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REMEMBER this email???????? Note the date of the original mailing

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From: F
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 11:50 AM
Subject: REMEMBER this email???????? Note the date of the original mailing.
You saw the email below sent out on the 14th of April - remember?  These persons were  in the know about the Department of Homeland Security sending out truckloads of refigerated cannisters containing viruses (then believed to be the Bird Flu) all over the nation a couple weeks back.  A coincidence with the outbreak we are dealing with today?  I hardly think so.  If you do not believe it could be truth, then ask yourself, with the few major outbreaks ever in US history, what would be the odds of these events corresponding so closely in time?

One thing for certain, this new pandemic will distract Americans from the government torture issues, the manufactured financial crisis and whatever other government deceptions that have recently been brought to light (just like Rumsfeld announcing the "missing" 2.3 trillion dollars in he Pentagon on 9-10-01 and the attacks of 9-11 obscuring them), as well as serve as a test for future little incidents of trimming down the population, a long-time goal of the elites.

It is time for you to do your own research on the fact that so many of our leaders, and more importantly, the powers behind the leaders, have a dark and evil agenda and in fact, are worshippers of the occult and even Lucifer - yes Lucifer.  That even includes many of those leaders who profess Jesus Christ as their savior, for it is all just lip-service from deceivers and opportunists. Please don't tell me that all of this evil and these bad things are what has happened to us by mere coincidence.  If so, I have a nice piece of swampland I wish to sell you.

As a nation, we have done just about everything imaginable to chase God out of our national mentality.  Don't you think it might just be the right time to turn that stupidity around and ask Him to come back?

2 Chronicles 7:14 (King James Version)

 14If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Sent: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 10:54 am

Subject: You had better see this one - I really mean it.

Sneaky little traitors in the government.  Look at what they have planned for us.  I guess they had to take action against us before Americans all finally woke up and took back their freedoms and their constitution back from the banker and corporate-controlled government.

Maybe this is why the elites have been murdering microbiologists in big numbers over the last decade.  So they can not help us with simple treatments like colloidal silver.  I knew that these cowards would never try to disarm us first.  The disease approach is far more effective and gives them a better reason to force us from our homes and into the relocation camps.

Maybe this is why the federal government has classified our own citizens as terrorist threats.  This is how they plan to deal with us.  I guess when Americans finally awaken from their slumber and realize that the terrorists and our enemies of freedom have been running the government, and that these financial problems have been nothing more than a staged thievery, that they need to deal with us hard and fast before we deal with them.

Never forget:

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.2 Chronicles 7:14