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"You Should Skip the Flu Vaccine -- But What If Forced to Take It?" (with video)

Dr. Mercola

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But What If Forced to Take It?"

Know what to do now to protect yourself naturally from renegade viruses -- AND their questionable vaccines!

Here are your must-know facts...

There’s no need to panic – despite the daily bad-news barrage about swine flu.

This is a manufactured “pandemic”. Truly much worse health issues should be vying for your attention.

Numerous questions about the much-touted swine flu vaccine press for answers…

  • Are the vaccines in question safe? Do they even work?

  • Have they been adequately tested?

  • Is their testing even honest – i.e., are they testing the exact same vaccine they will then force on you? And are tests conducted with absolute integrity and neutrality?

  • Does the gravity of the illness even justify mass immunizations?

  • Why are medical professionals and virologists (those who study these viruses) so adamant that they do not plan to immunize themselves or family members?

Too much doubt surrounds each of these questions to even come close to guaranteeing the vaccine’s efficacy.

To add insult to injury, now Big Pharma has been granted immunity from all lawsuits such as those that resulted from the 1970s swine flu vaccine boondoggle.

You and your loved ones simply have no recourse if you get the shot and react severely, or even die, from complications of the vaccine.

No recourse.

Meanwhile the vaccine manufacturers’ gluttonous appetite for profit – in collaboration with your government – could end up forcing your hand.

Dr. Blaylock suggests fifteen actions you can take to protect your immune system from invasion by these foreign substances, in the event you are forced to take the shot.

In the meantime, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, and that each person is allowed to make their own reasoned decision about the vaccine.

Who in the World Doesn’t Want to

Feel Great All the Time?

You know that whether or not swine flu is a manufactured “pandemic”, every year brings its own seasonal viruses. One thing you can always do to optimize your health is to maximize your immune system’s capabilities.

Because face it – who doesn’t want to feel well all the time?

No better time to take steps in that direction than right now, is there?

Now is the time to start moving toward a healthier diet and lifestyle. Starting today, try adding just one raw vegetable per day to your diet… a small, do-able step toward your better health.

And if you’re not already exercising, start with a five-minute walk at lunchtime today, and add three minutes per day until you’re up to twenty to thirty minutes several days per week. Add the noon sunshine and you enhance your vitamin D levels too.

Why Make These Changes Today?

Because today is the first day of the rest of your life! Why wait?

Ideally it is best to receive all your nutrition from high quality unprocessed foods. Unfortunately, if you’re like most people, you may find it impractical or impossible to do eat right one hundred percent of the time.

Therefore, even when you take the steps of adding raw veggies to your diet and getting some exercise and vitamin D, you still might want to hedge your bets by supplementing with a quality multivitamin every day – just to be sure.

And be sure your spouse takes one every day, showing how much you care for them.

What Can a Multivitamin Do for You?

While I cannot endorse the practice of sloppy eating and a sedentary lifestyle while taking a supplement to cover for reckless lifestyle choices…

It is true that multivitamins do help promote your optimal health and strong immune system, providing support for defense against a growing number of health concerns*. At least some of them do. More on that in a moment…

Taking pro-active steps, including taking a multivitamin to help maintain and boost good health and wellness is still one of the best things you can do for yourself and your health*…

Especially if you’re already adhering to a smart lifestyle with a healthy diet, exercise, adequate sunshine and good sleep.

However, there are important issues for you to remember…

Higher Potency and Even More Nutrients for You

Multivitamin +PLUSI received quite a bit of feedback that you wanted an even more comprehensive formula than my original Whole Food Multi. So I went back to the drawing board and worked with my team to come up with an extraordinarily powerful formula -- at a fantastic price.

Here's the stringent criteria I used to find you the best high-potency multi on the market:

  • Must AVOID additives or synthetic nutrients -- I only considered natural and whole food-based multivitamins.

  • Must be produced by a highly reputable company with the highest quality control manufacturing practices in place -- I focused on quality as a higher priority than quantity.

  • Must go beyond RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) and RDI (Recommended Daily Intake) guidelines -- In my opinion, RDA/RDI amounts define the lower limits of daily nutrient intake. I wanted the best nutrient formula to promote your optimal nutrition

  • Must include the added bonus of essential minerals -- Minerals add their unique layer of nutritional support*. Many high-potency multivitamins with rich vitamin concentrations lack important minerals.

