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AVIAN (BIRD) FLU (also see California or Santa Clara Flu)

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----- Original Message -----
From: KH
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:57 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Regarding the article "Ukraine Flu Outbreak: Virus Is a Mixture of H1N1 and Parainfluenza, Causes Cardiopulmonary Failure"


 Here is what causes the pulmonary (lung) damage and simple chemistry that stops it!






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Treatment of the Bird Flu with massive doses of ascorbate would be the same as any other flu except that the severity of the disease indicates that it may take unusually massive doses of ascorbic acid orally or even intravenous sodium ascorbate.  (Why the dose needed is somewhat proportional to the severity of the disease being treated is discussed in my paper published in 1981, Titrating to Bowel Tolerance, Anascorbemia, and Acute Induced Scurvy.)  I have not seen any flu yet that was not cured or markedly ameliorated by massive doses of vitamin C but it is possible that the bird flu may require even higher doses such as 150 to 300 grams a day.  Additionally, this flu could be primarily respiratory.  This means that hospitalization might be necessary.  If massive doses of ascorbate are not used, they may not be adequate.  Most hospitals will not allow adequate doses of ascorbate to be given.  (This is a legal problem because adequate doses of ascorbate are not practice of the community.)  Therefore, it may be up to the individual patient to have materials available for their own use.  These doses are easily tolerated by most but are much higher than doses thought high by 99.9% of the population.  Therefore, be very careful to read and understand this site.  If you want to use this ascorbate treatment in case you come down with this flu, please read all this now and be prepared.  I have seen runs on the market before with flues and you might not be able to buy ascorbic acid or have some physician give you sodium ascorbate intravenously when you need it.  Also, if you are not experienced with taking massive doses of ascorbic acid, practice before you have to.  Ascorbic acid is usually well tolerated by young people but it may be that if you have the slightest thing the matter with your stomach, esophagus or intestines, you better work with this before a crisis occurs and you have problems that you find too late.  Some people will have minimal gastritis that is no symptomatic and not even know it.  So practice and get help if you need it before a crisis.

The probable reason that birds carry this virus but it does not kill all of them is because birds make their own ascorbate.  It does kill some of the birds because this H5N1 strain is very toxic and exceeds the ability of the birds to make ascorbate in some cases.  Humans do not make ascorbate.  However, in our chemical plants we can make more ascorbate than a bird.  We just have to have the brains to know how to use it properly and adequately.  The so-called experts in this disease are either unbelievably stupid or have their heads up the rear of the drug industry when they do not use massive doses of ascorbate to treat these dying patients.  They will not even test the serum levels of ascorbate because when it is found to be zero only an imbecile would not know to use massive levels of ascorbate.  The drug industry would not like that so they will not test the blood levels of ascorbate.  Screw the patients. Viva la profits of the drug industry.

Because of the "cytokine cascade" which is described as massive in cases of bird flu, the initial doses of ascorbic acid should also be massive.  I would suggest like 12 grams every 15 minutes until diarrhea is produced.  Then, however, doses should be reduced but not much.  Listen to your body.  If there are many symptoms, keep taking doses that cause a little diarrhea.  You do not want constant runs because it is the amount you absorb that is important, not the amount you put in your mouth.  Since all flues have some cytokine cascade and since I have not hospitalized a single patient with a flu, it is hard to believe that massive doses of ascorbate would not be extremely helpful in suppressing the cytokine cascade in a bird flu pandemic.  However, the disease will have to be hit hard and fast to prevent serious respiratory difficulties because the first target is the lungs and respiratory difficulties may have to be treated with a respirator which will not be available in adequate numbers in case of a pandemic.

Last updated November 22, 2006

  • Avian Influenza Difficult to Diagnose in Humans

    • Note that "autopsy revealed alveolar hemorrhage. Interval between onset and death was between 10 and 15 days."  It takes that long for the induced hypovitaminosis C to reach the degree of scurvy and then a few days for the hemorrhage to start.  All of this, of course, can be prevented with massive doses of sodium ascorbate intravenously and perhaps, if you are a good ascorbic acid taker, by bowel tolerance doses of ascorbic acid.


  • U.S. to Pledge 334 Million Dollars at Bird Flu Meeting

    • The more money that is thrown at conventional research, the less likely the vitamin C secret is to be discovered by the public in general and the more profits to the drug industry.

