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Health Alert - Don't Let the Flu Get You!

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Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 7:22 PM
From Rocky Montana

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND — Today the World Health Organization (WHO) called a fourth emergency meeting in response to a spike in swine flu cases and said the expert panel has raised the swine flu outbreak to a pandemic alert level 5.  Level 5 is one level below the top threshold — a full pandemic outbreak.  A "pandemic" is an epidemic that is geographically widespread; occurring throughout a region or even throughout the world.  "Alert level 5" means there is sustained human to human spread in at least two countries.                See Google map below for locations of outbreaks. 




A good defense against contracting any virus during an virus outbreak:

When you hear of an influenza outbreak, such as the recent one, do not fear or fret.  Instead, visualize the best possible outcome of this event for you, your family and mankind.  Take some preparation measures for the protection against a virus outbreak and provide for some basic needs , before, if possible, it visits your community.  By taking some precautions and making some preparations, you and your family will be just fine.

If you are considering taking a flu shot, doing some research first might save your health or your life.  History has shown that flu shots are not safe.  Many people have gotten sick and have died after receiving flu shots.  At the very least, the vaccines used in flu shots will compromise your immune system, making you more susceptible to foreign microorganisms.  (Read article by Patricia Doyle, PhD, below as a start.)

Number one priority should be to strengthen your immune system.  "Colloidal silver" (CS) will do just that.

Colloidal silver (CS):                                                                                                                                                                                                      CS is defined as very microscopic particles of pure silver suspended in distilled water created by the process of electrolysis.  It is a natural antibiotic and antiviral product which has been used throughout the world as a means of destroying microbes of all kinds and correcting many health problems.  

Silver is toxic to bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi (molds), protozoa, and parasites in the egg stage.  CS will destroy all these organisms including staph and strep bacteria without harming the human body.  The frequency of silver is much higher than all of the known harmful crystal-headed viruses such as that of AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, and SARS and, therefore, will destroy them.  In fact, the silver literature contains a list of over 650 diseases and health problems that CS have been known to effect in very positive ways.

CS does not harm the human body, however, it will destroy the friendly flora and fauna called "Probiotics" (L. Acidophilus, L. Bulgaricus, S. Thermophilus, Bifidum, etc.) in the gastrointestinal tract and mouth, etc. and therefore,  when using CS, they should be replenished on daily for optimum health.  The safest form of consumption of Probiotics is powdered capsules that are stored at 40 degree F.  Probiotics are available at most health food stores.

The most effective way to use CS is through needle injection, right into the blood stream.  Unfortunately, only a licensed nurses and doctors may legally administer needle injections.  The second most effective way is sublingual, i.e. placing 10 drops under the tongue for three minutes or so, allowing it to absorb through the soft tissue membrane.  The third most effective way is taking it orally, in water or other liquids. Placing 10 drops of CS or 35% food grade H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) into a gallon of water will stabilize your filtered water by killing all microorganisms (algae, bacteria and viruses, etc.) within approximately six minutes and will prevent their future production.

Start now and continue using CS at least until the danger has past.  CS is available for purchase over the internet or you can make your own by purchasing a CS generator from Dr. Hulda Clark's website, .  It is more feasible to make your own CS than to continually purchase the product.  I have been making my own CS for over five years with Dr. Clark's CS generator and can testify that it works great.

Antioxidants:                                                                                                                                                                                                   Antioxidants are molecules capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules.  Oxidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent.  Oxidation reactions produce free radicals within the body which start chain reactions that damage cells (example: cancer).  Antioxidants terminate these chain reactions by removing free radical intermediates and inhibit other oxidation reactions.  Selenium, Green Tea, Vitamin C and E in powdered or gel capsules are all excellent antioxidants that can be taken to strengthen and support your immune system as well as slow and/or prevent illness and disease.

Dust masks:                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I don't recommend wearing a dust mask at any time.  The reason is that a dust mask does not allow all of your exhaled air to escape the confines of the mask, therefore you inhale a portion of your own exhaled air (carbon dioxide) and carbon dioxide is poison to the human body. Using a dust mask could actually make you sick.   