Before I jump into all the details of this exclusive multivitamin and its power-packed formula now available to you, you might be wondering...

Why Not Just Eat All-Natural Whole Foods?

whole food Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals

Excellent question -- and one you deserve an answer to...

As you already know, I've been a proponent of eating whole foods for proper nutrition for years... and now -- eating the proper whole foods based on your Nutritional Type (NT).

So, in recommending a high-quality multivitamin, please remember that these nutritional supplements complement the food you eat. They do not take the place of a healthful diet of unprocessed organic foods, which I believe is still the best physical factor for you to achieve optimal nutrition.

However, accessing and eating high quality foods regularly may be a personal challenge for you and your family. Your busy schedule may lead you to cook healthy whole food less than you know you should -- and eat "fast food" more.

Even if you do well with your diet choices, another factor involves the actual food supply itself.

Up to 50% of the Nutrient Value of Your Food May be

Lost from the Start

A number of carefully controlled studies have provided startling evidence that by the time the food reaches your table, serious nutrient content could already be lost.

Some estimates report the nutrient value lost at over 50%!

This is largely the result of conventional farming methods that rely heavily on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which deplete the soil of nutrients... nutrients that must be absorbed by plants in order to be passed on to you.

And it does not necessarily end there.

In many cases, it's likely you unknowingly further deplete the nutrients in your food -- just by the way you prepare it. For most food, cooking it will seriously impair its nutritional value.

So, realizing that you cannot always obtain the whole unprocessed foods you need -- and knowing how easy it is for valuable nutrients to be destroyed -- you now know why I believe adding a good multivitamin to complement your diet is a sound move.

Why Settle For Inferior Quality?

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of high-potency multivitamins on the market today... but there are only a few great ones out there. If you are convinced of the importance of using a multivitamin, than I would strongly encourage you to do your homework, and make sure a GREAT company produced it.

whole food Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals

When I first started my investigation, I was absolutely shocked at the low quality demonstrated by so many companies. That's why I spent many long months of hard effort to research and identify what I believe is the absolute best supplement manufacturer in the U.S. today.

After much tedious and careful research, I was able to identify an outstanding supplement manufacturer -- one who allowed me to help formulate the best multivitamin possible for you.

The lab I chose has won outstanding awards on numerous occasions:

  • One of the latest awards received by this lab was the 5-Star Gold Medal of Achievement for several of its supplements. The independent research firm, NutriSearch Corporation, issued this top award to the lab in its Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements.

  • Of the over 1500 products evaluated, only 4 laboratories received this top award.

Highest Quality Means Exceptional Value for You

This lab is in full compliance with current NSF Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). NSF International is an independent, not-for-profit organization. This recognized body of audit and inspection is one of the most comprehensive and quality-driven initiatives in the nutrition industry.

How to Choose Your Best Multivitamin

If you're wondering how to choose between Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals and my Whole Foods Multivitamin, let me give you my personal recommendation. If you can afford the small extra investment, take Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals! Particularly if you're under excess stress, dealing with any health concerns, or don't eat healthy foods consistently.

The high-potency formula in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals offers more nutrients, including (but not limited to) calcium, magnesium, and extra B vitamins. It's my ultimate formula, and one I believe you won't find anywhere else.  We will continue to provide the high-quality formula found in Whole Foods Multivitamin.

In addition, to reach its 5-Star rating, the lab had to undergo independent laboratory analysis to verify that what is on the label is in fact in the bottle.

If you're currently using a multivitamin or considering another, please do yourself and your family a huge favor. Thoroughly check out the manufacturer and see how they stack up against these rigorous standards.

Here's an extensive list of the quality control standards and certifications that this supplement developer and manufacturer has in place today. Keep in mind, some of these standards are voluntary and may not show up when comparing against others.

Standards and certifications in place to:

  • Ensure top-quality raw materials used in the product -- Vendor Certification Program (VCP)

  • Comply with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) -- written Standard Operation Procedures (SOP)

  • Maintain the highest health standards -- GMP certification

  • Support the highest level of manufacturing quality standards -- ISO 9001 certification

  • Comply with a rigorous third-party certification of in-house lab performance -- ISO 17025 certification

  • Ensure finished products meet and exceed quality standards -- adherence to United States Pharmacopeia (USP30) specifications

  • Comply with health and safety measures -- Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002.

