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Hidden Diabetes Disaster

Thomas Smith

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Diabetes along with cancer and certain infectious diseases, none of which are being cured by American doctors, have become the essential tools that governments use to restrain population growth. Population growth is regarded by the upper echelons of almost all governments, certainly including the US, as their number one problem. It is widely believed that if live births are not restrained, longevity curtailed and disease deliberately encouraged to run rampant, the resulting population explosion would destroy our way of life. Living in a  country that manages things this way is sort of an intelligence test. If you get it figured out, you can remain healthy and live to a ripe old age. If you do not, you will not be around long enough to burden your pyramid retirement program.

            In the US the 1920’s and 1930’s were strongly influenced by emerging pseudo scientific philosophies such as eugenics. New leaders such as Margaret Sanger arose and, supported by foundations established by the wealthy class, typified by Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Harriman, they soon began to influence the commercial environment to stop encouraging “useless eaters”. It was during this period that the idea of processed and engineered food really began to take hold in the US. An immediate consequence was that certain diseases that had been extremely rare now began to be seen in epidemic proportions, but primarily among the poorer class who trusted the food advertisements and subsisted on a limited food budget.

            Our modern type II diabetes epidemic started in the early 1930’s as a direct result of switching the nation over to engineered and processed food.  Prior to that it was such a rare disease that many doctors were unable to correctly diagnose it. From the initial scientific recognition of type II diabetes as a very different form of diabetes in 1933, by Jocelyn, Dublin and Marks, until the introduction of synthetic oral hypoglycemic agents in 1955, diet was the only effective way to manage diabetes. The insulin treatments that had been accepted as the newest miracle drug for diabetes up until the mid 1930’s simply did not work on type II diabetes. In fact, insulin treatment fairly often killed the patient. With hindsight, we can see now, that since early to midstage type II diabetics frequently secrete an excess of insulin in an ineffective attempt to overcome their insulin resistance, giving them more insulin is a dangerous thing to do.

            After killing off a number of gullible type II patients with the insulin wonder drug of the 1920’s, doctors adapted to the fact that they had a brand new variety of diabetes on their hands. It arrived coincident with the engineered food supply that was also emerging. They called it type II and started to treat it with diet. Dietary treatment rapidly became the treatment of choice because it worked. By using low glycemic foods and adding exercise, they were able to manage blood sugar, which in those days was the principal observable symptom of diabetes. They were on the right track and in the normal course of events would have gone on to cure this disease in many patients.

            However, disaster struck the diabetes community in 1955.

            This was the year the pharmaceuticals introduced the first, of what would become many, synthetic hypoglycemic drugs for the treatment of diabetes. Then, with aggressive sales activity, persuaded many doctors that these new drugs were superior to the dietary control that had worked very well up until that time.

            Fourteen years ago this writer had a severely diabetic fasting blood sugar level that averaged 360 mg/dl. When the doctor he took it to lied to him about whether the drug he prescribed would actually cure diabetes, this writer was forced to do the medical literature research and to cure it himself. Recently, at age 79, this writer again checked his blood sugar level and found it to be a quite normal 103 mg/dl. As it turns out, type II diabetes is eminently curable; but, not usually by your doctor except in unusual cases. It is so easily curable in fact, that the prescription activity of the medical community, in many cases, amounts to little more than a monumental swindle.

            This is why the solution to diabetes is simple: stop consuming the stuff that causes diabetes, stop believing that it is not curable and start supplying your body with the nutrition that it needs to regain normal functioning. Nowhere in this regimen is there any need for prescription drugs.

            After applying the principles outlined in his independently discovered program for about 3 1/2 months, this writer’s fasting blood sugar dropped into the normal healthy range; that is below 100 mg/dl. Even today, fourteen years later, his blood sugar remains normal unless he deliberately violates the rules he discovered. Even when he does violate the rules, since he does not expect to live forever, his blood sugar does not go into the dangerous range that it once did. He has accumulated an inch thick file of totally unsolicited letters of gratitude from the many that have benefited from using the book, Insulin: Our Silent Killer as their basic diabetes reference. Instructions for purchasing this book are included at the end of this article.

