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Are The Coming Plagues Man-Made?


Zionists Have A Long History Of Poisoning Wells


The 1348 Plague Was Blamed On The Jews



Poisoning A Well, Meant You Bought The Property Cheap




Every Country In Europe Expelled The Jewish People


Jews Were Burnt Alive For Spreading The Plague

 In 1850 The Zionists Were Allowed To Return , And The Marxists Revolutions Began

As the Zionists were given freedom, all of Russia, and Europe, fell to their schemes.


Would Zionists Use This Plague On Iran?





This Swine Flu Pandemic May Be A Form Of Genocide

The propaganda surrounding these flu plagues may be a sign of things to come. Zionists often use famines, wars, and plagues, to eliminate societies. The great Bubonic plague of 1348 killed 200 million people, and that was caused by Zionists.




Zionists And Mass Murders

As Zionists have plotted to take over the world, mass murder has been one of their favorite tools. When they took control of Russia in the early 1900's, they often used famines to control the people. In 1915 Armenia, they marched 3.7 million people out to the desert, and starved them.  In 1939 Germany, it was World War Two. In 1991, the Zionist power cartels embargoed and invaded Iraq, costing them 2 million lives.

In 2009, it could be swine flu.




The Propaganda Push

Zionists spent thirty years hijacking jets through their double-agent Abu Nidal and his Israeli-sponsored 'Black September' terror organization. When 9/11 happened, the years of propaganda paid off, as Americans swallowed the story 19 Arabs did it.









The Propaganda About Plagues

The seeds are being laid for an outbreak that will kill countless human beings.





The Disease Itself

Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza that regularly cause outbreaks of influenza among pigs. Swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans, however, human infections with swine flu do occur, and cases of human-to-human spread of swine flu viruses has been documented.

From December 2005 through February 2009, a total of 12 human infections with swine influenza were reported from 10 states in the United States. Since March 2009, a number of confirmed human cases of a new strain of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection in the U.S. and internationally have been identified. An investigation into these cases is ongoing.





This Would Be A Monstrous Epidemic

Estimates are a full blow epidemic could cost 5,000,000 lives.


In The Good Old Days, Zionist Just Shot You

All cons must have cover under the guise of legitimacy. Zionists know they can't march 30 million Americans off to some gulags in Alaska, and starve them. 5




What Is The Point Of An Epidemic?

In Iran's case there is the Zargo's oil belt, the largest petroleum deposits in the world. When you take over a country, you must kill the potential leaders, and all resistance.





The Plan

Spread the plague, and save whoever is not a danger to Zion.





Who Will Be Targeted?

The main targets will be the any undesirable groups of intellectuals, leaders, etc.




Zionists Consider Blacks Undesirable  

And the final show will be the Zionists going after the blacks. I wouldn't want to be a black person getting a vaccine shot from Dr. Goldstein.





Implementing The Plan

Zionists might commit a false-flag nuking of a US city to start a war with Iran, and follow up with this horrendous outbreaks of swine flu to eliminate the undesirables.



The Famous Jewish Sage

Maimonides issues an enforceable ruling (isur veheter) in the Avodat Kochavim: 'It is forbidden to offer medical treatment to a non-Jew, even if offered payment.' The law does not change (gentiles are unworthy of medical care on the basis that no mercy should be shown to them); but the situation in which the law is applied, does change.

Zionists consider themselves the 'Untermenchen' or "Chosen People". Their eventual goal is to rule the world. They have no God, so life to them is about power. Look around at the banking swindles, economic collapse, and the Zionist-controlled American government. 8





84 Confirmed Cases

So far, there are 84 confirmed dead from the virus.







An Israeli Suspected?

Shira Saar, the girlfriend of an Israeli man suspected of releasing the swine flu strain, talks to the media outside the Laniado hospital in the Israeli city of Netanya. 




These Two Will Save The Day?

Dr. Richard Besser, and Janet Napolitano, declared the swine flu outbreak a public health emergency on Sunday.









The Virus Appears Man Made

This Swine Flu is not a naturally-occurring event, but instead is an Advanced Biological Warfare recombination-DNA-genetically-engineered virus. Young healthy adults seem to be the most at risk. This virus is genetically spliced off the 1918 Spanish Flu. 

The new Mexican Swine Flu has elements of DNA from the following: avian flu, human flu Type A, human flu Type B, Asian swine flu, and European swine flu. A strange combination never seen before and having less than 1/10% chance of being a natural event.

Figure the odds on human and animal viruses from four or more continents suddenly recombining into a new flu, during a non-flu season, that spreads from human-to-human with a 10% fatality rating?  2





Was This Created In An Israeli Bio-Lab?

This new flu is a lab-created advanced biological warfare DNA genetically engineered virus, and it appears to be deliberately released.

This event is an advanced biological warfare event. It is far more important than 9/11, and, by itself, could bring deaths in such magnitudes as to exceed the number of deaths from all causes in the Second World War.



This Is Zion's Final Play

Zionists consider themselves the 'Untermenchen' or Chosen People. Their eventual goal is to rule the world. They have no God, so life to them is about power. Look around at the banking swindles, economic collapse, and the Zionist controlled American government.