You can clearly see why I view this manufacturer so highly -- and why I'm excited to be working with them in delivering an exclusive high-potency multivitamin formula to you.  

So, let's dive into my exclusive formula and let me show you right away...

Why Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals is Better than the Rest

Let's take a closer look at some key nutrients in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals that are often missing from other multivitamins (or found in such low amounts that their effectiveness is highly limited).

Remember, one of my top criteria for providing you with the best high-potency multivitamin was that it must contain essential minerals. As I searched for the right formula, I quickly realized that many so-called high-potency multivitamins are seriously lacking in mineral content. 

However, with my unique Multi +Plus formula, you'll benefit from many specially selected minerals... including these 3 essential ones:   

whole food Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals
  • Calcium -- To provide a high-level of support for your skeletal system, I chose to include a high amount of calcium in the Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula*. My main reason for doing this was that, as you age, your need for calcium becomes more and more important to promote healthy bones*.

    A recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that people should consume 741 mg per day of calcium to maintain neutral calcium balance.

    Realizing the importance of eating as much unprocessed whole food as possible to get the minerals you need, my Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula provides 500 mg of calcium to complement your healthy diet.

  • Magnesium -- Scientific studies have reported that magnesium is helpful in supporting your lungs and overall pulmonary system*. But some lower-potency multivitamins don't include this ingredient.

    Other research shows that magnesium intake promotes bone density health.* It also helps maintain your muscular and nervous systems.* And helps support a healthy heart, and your energy needs.*

    So you can see why magnesium is such a key mineral in my Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula.

  • Potassium -- This important mineral helps regulate your circulatory system and promotes your heart health.*

    In addition, research has shown that potassium is another important element in your bone density health.* As you age, bone density becomes an important element in your overall health.*

    Once again, please realize the importance of eating a healthy diet rich in unprocessed whole foods. Many processed foods lose valuable potassium content prior to ever reaching your table.

These minerals may be worth their weight in gold. They provide you with significant health-supporting value in complementing your diet*. They're part of the added bonus that clearly makes Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals stand apart from the rest.

But it doesn't stop here. Take a look at more of the remarkable benefits of my new high-potency multi. It's the...

High-Potency Antioxidant Formula to Help You Balance

Out Free Radicals*

First of all, I made every effort working with the award-winning lab to ensure that as many nutrients as possible ended up directly linked to their natural source. To me, this became crucial in providing you a top-notch supplement.

Multivitamin +Plus's formula has natural value built into it.

It provides you with a highly concentrated daily supplement containing more than 50 nutritional ingredients... all in a special herbal food base.

One of the challenges your body faces every day is combating free radicals.

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules and fragments of molecules that may impact your body at your cellular level.

Free radicals constantly attack your body proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and DNA, and can cause potentially serious health concerns unless they are kept in check. Every cell in your body suffers an estimated 10,000 free radical hits each day. Your body does its best to fight back -- in what is an actual battlefield at the cellular level.

To help balance the effects of free radicals, Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals provides you with high-potency amounts of an exclusive antioxidant formula that includes:*

  • Natural beta-carotene -- healthy vision and immune system support*

  • Vitamin C -- promotes tissue growth and repair, and healthy gums*

  • Vitamin D3 -- supports heart, bone, vascular and immune system health*

  • Vitamin E -- helps support your muscular system*

  • Selenium -- bolsters your healthy immune system*

  • L-cysteine -- supports your immune and respiratory systems*

  • Lutein -- helps promote your healthy vision*

  • Lycopene --  supports your immune system*

  • Red wine proanthocyanidins -- provides cardiovascular support*

  • And select extracts and powders from over 25 fruits, vegetables, and herbs

And it gets even better ...


Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals Provides You an Incredible Formula Based on Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs, and Green Foods

In addition to the outstanding nutrients already discussed, the Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula includes a health-promoting blend of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and green foods...from natural sources as far as possible.

When this was impractical with certain nutrients, a highly bioavailable form was used to ensure you could take full advantage of these nutrients*.

Now you can see for yourself the remarkable ingredients included in the total Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula.