Respirators:                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I do recommend wearing a respirator any time the air quality is poor (such as smoke or ash filled skies, a chemical or gas leak, a viral outbreak or when chemtrails are visible in the sky).  Respirators go over the mouth and nose just as a dust mask does, but are provided with a valve that releases the carbon dioxide when you exhale.  Keep a respirator in your car for an emergency situation.  3M makes a good, low cost, gray rubber respirator that has replaceable, pink cloth filters.  By routinely dampening the filters with CS spray, you can provide an extra level of protection.

Drinking water:                                                                                                                                                                                                         Store clean, filtered drinking water in your home, enough to last at least one week.  Treat your drinking water with 10 drops per gallon of CS or food grade H2O2.  Why treat your water?  Tap water contains chlorine which acts as an antibiotic and antiviral, thus preventing the growth of bacteria and viruses.  Unfortunately, chlorine is a poison to the human body and it tastes bad.  So, filtered water is always recommended over tap water.  However, when chlorine filtered out of the water, microorganisms (algae, bacteria, etc.) begin to breed within 48 hours.  Also, any viruses laying dormant inside bacteria will begin to breed.  So you are back to contaminated water unless you stabilize it with either CS or food grade H2O2.  Store 1-2 gallons of treated drinking water in your car also.  Use or change all stored water occasionally to retain freshness. Remember, the human body can exist only about 3 days without water and you want good, quality water to drink.

Like CS, food grade H2O2 kills anaerobic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria and cancer cells) by oxidizing the offending microbes and then flushing them out of the body.  Used in properly diluted form, food grade H2O2 is not harmful to the human body.  In fact it provides an additional source of oxygen to the cells of the body.  Cells need a constant supply of oxygen to survive in good health.  35% food grade Hydrogen peroxide is available for purchase over the internet.

A testimonial to food grade H2O2:  I have not been sick since 1992 when I began treating my drinking water with food grade H2O2.   In fact it was food grade H2O2 that helped me to overcome the worst sickness I had ever experienced in 1992, which had me bedridden for nearly two weeks.

Food:                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Store at least a week's worth of nutritious food and essential nutrients in your home.


Other precautions to take against contracting any virus during an outbreak:

In addition to washing your hands thoroughly and often, point your mouth toward the floor or ground when coughing and sneezing, as well as avoiding touching your eyes and nose in case the virus is present on your hands.

Avoid crowds, people who appear ill or cough a lot.  Avoid public buildings with central air conditioning systems.

If you have a central heating, ventilation, and/or air conditioning system, either clean or replace its air filter, depending upon which type you have, and continue doing this on a monthly basis.

Check your windows and sliding glass doors for missing, torn or bent screens.  Replace or repair any of the above to prevent air-borne, disease carrying, flying insects from entering your home.

Where mosquitoes are prevalent, cover arms and legs with clothing and wear insect spray on face, neck and hands when outside.

Indoor pets can also bring ticks, fleas, parasitic worms, etc. into your houme from the outside.  Wash your hands after you handle or pet them or after they lick you on the face or hands.  Give them a flea dip and dewormer routinely.   Clean their paws off each time they come into your home.

Once you have prepared physically, you can rest easy, knowing that you have taken action to prevent infection and provided for your needs through a potentially dangerous period.  You may even end up healthier than you were before.  You may want to consider mental and spiritual protection.  Ask your Spirit, your God-self within, to raise the frequency of your body to the highest rate possible.  Then ask for the white light of Creator God's protection around your spirit, mind and body.  This will produce an invisible (to you) plasmic shield around you wherever you are and wherever you go, as long as you keep your mind thinking positively, without fear, anger or any other negative emotion. 

The symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of ordinary human flu: fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, chills, headache, and fatigue. In some cases, vomiting and diarrhea have also been reported.

Some information in this article have been taken from Dr. Clark's newsletters on Colloidal Silver. For further information on colloidal silver, read one of Dr. Clark's Newsletters on the subject. Dr. Hulda Clark's website ( .

Google map of swine flu outbreak locations.