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The American Cancer Society

Ken Adachi, Editor EducateYourself

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March 11, 2009

The American Cancer Society (March 11, 2009)

-----Original Message-----

From: Naomi

Sent: Mar 10, 2009 7:12 PM

To: Editor

Subject: relay for life

Dear Ken,

Hello. I found your site because I was doing some research on the American Cancer Society. My town does a huge relay for life. In six years they are about to surpass one million dollars raised.

What's your skinny on the ACS?


Glen Rock NJ


Hi Naomi,

I wrote about the American Cancer society and their phony cancer fund raisers a few years ago. The ACS was founded by the Rockefellers to steer people AWAY from true cancer cures and to raise money for their phony "research" projects.

It's been a SCAM from its inception and they suck in millions of gullible and unknowing dupes to do their bidding for them who then send them money that is wasted on 'busy" research projects that go nowhere. I also heard Gary Null do a very lengthy expose of the American Cancer Society on his radio program aired over KPFK radio with Roy Tuckman.

A 100% cure for all forms of cancer was demonstrated in the mid 1930s by Dr Royal Raymond Rife. His work and his reputation were utterly destroyed by established medicine (Rockefellers and the drug cartels) and their lackeys in the guise of one Morris Fishbein of the AMA and indeed the efforts of the Rockefeller's ACS, which helped in no small measure to debunk Rife's incredible work and discoveries.

Anyone who contributes to or helps the ACS in any capacity is simply an uninformed boob who is assisting his executioners to prepare his own coffin.

Read The Drug Story which has been posted to this web site for over 11 years.

Regards, Ken


From: Mary Sparrowdancer

To: Editor

Subject: Ken Adachi: re American Cancer Society

Date: Mar 12, 2009

Dear Ken,

Thanks for the reminder about the ACS. Barry Lynes wrote several very decent books about Rife, cancer and he named names of those involved in this extortion scheme. Corporate corruption is rampant in the US.

I'm an independent journalist, book author, and associate producer of Rense Radio. Most recently, I have been writing about a huge anti-trust case involving CNN and their "partner," Johnson & Johnson, who conspired to eliminate a lone competitor in the dental floss industry. His name is Sean Dix. He is an inventor who was about to bring the first sterile dental floss to the market, when CNN destroyed him on national TV. Below are links to my two articles regarding this.

Of some interest, if you do a Google search on CNN Johnson & Johnson my article about Sean comes up first, on top of about a half million others. I thought you might be interested in these articles because a connection has been found between periodontal bacteria and various ailments, including cancers. Then, there is also the magnesium connection to cancers. I suspect most of the US is suffering from a magnesium deficiency, exacerbated by the big advertising hype pushing calcium - which causes a further imbalance in the magnesium/calcium ratio. The more I look at "stuff," the more it seems like there has been a huge conspiracy in the US to cause as much cancer and discomfort as possible.


Best regards,

Mary Sparrowdancer