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Big Pharma: Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent a Year Ahead of Outbreak

Who will receive the swine flu vaccine first?

Military Poised to Help FEMA Battle Swine Flu Outbreak - Executive Order Authorizes US Military Troops To Deploy This Fall in 5 Regions of the USA

7.28.2009 1:00 pm – Jane’s blog goes back up. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but in the past 6 hours I have done everything in my power to preserve the research, links, documents and related that were in her blog from yesterday. I don’t believe that what took place in the last 6 hours was a server belch. More math to be done. They most likely figured out that it wreaked of GUILTY as charged to yank that blog. So they let it go back up. At this point, I don’t care. My credibility as a writer is at stake here.

At any rate, for those who give a damn about what might be in those mandatory flu shots  for Americans that are coming this fall – get off your derrières and start doing some research yourself,  for you, and your family’s sake.

Google SQUALENE – it’s in the swine flu shot. Go have a look at what is going on in London around these mandatory swine flu shots. Wake up and smell the world de-population plan soon to be enacted on America by your friendly neighborhood federal government, fema, secretly federalized police who are now armed  to the teeth with military salvage weaponry, the WHO agenda, and the CDC.

Can you think of a logical reason that the CDC in Atlanta needs to own a half million polyguard coffin liners housed at a REX 84 USA FEMA concentration camp in north Georgia? Can you think of a logical reason that Baxter International would patent a swine flu vaccine last year months before swine flu actually appeared as if by magic in Mexico?

Does it make sense to you that scientists have noted that the construction of the swine flu virus from a combined 3 or 4 other viruses, including the original Spanish flu strain from 1918, that had to be carved off an Inuit Eskimo’s cadaver tissue, making it quite apparent that the virus was actually concocted in a laboratory? A la Frankenstein science?

Me neither. Think, people, think. Don’t be the WHO’s lab rats – and don’t your kids or our enlisted US military be their lab rats anymore either.

Demand answers, not evasive actions.

Connect the dots. Who stands to earn a fortune from manufacturing and selling the vaccine? Follow the money. Try not to follow the yellow brick road of denial that leads to being forced at gunpoint to stand in line this fall for your killer swine flu vaccine, laced with SQUALENE. Wake up Dorothy, you are not in Kansas anymore.

In fact, the USA program will begin with 12,000 kids in Oklahoma this fall.

Do what you need to do. – Signing off.. CKH, exhausted, disgusted, good bye.

7.28.2009  6:30 am

This morning journalist Jane Burgermeister’s blog on WordPress went AWOL.  It had either been archived or was removed. Jane was in the process of urgently trying to warn people about what she knew about swine flu, and she was suing the federal government and the WHO along with Baxter International for lab engineering a bio-terrorism agent – the swine flu virus. She knew about the WHO’s philosophy on de-population, and population reduction. The flu shots will also contain a substance called SQUALENE – highly toxic. Google it. See:

In London, mass protests to the mandatory flu vaccines have been censored. They have also taken away all UK handguns.


I think Jane knows too much and she is scared. I don”t know what has happened. I had several pages from her blog in my web cache from yesterday – here are as many pages as I could save. See below. Copy this info off  – go to the links in these essays – copy them off – and save it to HD or CD.

Someone wants to stop Jane from proceeding with her lawsuit against the WHO and they want to stop her from continuing to publish what she knows about Swine flu. Please please urgent that you share this info with as many USA families and overseas as possible.

They intend to instate mandatory flu vaccines this fall – those vaccines can potentially kill. Watch the video about the US soldier in Iraq who received a mystery “test flu shot” vaccine during a trial 3 years ago, who is now fighting for his life. The US military won’t even tell his mother what was in the shot so that doctors can try to treat him, and save his life.

Who pays for the USA military? We do. Who must now spiritually and ethically  police the US military to keep them from using our own soliders as flu shot guinea pigs?

Apparently it’s us, the good people of this nation.  Once again, all you cn expect to hear out of WAshington on this topic is denial, denial, denial.

See my other reports under BIRD FLU 666, FEMA COFFINS, SWINE FLU GENOCIDE, & URGENT BREAKING NEWS, and this blog’s HOME page at:

To see my earlier research essay on this subject see:

Military Poised to Help FEMA Battle Swine Flu Outbreak


Stay smart and stay safe. – CKH