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Russia Warns That Massive Anthrax Attack Is Underway In United States

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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A most chilling FSB report given to Prime Minister Putin today states that the titanic struggle between the United States and Israel has entered a “critical stage” after up to 18 US Federal Police were killed this past week after receiving anthrax infected letters in a replay of the similar attacks launched against the Americans after their being attacked on September 11, 2001.

According to these reports, up to 148 anthrax tainted letters containing “death threats” against any American Jew found to be cooperating with US Federal Police Forces have been delivered throughout the State of New Jersey in response to those forces loyal to President Obama [top photo left next to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu]  who, as we had previously reported on, are in the process of smashing the rogue Israeli spy network said to be responsible for 9/11 and the theft of Trillions of Dollars from the Americans.

Propaganda US media sources are only reporting, so far, that 11 of these letters have been sent and that after being analyzed by the FBI were found to be “harmless”, but, are also reporting the “suspicious death” of one of the “accused” masterminds.

But, these reports continue, this present anthrax attack upon the United States is centered in the exact same location of Trenton, New Jersey as those occurring in two waves and meant as a warning against American lawmakers and top news media icons should they divulge the truth of the attack upon their Nation immediately following 9/11 on September 18, and October 9, 2001, and which left 5 dead and 17 injured. 

Russian historians note in these reports that the significance of these rogue Israelis in using Trenton, New Jersey, as the epicenter of their attacks against the Americans lies in its being the most significant battle fought between the American Revolutionaries and their British Overlords which when General George Washington (who after the war became the United States first president) led his nearly defeated troops across the Delaware River in the dead of winter routed his British rivals in the Battle of Trenton, and leading to the call “Whoever controls Trenton will win the war”.

Even more horrific, these reports state that the current Swine Flu outbreak now sweeping the Globe is not, in fact, a “new and novel virus”, but is, instead, a bio-engineered “viral anthrax weapon” that after being unleashed upon the Americans is now killing people the World over with no sign of abatement. 

Though not being told to the American public by their government about this viral anthrax weapon being used against them, Russian scientists note with alarm that the experimental Swine Flu Vaccine to be tested on over 12,000 American children contains the “exact samesqualene adjuvant used to protect US Soldiers vaccinated against anthrax prior to the first Gulf War, and which led to the decimation of these soldiers through what has been termed Gulf War Syndrome that has sickened or killed nearly one quarter of the nearly 700,000 American men and women who served in that conflict.

To how feared this viral anthrax weapon is being viewed by the United States we can further read as reported by the Bloomberg News Service:

“Swine flu vaccine makers may rely on a U.S. emergency declaration to use experimental additives made by GlaxoSmithKline Plc and Novartis AG to boost a limited supply of shots that will be available to fight the pandemic.

The ingredients, known as adjuvants, may be added for the first time to flu shots in the U.S. Health officials, meeting today at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, plan to discuss use of the additives, and may also recommend who should be first to receive the limited amount of vaccines drugmakers say they will begin delivering in October.”

Russian scientists further note in these reports that the bio-engineering of the anthrax bacterium RNA segments into an influenza virus, currently being called by the names of Swine Flu and H1N1, could only have been accomplished at one of the World’s most protected bio-weapons sites, but further note that in its “current form” this viral anthrax weapon, though “highly lethal”, cannot have the mortality rate normally associated with the pure form of the Bacillus anthracis.

Most interesting to note in these reports, however, is the FSB reports detailing that after the Swine Flu’s “mysterious and sudden” appearance in Mexico in mid-March, 2009, where up to 60% of the population of La Gloria, Veracruz, were stricken by “unknown respiratory illness”, the “deadly acceleration” of this disease didn’t occur until May, 2009, and which followed (coincidentally?) the April, 2009, theft of a sample of this deadly anthrax from Ireland, and as we can read:

“A sample of the deadly Anthrax virus was stolen yesterday from the Science Gallery in Dublin. The stolen Anthrax Bacillus is the same viral agent used by bioterrorists in the US in the 2001 attacks, which caused panic around the world. It was being exhibited as part of an exhibition called “Infectious” at Dublin's Science Gallery and shockingly the public were allowed unrestricted access to the deadly spores.”

These FSB reports state that due to the theft of this anthrax “sample”, there can be “no certainty” in ever discovering which Nation bio-engineered it into the Swine Flu virus as its “genetic signature” would always show it belonging to the American Military and providing “perfect cover” for the true perpetrators of this monstrous genocidal act.

The World Health Organization, being aware of the true cause of this Swine Flu virus, is now being reported to have closed its deliberations to the public and has begun refusing to release the minutes of their meetings; and in the United States their government officials have been ordered to their protective bunkers this weekend under the guise of holding secret Cabinet meetings while at the same time their Nation is holding the largest terror exercise in their history,  leading one to wonder when the other “shoe” is going to drop.

By all appearances, and based on the past actions of these Great Powers, we shouldn’t have long to wait.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]