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Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up the Volume - Part Four

Evelyn Pringle, health freedom writer

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(NaturalNews) This article is part four in a six-part series. Be sure to read part three at

Those in control of the mainstream media have joined together with public health officials to provide the pharmaceutical industry with the best swine flu promotional campaign that money can buy.

In an October 7, 2009, OpEd News article titled, "The Centers for Disease Control: The Best Vaccination PR Firm Taxes Can Buy," the makers of the documentaries, "Vaccine Nation," and "Autism: Made in the USA," Richard Gale and Dr Gary Null wrote:

"If the flu season goes according to schedule, the vaccine industrial complex will be poised to join Wall Street for record year rip-off profits. We will also likely witness huge Pharma executive bonuses and perhaps gold-plated toilets.

"Even if the CDC statisticians' crystal ball used to forecast rampant swine flu infections turns into a complete bust -- which would only be one more added to many other failed flu predictions back to 1976 -- it will nevertheless be a very profitable failure as was the economic collapse for the banking cartel."

"In the US, such profits could never be accomplished without a dynamic, marketing initiative to convince Americans that vaccines will keep them protected and alive," they point out.

"And what better public relations machine for the vaccine complex, and all its supporters in health insurance and professional medical institutions, than our very own Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Health and Human Services?" they wrote.

The CDC is "formulating a $4.8 million multimedia campaign to encourage people to get vaccinated and help alleviate concerns and confusion, including radio and television public service announcements, print ads, and messages delivered via Twitter, RSS feeds and video podcasts on YouTube," according to the August 22, 2009 Washington Post.

Government health officials "are mobilizing to launch a massive swine flu vaccination campaign this fall that is unprecedented in its scope -- and in the potential for complications," the Post reported. "The campaign aims to vaccinate at least half the country's population within months."

The federal government "has spent close to $2 billion to buy up to 195 million doses of vaccine and adjuvant," according to the Post.

"The government is prepared to buy enough to vaccinate every person -- 600 million doses all together -- if the pandemic or demand warrants it," the report said. "That could increase the cost to $5 billion for the vaccine alone."

"It would cost at least $9 billion to administer the vaccine to the entire population, according to the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials," the Post advised.

There is nothing free about the flu vaccination campaigns in the US. Americans will end up footing the bill in one way or another, along with the medical care for persons injured by the vaccine.

"As always with pandemic flus, taxpayers are footing the $1.5 billion check for the 250 million swine flu vaccines that the government has ordered so far and will be distributing free to doctors, pharmacies and schools," ABC News pointed out on October 14, 2009.

"In addition," the report said, "Congress has set aside more than $10 billion this year to research flu viruses, monitor H1N1's progress and educate the public about prevention."

On October 5, 2009, the Associated Press advised that the H1N1 vaccine itself is free because the government bought it with your tax dollars. "But providers can charge a small fee for administering it, usually about $20. Regular flu shots tend to cost up to $35," the AP said.

Doctors are also set to profit greatly from administering the vaccines. The American Medical Association, which publishes Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), has even revised one CPT code and issued another for use in billing for H1N1 vaccines.

The changes "will streamline the reporting and reimbursement procedure for physicians and healthcare providers who are expected to administer nearly 200 million doses of the H1N1 vaccine in the U.S.," the AMA said in a statement.

Media as a PR Firm

"In too many ways, the mainstream media has become little more than a corporate mouthpiece, whoring itself out to the highest bidder / advertiser," warns Mike Adams, in the September 18, 2009, Natural News report titled, "Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media."

The "distorted reporting on the swine flu vaccine has been one of the greatest media frauds ever perpetrated," he says.

"The media has in every way contributed to the widespread ignorance of the American people on the subject of vitamin D and natural immune-boosting defenses that could reduce swine flu fatalities," Adams points out.

"Rather than informing readers," he says, "the MSM has made it a point to keep the people stupid, and in doing so, the media has failed its only mission and betrayed the very audience it claims to serve."

Vested Interest in Spreading Swine Flu Propaganda

The media moguls controlling the MSM world-wide have a vested interest in hyping the swine flu epidemic to boost sales of vaccines and funding for the vaccine research industry.

Rupert Murdoch is a major shareholder, chairman and managing director of News Corporation. News Corp was the world's second largest media conglomerate, behind Walt Disney Company, as of 2008, and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009, according to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia.

In late 2003, Murdoch acquired a 34 percent stake in Hughes Electronics, the operator of Direct TV, the largest American satellite TV system. In 2004, Murdoch announced that he was moving News Corp's headquarters from Australia to the US.

According to the Columbia Journalism Review, News Corp owns Fox Broadcasting Company and 27 Fox Television Stations in major cities all over the country, in addition to many cable channels, including the Fox News channel, and 20th Century Fox film companies and studios. News Corp also owns the New York Post, the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones.

On February 2, 2009, GlaxoSmithKline announced the appointment of James Murdoch, son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, as a non-executive director. Murdoch joined the company on May 20, 2009 and will also be a member of Glaxo's Corporate Responsibility Committee.

Murdoch is Chairman and Chief Executive of News Corporation, Europe and Asia, and "has direct responsibility for the strategic and operational development of News Corporation's television, newspaper and related digital assets in Europe, Asia and the Middle East," Glaxo noted.

Murdoch is in charge of "News International, owner of four British newspapers -- the Times, Sunday Times, Sun and News of the World," according to an article titled, "The Invisible Mogul: Meeting James Murdoch," by Sophie Barker, in the spring 2009 issue of "Intelligent Life Magazine."

