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Pandemic Panic: Why Feds Pushing Flu Shot?

Jerome R. Corsi

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Aulgust 31, 2009

Editor's Note: The following report is excerpted from Jerome Corsi's Red Alert, the premium online newsletter published by the current No. 1 best-selling author, WND staff writer and columnist. Subscriptions are $99 a year or $9.95 per month for credit card users. Annual subscribers will receive a free autographed copy of "The Late Great USA," a book about the careful deceptions of a powerful elite who want to undermine our nation's sovereignty.

Why is the White House trying to cause a panic over a possible H1N1 virus that could inflict massive illness and death on the American people?

Red Alert has received numerous e-mails arguing that the goal of the Obama administration is to use the pandemic panic to create enough fear that the American public will acquiesce to the passage of Obamacare, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.

The White House announced that as much as half the United States population could be infected with swine flu, or the A-H1N1 virus, this fall and winter, resulting in possibly 90,000 deaths.

Describing a "plausible scenario" for the epidemic's predicted impact in the United States, the White House report said swine flu could "produce infection of 30-50 percent of the U.S. population this fall and winter, with symptoms in approximately 20-40 percent of the population (60-120 million people), more than half of whom would need medical attention."

WND documented a massive public relations program launched by the federal Center for Disease Control aimed possibly at creating the atmosphere in which U.S. citizens could be forced to take H1N1 vaccinations against their will.

WND has also reported that in reaction to the alarmist language of the federal government, the fast-growing Constitution Party has come out strongly in opposition to any mandatory injections of H1N1 vaccine, citing the Fourth Amendment and the right of people "to be secure in their persons."

"Clearly, the hysteria being generated by the White House over a pandemic possibility appears aimed at some sort of a power grab," Corsi wrote.

WND has previously reported that under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, President Bush signed without the approval of Congress an agreement with Mexico and Canada that would put United States health authorities under the direction of the United Nations in the event of a continental outbreak of avian flu or a pandemic influenza such as the H1N1 virus.

Even the Washington Post reported that, "The H1N1 virus so far has been no more deadly than the flu strains seen every fall and winter. And close genetic tracking of the new virus as it circled the globe in the past five months has shown no sign that it is mutating to become more virulent."

Neurologists around the world have been warned to watch out for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome, or GBS, which was generated by a similar swine flu vaccine administered by the government by the Ford administration in 1976.

WND previously reported on National Security Presidential Directive No. 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive No. 20, which allocate to the office of the president the authority to direct all levels of government in the event he declares a national emergency.

WND also has previously reported that under SPP, the militaries of the U.S. and Canada are turning USNORTHCOM into a domestic military command structure, with authority extending to Mexico, even though Mexico has not formally joined with the current U.S.-Canadian USNORTHCOM command structure.

"Red Alert intends to closely watch how the H1N1 scare is handled by the White House," Corsi wrote. "With the Obama administration intent on the government taking over major sectors of the private economy, we are concerned the swine-flu pandemic scare is simply another component of that socialist agenda."

Red Alert's author, whose books "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command" have topped the New York Times best-sellers list, received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in political science in 1972. For nearly 25 years, beginning in 1981, he worked with banks throughout the U.S. and around the world to develop financial services marketing companies to assist banks in establishing broker/dealers and insurance subsidiaries to provide financial planning products and services to their retail customers. In this career, Corsi developed three different third-party financial services marketing firms that reached gross sales levels of $1 billion in annuities and equal volume in mutual funds. In 1999, he began developing Internet-based financial marketing firms, also adapted to work in conjunction with banks.

In his 25-year financial services career, Corsi has been a noted financial services speaker and writer, publishing three books and numerous articles in professional financial services journals and magazines.

For financial guidance during difficult times, read Jerome Corsi's Red Alert, the premium, online intelligence news source by  the WND staff writer, columnist and author of the New York Times No. 1 best-seller, "The Obama Nation."

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