  • CDC: Flu Virus Resistant to Two Drugs

    • Isn't that too bad.  It does not worry me because I have not seen a flu yet that was resistant to massive doses of ascorbic acid.  This is because the ascorbate works by neutralizing free radicals.  Free radicals cause the symptoms of the flu.  Free radicals lack an electron.  When you flood the body with large amounts of extra electrons from the massive amounts of ascorbate, the electrons neutralize the free radicals.  This is the big secret that the drug industry does not want you to find out about because it cures or ameliorates so many diseases, it would be a financial disaster for the drug industry.  To hell with the patients; viva la profits of the drug industry.
  • WHO Seeks Blood Tests to Combat Bird Flu

    • So why do they not test the serum levels of vitamin C.  The reason is obvious.  They would find the levels zero and then only a fool would not know to use massive doses of ascorbate in the treatment of the bird flu.  Then some honest physicians would start using ascorbate in all acute viral infections and that would be a financial disaster for the drug industry.  The vitamin C secret would be out.

  • Turkish deaths put Europe on bird flu alert

    • But they are not on alert enough to test these patients for blood levels of vitamin C and then treat their acute induced scurvy with massive doses of ascorbate.  It is far more important to protect the profits of the drug industry.

  • Third Turkish child dead from bird flu, more ill

    • They still will not test the blood levels of ascorbate in these ill patients because it would reveal the vitamin C secret and be a disaster for the profits of the drug industry.  From my experience with 30,000 patient being given massive doses of ascorbic acid orally, it would seem obvious that these doses prevent a large percentage of flues in the first place.  it would seem that if the H5N1 strain is transferred to humans only with difficulty, that if people took vitamin C, it would be even more difficult.  Therefore, if the mutation we all fear where the H5N1 virus becomes contagious from human to human is more probable with more bird to human cases then if vitamin C prevented half the cases, the probability of the mutation would be about half as likely.  But let us not think like that.  To hell with the patients!  Viva la profits of the drug industry!


  • WHO seeks to allay panic over flu deaths in Turkey


  • 2 avian flu patients developed resistance to Tamiflu

    • So if Tamiflu doesn't work, why not try massive doses of sodium ascorbate intravenously.  Why not test the serum levels of vitamin C.  I'll tell you why not.  It would undoubtedly show zero vitamin C levels in the sick patients and then only a fool would not use intravenous sodium ascorbate.  But, no , let's throw millions of dollars at the drug industry.  We cannot allow the fact that massive doses of ascorbate ameliorate or cure infectious diseases.  This would be a financial disaster for the drug industry.  Viva la profits of the drug industry.  Let the patients die horrible deaths.  Their lives are not as important as the profits of the drug industry.


  • Bird Flu Victims Die After Drug Resistance

    • Let's hope Relinza works because sure as hell they will not use massive doses of ascorbate.  Massive doses of ascorbate must be kept secret no matter how many millions die or how many billions are spent.


By Grattan Woodson, MD, FACP,

 Medical Director,

 The Druid Oaks Health Center, Decatur, GA USA

  • This is the most terrifying but possibly the most realistic worst case scenario of what could happen with the Avian Influenza Pandemic.
  • It, of course, does not consider the use of massive doses of ascorbate.
  • Note that the type 1 influenza, as described in this link, has components of hemorrhagic fevers.  This means a profound acute induced scurvy.  The best chance for these patients would be the immediate administration of massive amounts of sodium ascorbate intravenously.  It should be treated like EBOLA see  If the experts do not believe that there is acute induced scurvy, I defy them to measure serum ascorbate levels.

  • Avian Flu: A State of Unreadiness (6/29/05)


