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Call In To Jones About Swine Flu Scare Tactic - Documents

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From: LN
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 2:06 PM
Subject: Call In To Jones About Swine Flu Scare Tactic - Documents



A call in to the Alex Jones show about the canadian Medical Report suggesting seasonal flu shot reciepients were more likely to get New Lab Mutant Swine Flu from this spring.


also suggest you check out this youtube video of a concerned citizen who wanted to be informed and so took it upon himself to call Glaxo Smith Klein, the vaccin manufacturer who was awarded the contract with the Canadian Government.


The contents discussed are as follows: Adjuvants - Squalene 10.69mg or 0.5ml

                                                                   - DL Tocopherol 11.86mg

                                                                   - Polysorbate 80 4.86mg

                                                     Preservative - Thermerisol 5 mg per dose(Adult)


Now remember that worldwide the  published target and head of every list is pregnant mother ( unborn fetuses) and children older than 6 months. We have studies and assurances (supposedly) of low/no risk to adults for the mercury containing Thermerisol, but what about 6 month old babies and the unborn fetus? Where are those studies?

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The person answering says has published studies of test completed reports.


I am also enclosing some patents and info on some other flu vaccins. Please notice the dates published and ingredients in these vaccinations. Some very interesting things in the Medimmune patent such as dates of filing and ingredients in the Abstract. You can verify with these various documents ( which I suggest you download and save as evidence and proper information quoting) that vaccins do indeed contain live vector viruses. What they've been playing with, for how long, what they've done since...and plan to do. NOW you will be able to make a more informed decision...or at least supply yourself with the information to do as our youtube video poster and take some steps and actions yourself.