"His TV channels reach 200m people across 60-odd countries," Barker reports.

The Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) is the largest research Institute in Australia specialising in child and adolescent health. "Located on the campus of the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, it is affiliated with the University of Melbourne," its website states.

Rupert Murdoch's mother, Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, is the widow of Australian newspaper publisher, Sir Keith Murdoch. She married Keith Murdoch, 23 years her senior, in 1928 and inherited the bulk of his fortune when he died in 1952. She was appointed a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1963.

"It was through seed funding provided by Dame Elisabeth" in 1984, that the MCRI went on "to become the largest and most prestigious child health research centre in Australia," according to the February 7, 2009, Frankston Standard Leader.

Elisabeth is a life-governor of the Royal Women's Hospital and a Patron of the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, according to the Australian Women's Register.

In 2009, MCRI has "over 1100 researchers," the Leader reports. Rupert Murdoch's daughter-in-law, Sarah Murdoch, has been the ambassador for the MCRI and a member of the development board since 2000.

The MCRI has six research themes, including one for "Infection, immunity and environment," with research conducted at the "Centre for Clinical Research Excellence in Child and Adolescent Immunisation."

The CCRE is a joint MCRI, Melbourne University, and Menzies School of Health Research collaboration whose secretariat is located in the Department of General Medicine at the Royal Children's Hospital campus.

"Research focuses on clinical trials of new vaccines in healthy infants, children and adolescents, the epidemiology of vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) and evaluation of the impact of population-delivered vaccine programs, and mathematical modelling of vaccine-preventable diseases," the MCRI website advises.

Under "Collaborations," the site lists: "Promotion of collaborations with Australian and overseas immunisation researchers, policy-makers, service providers and the vaccine industry."

Under a heading titled, "Commercialisation," the website states: "The Murdoch Children's Research Institute invites interested parties to take up the opportunity to invest in its wide portfolio of commercial biotechnologies."

In a July 27, 2009 press release, MCRI announced that children "are being recruited for a pandemic H1N1 swine flu vaccine trial set to begin in Melbourne next week."

"About 100 Victorian children aged between 6 months to eight years are needed for the study, which will be run by the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and the University of Melbourne from as early as next week," the press release stated.

"They will be among 400 children recruited across five states for the Federal Government required trials of the vaccine, produced by Australian biopharmaceutical company CSL," it advised.

Four years ago, on October 4, 2005, the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute issued a similar press release stating: "Bird flu vaccine trial to begin."

"TRIALS of a bird flu vaccine are set to begin in Melbourne this week as researchers prepare against the threat of an influenza pandemic," MCRI advised.

"The study, a collaborative project between the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and University of Melbourne, is being sponsored by Australian pharmaceutical company CSL Limited," the press release stated.

Media mogul, Mortimer Zuckerman, also has a research center named after him. On May 10, 2009, the New York Times reported that Zuckerman had "pledged $100 million to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the largest donation in the hospital's history and one of the largest ever given to an American medical center."

"Sloan-Kettering will name its new research center on the Upper East Side for Mr. Zuckerman, the real estate developer and owner of The Daily News and U.S. News & World Report," the Times noted.

"Zuckerman advances vaccine research and development at the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Research Center in association with the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Rockefeller University," according to Dr Leonard Horowitz, a Harvard-trained authority in vaccinations and emerging diseases with a masters degree in public health, in a September 30, 2009, report by Sherri Kane.

Zuckerman is also a leading financier of the American Lyme Disease Foundation that heavily promoted GlaxoSmithKline's disastrous Lymerix vaccine, Horowitz says.

"This vaccine was pulled from the market following hundreds-of-thousands of reported cases of recipients suffering post-vaccination symptoms of Lyme disease," he reports.

The great bird flu hoax serves as an excellent example of use of the MSM to pump out fear mongering propaganda. On June 20, 2005, Zuckerman wrote a commentary in US News and World Report titled, "A Nightmare Scenario – H5N1 Pandemic," and stated:

"Should it develop certain genetic changes, international health experts warn, bird flu could spark a global pandemic, infecting as much of a quarter of the world's population and killing as many as 180 million to 360 million people--at least seven times the number of AIDS deaths, all within a matter of weeks."

"In the worst previous catastrophic pandemic, in 1918, more than 20 million died from the Spanish flu," Zuckerman wrote.

"We must prioritize research money to develop a vaccine, expand the production of flu vaccine, and stockpile antiviral medications," he advised.

On December 8, 2005, Bloomberg ran an article with the headline, "Bird Flu Pandemic May Cost U.S. Economy $675 Billion," in which Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist was quoted as saying, "A pandemic of bird flu in humans may cost the U.S. economy $675 billion, including lost work time and disruptions in supply chains."

This time around, on October 14, 2009, ABC News reported that "the Trust for America's Health, a Washington-based non-profit organization, estimates that a severe pandemic could push down GDP by more than 5 percent and cost Americans $683 billion."

"We're not seeing a pandemic that's this severe," says Jeff Levi, director of the group. "We've dodged a lot of bullets."

Last but not least, Thomas H Glocer is the Chief Executive Officer of the Thomson Reuters Corporation. On November 26, 2007, Merck announced that Thomas Glocer, Chief Executive Officer, Reuters Group PLC, "will join the Company's Board of Directors effective Nov. 27."

"Merck currently discovers, develops, manufactures and markets vaccines and medicines to address unmet medical needs," the press release stated.

As shown above, the mainstream media cannot be objective when reporting on the swine flu because it is riddled with conflicts of interest involving the vaccine industry.

This article series continues with part four, to be published tomorrow...