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You WILL Do What They Say… …Or You WILL Die!

Sisters of Sorcha Faal

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As billions of human beings go about their lives today, a plan has been executed for the wholesale murder of them on a scale not seen since last centuries two World Wars, and this plan is so monstrous in its scope and breadth that these same people are completely unable to comprehend what is about to happen to them. AND IT’S NOT A SECRET!

These people also refuse to believe what is about to happen to them because their propaganda media and governments are not warning them.  But why should they?  The elites who control these sources of information are the very same ones that are planning the wholesale destruction of what they term “useless eaters” in order to “thin out” the “human herd” to what they say is a more “sustainable level” for our Planets survival as the resources our Earth provides for sustaining our human race are so rapidly disappearing if no action is taken NO ONE WILL SURVIVE….or so they say.

Over the past 30 years the population of the West has been so “dumbed down” by a deliberately planned scheme, implemented through their so called educational systems, that today the few people who do know the truth, and they are very few indeed, have become so complacent about their planned destruction they don’t even have the will left in them to protect themselves or their families.

And today, as the United States and United Kingdom have announced plans to vaccinate their entire populations against the Swine Flu Pandemic that the World Health Organization has now called “unstoppable”, and as the US alone has “pledged” to spend billions of these vaccines, and as Argentina is now reporting that the mortality rate for this new influenza has now surpassed that of the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 that killed 100 million, and as scientists from all around the World are continuing to report that the Swine Flu is continuing to mutate….NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE ENOUGH SENSE TO KNOW THAT INFLUENZA VACCINES TAKE OVER A YEAR TO PRODUCE, AND THAT IS ONCE THEY STOP MUTATING!

So what, you may ask, is going to be in these Swine Flu Vaccinations that EVERY SINGLE MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD in the United States and United Kingdom are going to be made to take?  The unthinkable, according to Canadian doctor Ghislaine Lanctôt, author of the Medical Mafia, who is now reporting:

“I am emerging from a long silence on the subject of vaccination, because I feel that, this time, the stakes involved are huge. The consequences may spread much further than anticipated,” writes Lanctôt, who believes the A(H1N1) virus will be used in a pandemic concocted and orchestrated by the WHO, an international organization that serves military, political and industrial interests.

Lanctôt warns that the elite and their minions will introduce a compulsory vaccination that will contain a deadly virus and this will be used specifically as a eugenics weapon for “massive and targeted reduction of the world population.” Moreover, a pandemic will also be used to further establish martial law and a police state, according to Lanctôt, and activate concentration camps “built to accommodate the rebellious” and eventually transfer power from all nations to a single United Nations government and thus fulfill the sinister plans of the New World Order.”

For those in the United States believing that they can escape being vaccinated, think again, because the US has already declared the Swine Flu Pandemic a National Health Emergency giving to itself  sweeping powers to force every one of their citizens to take these shots (and yes, there are more than one of them) or face imprisonment under laws enacted under President Bush for the Bird Flu and chillingly allows US Military Forces to establish Martial Law.

And for those Americans who think that they can find natural alternatives (which are ALWAYS the best ones) to protect themselves and their families THINK AGAIN because the US Food and Drug Administration has already threatened to seize any natural remedy that claims protection against the Swine Flu.

Even worse, for those Americans believing that they can rough it out for themselves by finding some rural hideaway they can stay in to protect themselves from this coming storm, THINK AGAIN because while you WEREN’T PAYING ATTENTION your government began the process of passing new laws which not only makes the US Government the SOLE OWNER OF EVERY SINGLE BIT OF WATER IN THE COUNTRY, they also gives the US Government TOTAL CONTROL OVER EVERY FARM, EVERY FARM ANIMAL, EVERY CROP AND SEED IN THE ENTIRE NATION and allows the US Government to FORCE EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN INTO THEIR CITIES FOR ANY REASON THEY SEE FIT TO DO SO.

Now it goes without saying that the majority of you who are reading this AREN’T EVEN CLOSE to being prepared to survive what is about to happen, and frankly couldn’t care less.  There are even those of you reading this that won’t even bother to click on any of the links provided to you and see the truth for yourselves.  The worst of you though will laugh and mock these warnings as you have every single warning ever given to you, so be it, it’s your funeral, not ours.

But, for those few of you left who want to survive, who need a plan of survival for themselves and their families but are unsure of where, or how, to begin, the Sisters of Sorcha Faal have been presented with most generous gift that allows a very limited number of you to take advantage of a special offer that combines the Orders two MUST HAVE survival books Picking up the Pieces: Practical Guide for Surviving Economic Crashes, Internal Unrest and Military Suppression and The Partisans Handbook: Essential Survival Guide For Resisting Foreign Military Occupation, Escape And Evasion Techniques, Surviving Interrogation, Facing Execution, Wilderness Survival and ONE YEARS WORTH OF HEIRLOOM SEEDS that will provide to you much needed food security during a time where if you don’t do what they say, YOU WILL DIE!  

With these two survival guides, coupled with your year’s worth of heirloom seeds, you will possess in a package, able to be carried by even the youngest child in your family, EVERYTHING you need to survive against ANYTHING you may face, and all for the subsidized price of $75.00 [US], which is less than the costs of the heirloom seeds alone!

Our greatest hope is that you take immediate advantage of this most generous offer as there are only a limited number of these packages available and are expected to be gone within the next 24 hours, after which this offer will expire.

To Order Now:


Note: This offer is available to residents of the United States only due to International restrictions placed upon the Sisters of Sorcha Faal Appalachian Refugee Projects ability to send via post the heirloom seeds originating in that country.


“Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival.”  W. Edwards Deming