  • A nightmare scenario (6/20/05)
    • A quarter of the world's population, 100 to 360 million people are predicted that they might die.  Is the vitamin C secret worth that much even to the drug industry?  When the owners, presidents, and loved ones of these drug industry related businesses start dying of the avian flu, will they wonder if killing the millions they have already killed to keep the vitamin C secret was worth it?
  • Vietnam faces dilemma over culling poultry as bird flu persists
    • It is well known that many diseases are species specific or that they may pass to different species with varying severities.  However, an almost obvious factor is whether the species produces ascorbate.  Man, higher monkeys, Guinea pig, and the African fruit eating bat do not make ascorbate.  Other species make ascorbate in their liver or kidneys.  This makes them far more resistant to diseases than humans.  It should be obvious that some diseases usually fatal to humans might exist in birds without being fatal in many cases.  Apparently the water fowl have not figured out how to stop making ascorbate so they can die so as not be culled out by humans.  Humans, on the other hand, can make far more ascorbate in their chemical plants but are kept ignorant of how to use this ascorbate to save lives from these diseases  so as to profit the drug industry.
  • Bird flu epidemic could kill as many as 750,000 in Britain: estimate
  • U.S. Tests Confirm Encephalitis in Bangladesh

    • I want to make sure I have this straight.  We are supposed to be relieved that this disease that has killed 23 is not the disease that has now killed 8.  Actually, it makes little difference because both can be undoubtedly cured with massive doses of ascorbate.  From very superficial evidence however, it would appear the this encephalitis might be a 200 or more gram disease whereas the bird flu is probably a 100 to 200 gram disease.

  • New virus kills 14 in Bangladesh: WHO

  • U.N. to Give Aid to Impoverished Bird Flu Nations

    • You can be sure that the U.N. will not tell them how to use massive doses of ascorbate even though it is cheap and effective because word of this would get back to countries who can afford expensive ineffective drug treatments.  That would be terrible for the profits of the drug industry.

  • Bird Flu Death Toll Rises to 15; China Concerned

    • They need to be concerned because they will not try the easy cure of this disease which is the use of massive doses of ascorbate.

  • Flu Fears Force Killing of Delaware Birds

  • China urged to act as fears grow of bird flu mutation

    • Ho, Hum!  Another fear story about a disease that is easily cured or ameliorated with massive doses of ascorbate.  However, the real problem is that this is not allowed because it would cut down on the profits of the drug industry.  Lives mean nothing compared to the importance of the profits of the drug industry.  See the story about the now 44 year stonewalling of ascorbate.

  • Experts Fear Global Bird Flu Outbreak

    • Here we have another genocidal example of how massive doses of vitamin C will not be used against an acute viral disease.  By eliminating the free radicals generated by any acute viral disease in a timely fashion hardly anyone should die of these diseases.  Is it not interesting that with about half of Americans supplementing with vitamin C, that there is no listing of vitamin C in the annual indexes of major peer censored medical journals.  They will not even investigate massive doses of ascorbate.  If they do investigate ascorbate, they will use some puny dose such as four grams a day so that they can conclude it does little good.  The reason is that if the majority of physicians began to utilize massive doses of ascorbate (like 30 to 200 grams of ascorbic acid orally or 60 to 180 grams of sodium ascorbate intravenously), it would knock the hell out of all these acute viral diseases and be a financial disaster for the drug industry.  One cannot use massive doses of ascorbate on viral diseases without quickly coming to the conclusion of its beneficial effects on allergies, autoimmune diseases, bacterial infections, burns, injuries, etc.  All diseases that generate massive amounts of free radicals can be cured or markedly ameliorate by massive doses of ascorbate.  All this would be a financial disaster for the drug industry.  Never mind the hundred of millions of lives it would save and the trillions of dollars it would save over a period of time.

    • The doses of ascorbate that should be used against the bird flu is probably similar to what should be used on the current flu unnecessarily killing thousands of people.  Unnecessary because if these people were treated in a timely fashion with massive doses of ascorbate, they would not die.

    • The reason that these massive doses of ascorbate work against free radicals is by flooding the affected tissues with massive amounts of electrons (a reducing redox potential).  These electrons in adequate amounts will always neutralize the free radicals generated by the disease.  This fact is a matter of chemistry, not medicine.  We do not have to worry about which flu, which antibodies, which immunization, etc.  All these diseases make you sick by way of free radicals.  No free radicals and your immune system makes short work of the whatever acute viruses.  Chronic viral diseases are helped but are more complicated to treat and are not as easy cures.