Over 2000 mg of nutrients based on vegetables, fruits, herbs and green foods are intentionally included in the Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula... nutrients that promote your optimal health in the following ways*:

Nutrients Your Body Systems Supported and Promoted*
Red wine proanthocyanidins Cardiovascular
Blueberry Urinary tract and immune
Garlic Digestive and immune
Green tea extract Immune
Sprouted barley juice Cardiovascular/heart
Wheat grass juice Immune and anti-aging
Broccoli Prostate and immune
Cauliflower Circulation and immune
Spirulina Nervous and tissue
Chlorella Cardiovascular and immune
Green papaya extract Digestive and skin
Beet extract Immune
Apple pectin Immune and lungs
Bromelain Respiratory and digestive
Rose hips Skeletal
Lemon bioflavonoids Immune
Rutin Circulatory and immune
Hesperidin Vascular and immune

And it doesn't stop there...

There's an additional 700 mg of a proprietary vegetable and fruit base, further promoting your optimal health, including:

  • Kale -- provides healthy prostate support*

  • Spinach -- helps support your cardiovascular and immune systems*

  • Carrot -- assists optimal vision and cholesterol level*

  • Radish -- supports your digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems*

  • Celery -- provides you with skeletal and nervous system support*

  • Apricot -- promotes your respiratory and immune systems*

  • Blackberry -- helps support your digestive and immune systems*

  • Cranberry -- supports your urinary tract and cardiovascular system*

  • Grape -- promotes healthy circulation and cholesterol level*

  • Pineapple -- provides healthy respiratory and digestive support*


A Multivitamin Indiscriminately Overloaded with Mega-Nutrients May

Do You More Harm than Good

Now, I'll be the first to admit that coming up with my own special high-potency formula was a major challenge -- and took quite a bit of time. This was necessary because indiscriminately throwing a number of nutrients together could actually cause more harm than good.


How could that be?

Well, certain amounts and types of nutrients need to be carefully measured to avoid any potential toxic buildup once they are consumed.

The bottom line... not all nutrients in certain amounts work all that well together. In fact, a sort of competition can occur between some nutrients.

So, much attention was directed to prevent this from occurring in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals.

Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals has been carefully evaluated and selected, each ingredient has been chosen for its:*

  • Proper nutrient balance -- just like too little of a nutrient does not provide you any real benefits, too much can potentially do you more harm than good

  • Absorbability -- the key to promoting your health is absorbing as much of the nutrient as possible

  • Competitive relationship with other nutrients -- a complex evaluation is performed by the scientists to make sure the amounts and types of nutrients work well together to benefit you

  • Allergenic potential -- careful selection and measurement of the nutrient to investigate potential allergy issues

  • Long-term safety -- any potential toxic buildup balanced out

Order the Best High-Potency Multi That I Designed with

Your Needs in Mind

Remember, don't be fooled by the nutrient amounts, or an unusually low cost (could mean synthetic nutrients used), or RDA (required daily allowance) claims by the manufacturer.

This information may be totally misleading. You could be not only wasting your time and hard-earned money, but not taking proper control of your health as well.

By now, you should be as convinced as I am that Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals is the best high-potency multivitamin available today. Not only is Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals rich in balanced vitamins and essential minerals, the manufacturer that produces it adheres to the strictest quality standards.

This is a winning combination like no other I've seen.

If you're currently using a high-potency multivitamin or considering another, please promise me that you will at least carefully analyze the supplement manufacturer.   

Remember, I am always striving to produce the best possible products for you. There's simply no reason to settle for second best. Life is too short, and you deserve the absolute best possible supplement out there.

Even though this is an exclusive formula ONLY offered through my site, the price of $49.97 a bottle might seem high at first. I really worked exceptionally hard to deliver all the high-potency vitamins and essential minerals you need and keep the price reasonable at the same time.

Plus, compare a single bottle of Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals to all the different supplements you'd have to purchase separately to get all the ingredients you'll get in this one convenient high-potency product. The cost of all those separate supplements could be more than double your investment in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals!

But you really should consider Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals part of your healthy food budget, not a separate supplement.

After all, I worked closely with the lab to have this formula specifically designed to complement your healthy diet... not to be separated from it.

Perhaps there are some processed foods you're buying that you could phase out to help better balance your healthy diet.

With Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals, I sincerely feel that you're taking an important step in complementing and optimizing your diet, so order yours NOW and start to Take Control of Your Health.