Reversing type II Diabetes

            Take one to two tablespoons of flax or fish oil daily. These are delicate oils that must be refrigerated and may not be used for cooking. Do not eat any other fats or oils until the fasting blood sugar in the morning has stabilized in the normal range of 70 to 100 mg/dl for at least one week. Totally and permanently avoid low fat food. Your goal is no fat food until the blood sugar is stable in the normal range. This will prevent other fats and oils from competitively inhibiting the effect you are trying to achieve with the flax or fish oil.

            Both flax and fish oil contain EPA and DHA. However in the flax oil, the EPA and DHA are in a form that must be converted in the body. Sometimes with the diabetic, this conversion process doesn’t work well. For these people fish oil is preferable. Be sure to check to see if you are allergic to fish oil before establishing yourself on a daily regimen that contains it. If you are not allergic to cod liver oil, you may also profitably add a tablespoon of it once or twice a week. 

            When the blood sugar begins to normalize add, in addition to the oils mentioned above, two or three tablespoons of coconut oil to the daily diet. Coconut oil may  be used as a cooking oil.  Coconut oil will rev up the metabolism by about 25% and help with the weight control problem. Check the health food stores for this product.  It is a white waxy looking solid at room temperatures. This oil is perfectly nutritious and appeared in many food products before 1973. It was in that year that it became fashionable to promote a low fat craze to justify removing nutrition from basic foods. The marketing genius that promoted food products with their nutrition removed and then charging a premium for this improved food is what made America fat and diabetic.

            No hydrogenated fats or oils, no low fat food substitutes of any kind. No soy oil, corn oil, canola oil, no cottonseed oil or any other refined oil from a room temperature supermarket shelf. When the blood sugar begins to normalize add virgin olive oil, but not to cook; add coconut oil or palm oil for cooking. Read labels to make sure that you do not unknowingly consume the restricted fats and oils because they are added as ingredients to virtually all processed, prepared and restaurant foods. No margarine, artificial shortening or other hydrogenation products.

            Under no circumstances eat any fake sweeteners, almost all of them are extremely poisonous.  Stevia is the only safe sweetener used safely all over the world and the FDA will not allow it to be advertised as a sweetener in the US. If you are a soda pop addict and cannot control your sweet tooth you are not going to have much success reversing diabetes no matter what else you may do. Avoid all sugar and all deceptive sugars like high fructose corn syrup. Read labels, do not consume MSG; beware of the many alias’ under which MSG is promoted. 

            Take a good quality therapeutic range of minerals daily. Preferably this will be high quality minerals of the type available from a chiropractor or naturopath. Health food store minerals vary from quite good to totally worthless. I have found many supermarket supplements to be universally worthless.

            Certain of the national deficiencies such as iodine, potassium and several of the vitamins are causative in many common diabetes side effects such as polyneuropathy, elevated blood pressure, systemic inflammation, atherosclerosis and retinopathy, to name but a few. However, care must be exercised in supplementing them because in some cases too much is worse than too little. The need here is to connect the symptom to the supplement deficiency before embarking on the restorative program. My book Insulin: Our Silent Killer goes into much more detail about how to do this than is possible in this short article.

            Avoid restaurants; they are a principal cause of diabetes. Learn how to cook. Make time for this very necessary chore. Do not ever use a microwave to prepare food, not even to warm it up. Use a toaster oven instead. Consume only whole foods. No white rice, white bread, no prepared or frozen foods, only whole grain wheat pasta. No fried foods, no stir fried food, no deep fried food. No dairy products. Eggs are not a dairy product; they are very good to eat and, contrary to American mythology, will not have any negative effect on cholesterol levels. No fast foods. No artificial flavors. No sugar or sugar substitutes except stevia.  Lean meat, fish and chicken are all OK to eat as long as they are clean.

