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What the Media Will Not Reveal About Swine Flu and How to Cure It

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From: Matthew Browne
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 6:44 PM
Subject: what the media will not reveal about swine flu and how to cure it!
From: Y
Date: 4/28/2009 12:12:57 PM
Subject: Re: what the media will not reveal about swine flu and how to cure it!
From a friend a few days ago Ant........

Here we go!

Fox news reports a Combination swine, bird and Human flue in Texas.

60 ill and some dead in mexico and 2 ill in Texas, 6 more in other states. The report gives itself away as a plant on its face.

Before i decided it was a bad idea, I studied genetics and genetic engineering for almost 10 years. while I am not up on the most recent developments I do have a solid foundational knowledge of the subject matter.

Here is why I think the story is a plant.

1. A Just recently started or new viruses don't get identified that quickly.

2. Combination viruses are very rare and seldom just "happen" between types of viruses. To have it happen between 3 is a dead give away that it's man made.

3. This just recently started and new viruses don't get sequenced that easily. So The only way they would know what it is at this early stage would be if the ones who released it intentionally leaked the info.

4. (it has to come from somewhere)Parentless viruses don't just happen. Viruses progenitors have to be commingled in the same location at a very high frequency in order to make a new strain. Otherwise the statistical probably of a commingling occurring is so low as to be almost inconceivable . There would have to be a great number of cases of all the parent viruses happening at the same time and the same place for them to "breed" or commingle. To have it crop up in the middle of Mexico without having a huge(in the 10s of thousands) number of bird and swine and human flue cases going on there at the same time just dose not add up.

I have been hearing this was going to happen and I did not believe it.

However, This is a planted virus plane and simple. Its got to be a cover operation for something. To get the masses to beg them for their shots. If I were evil, and I wanted to put something into everyone, Its what I'd do to get people to beg me to put a shot into them. Look out, Next comes mandatory vaccinations with who knows what in them.

There is a bright side. With typical bureaucratic incompetence They bungled this thing from the start giving themselves away on numerous occasions and with the very first news reports. If the rest of their operation is run this badly a few people will die but as a population we will not have much to worry about.

Second. Viruses seldom perform in the real world as they do in the lab. despite what the movies tell us its VERY Very difficult and complex problem to create,reproduce,store,distribute,target,and release a contagion better than the one already in nature. The slightest problem in anyone of the aforementioned steps can scrap the hole thing. Man made viruses tend to be highly unstable. They tend not to remain effective generation after generation for very long.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Ant <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: minister Belanger

NaturalNews) The swine flu / bird flu / human flu virus (H1N1) has now been confirmed as striking victims in New York City, Kansas, Ohio, Canada and is suspected in New Zealand, Spain and Israel. Over 100 people are now confirmed dead from the swine flu (mostly in Mexico City), and confirmed infectious have surpassed 1600. Just today, the U.S. declared a Public Health Emergency over swine flu.

There is considerable speculation that the infection numbers are vastly underreported, especially by authorities in Mexico who are attempting to reduce the economic loss associated with international trade and travel restrictions erected in the aftermath of an infectious disease outbreak. (See related story on NaturalNews: )

As world health authorities have openly admitted, swine flu is way beyond containment. This virus completely eluded global health authorities and established a firm presence in multiple countries before it was even identified. So much for the first line of defense against infectious disease, huh?

The second line of defense is the government's much-touted "anti-virals" like Tamiflu (oseltamivir) which are actually weak pharmaceuticals that offer no immunity and are available in such small quantities that far fewer than five percent of the people in most countries will even have access to such medicines. For the most part, such medicines are being made available solely to health care workers, not to the population at large.

Even then, reports are already emerging that health care workers in Mexico City who were vaccinated have died within days ( It is not known whether they also took anti-viral medications.

It seems quite clear that if this swine flu strain becomes widespread, the people of the world will mostly have to fend for themselves. Government availability of H1N1 vaccines is currently zero, and availability of anti-viral oral medications is strictly limited. People who wish to purchase or make their own natural anti-viral medicines can tune in to the Health Ranger's LIVE swine flu preparedness teleconference this Thursday evening. Details at:

There is already speculation that this swine flu strain may have been engineered in a laboratory. While NaturalNews does not yet agree with this assessment, this is without question a possibility that needs to be considered. There is already some evidence that the H1N1 genetic code has somehow been assembled from three species (bids, pigs and humans) spanning three different continents. The "natural" occurrence of such a combination seems extremely remote, although not impossible.

I've covered the conspiracy theory / bioweapon issue with H1N1 swine flu in a related article here on NaturalNews:

Public Health Emergency declared, but travel is still wide open

I just returned from Taiwan yesterday, and in passing through U.S. immigration and customs in L.A., I noticed no special efforts to screen travelers for fever or infectious disease. This stands in stark contrast to Taiwan, which is far more vigilant on the matter, hosting a "quarantine zone" with an infra-red camera through which all arriving international passengers must walk. The idea is to catch passengers with fevers using the infra-red camera, before they enter the country and infect more people. (It's sort of a smart idea...)

The U.S. has no such protections in place that I saw (I was looking for them), and it was more than a bit disturbing to take an eleven-hour flight across the Pacific Ocean with numerous passengers coughing and sneezing the whole way. For all I know, I may have already been infected with the swine flu, although I show no symptoms for any such infection.

The point in all this is that the U.S. seems remarkably unconcerned with halting the travel of infected viral carriers. Conspiracy theorists might even say the U.S. is encouraging the spread of the virus, although I think it's more likely just incompetence on the part of immigration officials who are slow to respond to this issue. Or maybe they've already realized it's too late to stop the spread via air travel, since infections have now been confirmed across multiple U.S. states.

I can't speak for the Dept. of Homeland Security (nor would I want to), but if I were really interested in security, I would at least erect infection screening facilities at entry points in major U.S. airports. At the very least, you could use an infra-red temperature "gun" to zap people's temperatures as they're walking in. Those with high temperatures could be asked to step aside to at least record their travel history and future travel plans in the U.S. -- information that would be invaluable to CDC officials trying to track the spread of infections.

Note, by the way, that if you get infected with H1N1, U.S. health care and law enforcement officials can quarantine you against your will thanks to new laws passed by the Bush Administration. This makes sense on one level, of course, as a way to protect the rest of the nation's citizens from carriers of deadly disease. But it also means that the minute you step into an airport, train station, bus station or other public place, you may be placing your freedom at risk by merely sneezing!

My advice to NaturalNews readers? If you're sick (from anything, the sniffles, coughing, sneezing, etc.), STAY HOME. Don't go to work. Don't go to school. And certainly don't travel. If you do, you may find yourself riding out your sniffles in a high-security quarantine zone, courtesy of the U.S. government. Have fun with that one! (Just try to get some anti-viral tinctures in there!)

This story continues with part two: Swine Flu Spreads; Conspiracy Theories of Laboratory Origins Abound (

It focuses on the conspiracy theories discussing the possible man-made origins of H1N1 swine flu.


If you bow to defacto governments it is not only your knees that will be sore!


Warm regards & blessings