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VIRALS OF SWINE FLU VIRUS EXPLODE ON TRAIN [Switzerland](Really trying to get this thing going !) (Updated April 29, 2009)

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Vials of innocuous swine flu virus have exploded on an intercity train, prompting police to stop passengers before they arrived in Lausanne.

A laboratory technician from a Geneva hospital had been transporting the vials on Monday evening from a veterinary institute in Zurich. The Federal Health Office had called for the development of a diagnostic test for the illness that has killed as many as 150 people worldwide.

Near Fribourg the technician heard a muffled pop. Built-up gas from dry ice surrounding the vials had caused the package to explode.

The carriage in which the technician was travelling held 61 passengers at the time. The Federal Railways did not learn of the incident until 40 minutes later after the train had already passed through Fribourg. Police then stopped the train near Lausanne, inspected passengers and wrote down their names as a precaution.

"This virus is not dangerous to humans," said Laurent Kaiser, head of the Geneva lab. "It is the same stock as the H1N1 virus but it has nothing in common with the strain spreading around the world."

The technician and one passenger suffered slight wounds, the only injuries, but some travellers were angry that they had not been informed of the incident sooner.

"Why did they leave us enclosed in a contaminated car for an hour?" asked one passenger. "There was a pregnant woman who panicked. They only informed us sparingly. And why didn't they stop the train in Fribourg?"

Viruses and other infectious specimens are often transported by train or even post. Kaiser said this particular shipment had been packaged according to regulations.

swissinfo with agencies


----- Original Message -----

From: "Laurent Pirard" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 6:15 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Sender Message:



I post your letter on my website blog...

Blessings on You.

Here, in Switzerland, some people are going to boosting you ;o).

Et voici sa response:

Thanks, Mara. I was born in Zurich and like Switzerland! Good news! The police will investigate Baxter in Austria I was told by the City Prosecutor. (nde: Baxter fabrique des vaccins et autres poisons-sur-ordonnance)

By the way, I was in contact with the Swiss police today over the bizarre case of the exploding ampules in the train. I\'m sure the explosion on the train on Monday evening was an act of bioterrorism and the virus was the deadly kind and not the mild kind as the doctors claimed.

Baxter also sent out the deadly bird flu virus under a .false label in Austria so you can\'t believe what the \"experts\" say. I am very afraid that the people are walking around now with a deady strain and need to be given preventative treatment.

It was very hard for me to get the police to listen to me. I sent emails in the end. I\'m pretty sure the ampules came from a WHO lab in Mexico and were sent by plane to Zurich where they were picked up by a technician.

WHO also supplied the deadly bird flu material to Baxter....

A virus of this sensitive nature should not be sent by a high speed train packed with people in an air conditioned compartment in the first place. It should be classified as a hazardous material and sent by a third party.

I contend the device was not “faulty” but deliberately designed to explode and spray out particles of the virus among passengers.

It resembles a CO2 bomb. Dry ice evaporates when it melts, producing a cloud vapour. The pressure led to the explosion of the phials of pig flu. The blast was sufficient to injure the person charged with transporting the package as well as a passenger.

In this way, the virus was aerosolised and spread around the compartment. It can be assumed it went into someone’s lung, carried by the shockwave of the explosion outwards.

I contend that the CO2 was chosen because most bomb sniffers - dog and electronic alike - look for sulfur and nitrogen compounds found in black powder, ANFO, etc.

CO2 is in the air already, so detecting it and discriminating from natural background sources is harder.

The case they were carrying could have had a vent hole.

If the pressures were high enough, and standard rubber stoppered tubes were used to transport the virus, then the evaporating CO2 would pressurize whatever outer container, and force the stoppers down into the tubes further, or infiltrate past the stopper, and in either case, pressurize the tube.

Once the outer case breached, the inner tubes could easily have undergone similar explosive decompression, instantly vaporizing their contents as a fog.

The other option is that the tubes were plastic, and sealed properly, and none was released since they were within the case and not subject to shrapnel.

I contend that the “organisers” of this bioterrorist act planted the misleading information into the general public that the virus was harmless when it isn’t to spread the lethal Mexican pandemic strain.

The swine flu virus is a synthetic structure from a bioweapons laboratory.

I urged the authorities to investigate, check the health of the passengers and treat them preventatively for an infection is there are any grounds for suspicion.

I ask you, please, to try to publicise this or get the police/doctors to take action soon! I fear it\'s up to us. By the way, I will press charges against the WHO!

Best, Jane