    • With an acute viral disease, what is important to determine is what gram a disease it is.  For instance, a 100 gram cold is a cold that allows the patient to take 100 grams of ascorbic acid in many divided doses per 24 hours before diarrhea is produced.  What is happening here is that the free radicals generated by the disease processes are being neutralized by the electrons carried by the massive doses of ascorbate.  As the ascorbate destroys the free radicals, the free radicals destroy the ascorbate.  This is because ascorbate with all its electrons is very stable.  But when it loses its electrons and becomes dehydroascorbate, its half-life is just a few minutes unless the electrons are returned.  Therefore, other things being equal like the health of the bowel, the sicker a person is, the more free radicals, and the more ascorbate is destroyed.  Of the ascorbate, what does not reach the rectum does not cause diarrhea.  The diarrhea is not really a pathologic diarrhea but is caused by a hypertonic situation in the lumen of the rectum that attracts water into the rectum and causes the loose stools.  Intravenous sodium ascorbate does not cause diarrhea because the hypertonic situation, if there is one, is outside the rectum.

    • It turns out that the forcing of a reducing redox potential (eliminating all the oxidizing free radicals) into the tissues involved in the disease is a threshold phenomenon.  It is like arm wrestling where each pushes, pushes, pushes, and then one side or the other wins.  The mathematical formulas describing redox potential involve logarithms.   Logarithms go low, low, low and then rapidly go high. They are useful in mathematics mostly in the transition part where they begin to go up.  Anyway, the "ascorbate effect," that is where the ascorbate suddenly eliminates the free radicals only where a high enough concentration of ascorbate and its electrons force their way into the diseased tissues in a high enough concentration to suddenly neutralize the free radicals.  Lower doses of vitamin C may have a vitamin effect and eliminate some complications or slow down the spread of the disease throughout the body but this dramatic sudden "ascorbate effect" only happens at that high threshold dose. 

    • Often this threshold effect can be accomplished with oral ascorbic acid in a person with a normal GI tract but with patients with tricky bowels or with more serious diseases, like a 300 or more gram disease, intravenous sodium ascorbate has to be used.  Since ascorbate by vein is about 2 1/2 times more powerful than by mouth, very serious infections involving massive amounts of free radicals can be treated.   Ascorbate is extremely well tolerated by humans.  I have personally taken 180 grams of sodium ascorbate intravenously in 8 hours when well and still felt great.

    • I strongly suspect that hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola, or Lass fever are examples of 300 to 500 gram diseases.  The acute induced systemic scurvy induced by these massive amounts of free radicals generated by these types of diseases could still be neutralized by more massive doses of ascorbate intravenously.  The implications of this is of obvious importance with bacteriologic warfare with diseases such as smallpox.

    • Opponents of massive doses of vitamin C will worry about stupid things like metabolic acidosis that never happen.  When someone says something bad about massive doses of vitamin C, ask them how many patients have they treated with massive doses of vitamin C.  Or if they are just mouthing the opinions of others, how many patients have those others treated with massive doses of vitamin C.  You will find that they have no experience.  All physicians who have experience with massive doses of ascorbate are advocates of massive doses of ascorbate.  The opponents are either just stupid or they are part of the genocidal plot to preserve the profits of the drug industry.  This is why you will not find any of this in the peer censored literature.

    • This is not to say that there are not some skills necessary to properly utilize massive doses of ascorbate but most of the questions can be answered by careful study of this site and I stand ready, as I am sure all the other physicians experienced in the use of massive doses of ascorbate, to help physicians who want to learn.  Unfortunately, the usual physician who calls finally at the urging of the family of the dying patient, has a patient in kidney failure, heart failure, strokes, multiple infections, and in the final hours of life.  Please do not let these infections get that far before asking for help.  I do have a number of physicians who have called in time about themselves or members of their family.

Bird flu outbreak started a year ago

  • Note that this and all flues involve free radicals and if you neutralize the free radicals with massive dose of ascorbate the disease will be ameliorated or cured.  We do not have to wait for a drug or immunization.  We have the treatment now but recognizing this cure would be a disaster to the drug industry.  Face facts, the ignoring of the power of massive doses of ascorbate is only to keep the profits of those wanting to keep people sick.

Asian Stocks End Lower on U.S. Losses, Bird Flu Jitters

  • Well, how we are getting down to a serious subject, money.  Will it occur to some wealthy people who are loosing money over the fear of this bird flu that there would be no fear if everyone realized that it could probably be cured and certainly ameliorated with massive doses of ascorbate.  But then they will have to evaluate how much they gain from profits of the drug industry by keeping ascorbate secret.  Face it, lives do no matter.