITH TODAY'S STATS ------ Ukraine H1N1 Cases Explode
2,896,890 Influenza/ARI

164,242 Hospitalized

518 Deaths

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 6:08 PM
Subject: UPDATE WITH TODAY'S STATS ------ Ukraine H1N1 Cases Explode

2,802,679 Influenza/ARI

160,491 Hospitalized

513 Dead

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:43 AM
Subject: Ukraine H1N1 Cases Explode
Ukraine H1N1 Cases Explode - 507 DeadRecombinomics Commentary 21:25

December 15, 2009

2,690,563 Influenza/ARI

156,272 Hospitalized

507 Dead

The above numbers are from today's Ministry of Health update on the H1N1 situation in Ukraine. Deaths have passed to 500 mark, but the above numbers show a major jump in cases, which are 143,961 higher than yesterday (see map).  Donetsk increased 16,352 to 225,476 and Dnipropetrovsk increased 15,236 to 297,971.  The latest figures extend a reversal of the downturn and clear represent a new wave in Ukraine.  This new wave suggests similar results will be seen in the region, setting the stage for a major peak throughout the northern hemisphere in early 2010.

In addition, media reports said that over 200 fatalities have been H1N1 lab confirmed, setting the stage for a robust sequence database.  Mill Hill released data on 10 isolates at GISAID, which included nine from hard hit western Ukraine in October.  Five of the nine were from nasopharyngeal washes and were similar to isolates from Norway.  However, all four of the HA sequences from fatal cases had D225G.  Similarly, the CDC released data on five cases.  Three matched the Mill Hill data on nasopharyngeal washes, while two were new and were likely fatal cases. Both had D225N, raising concerns that the receptor binding domain changes played a role in the fatal result.  Both of these polymorphisms are rare in pandemic HA sequences at GISAID and Genbank.  Results for other countries highlighted the linkage between RBD changes and fatal or severe outcomes.  However, since changes ar position 225 can alter receptor binding specificity, it would be useful to have multiple samples from these fatal cases.

The more than 200 confirmed fatal cases should lead to a rapid increase in the sequence database from Ukraine.