            At some point the blood sugar will start to respond to this program.  Be very careful with diabetic medications.  When the blood sugar starts to respond, you will need to get your doctor to help wean you off of synthetic medication.  If he doesn’t want to do that,  consider getting another doctor. These synthetic medications are counter productive to the restoration of a healthy blood sugar control system. However, it can be dangerous to unilaterally decide to just stop taking synthetic diabetic medications because some of them are habit forming and they cause the body to become dependent upon them. This is a situation where a good physician can be of great help.

            When the blood sugar finally falls to the normal range, without synthetic medication, do not assume that you are cured.  You are probably not cured because your insulin level is quite likely still too high.  Have it checked.  This disease is not cured until you can again eat a range of healthy carbohydrates without experiencing elevated levels of either glucose or insulin.

            One more thing in this regard; totally ignore the television pitches about the latest whiz bang wonder drug for treating diabetes. The pharmaceutical business strategy here is to persuade you to ask your doctor for this drug on the foolish theory that the commercial you have been watching has made you into a competent biochemist. This is being done because many doctors themselves are beginning to opt out of the swindle that diabetes drugs have become. It is getting easier to find doctors that do not like synthetic drugs.

            All of these diabetes “wonder” drugs must be prescribed in doses that completely overwhelm the liver’s ability to detoxify the bloodstream. They are compounded to provide between 50 to 100 times the blood level needed to perform their function because the pharmacist knows that your liver is going to remove it from your bloodstream as quickly as it can.  Your liver knows, even if you do not, that diabetes drugs are poisons that must be cleared out of the system as quickly as possible.

To control blood sugar during the reversal process:

          The techniques in this section won’t reverse diabetes but will help control elevated blood sugar during the reversal process.

            Exercise to the point of perspiration three to four times a day; preferably about an hour after meals. Remember that your arterial system may be compromised; do not do intense aerobic exercises. Your goal is to provoke perspiration not to provoke a heart attack.  This will open up a non-insulin dependent pathway for the glucose to enter the cell from the blood stream.

            Maintain a high fiber diet such as beans, legumes, whole grain products. Eat nothing that is “white”, “refined”, “new” and improved” or “enriched”. This will slow down glucose generation in the small intestine and help keep it in a range where your impaired blood sugar control system may be able to control it better.     

            Eat as many meals as you like, up to six, small meals a day.  By snacking frequently and avoiding large meals when the blood sugar controller is not working, you reduce stress on it  and effectively lower post prandial blood sugar excursions.

            Choose the carbohydrates that you eat from low on the glycemic index. Avoid high glycemic food. Don’t waste any time on the diabetic exchange diet nonsense; it doesn’t work and the people who promote it likely know very well that it doesn’t work.

            The cost of medical treatment for disease in the US is currently skyrocketing. At some point such treatment will necessarily become rationed or otherwise less available particularly to those who depend upon insurance programs to pay for them. Currently many Americans, who get their information from the TV, are convinced that diabetic drugs are the best or only sensible recourse when dealing with this disease. The coming price inflation of these drugs may reach a point where the high cost of diabetes treatment may become a really healthy turn of events. It may induce them to revert to the much more effective and affordable pre 1955 medical technology for reversing diabetes


            Be aware that  this writer is not a physician; this information is not intended to serve as medical advice. Nothing in this article should be construed as diagnosing, prescribing or treating disease. In America, by law, only licensed physicians enjoy a legal monopoly to do these things. This dietary information is presented for its educational value only. Its proper intended purpose is to serve as a basis for a more informed dialog between patient and doctor for the benefit of both.

This abbreviated program presented above consists of a few extracts from the book “Insulin: Our Silent Killer” which is a much more comprehensive discussion of what this writer discovered about reversing this disease. Additional information that may also prove helpful can be found posted on his website at:   The complete natural  program is the subject of the book Insulin:  Our Silent Killer”.  This book may be purchased in the United States by sending $29.00 by check or money order to: Thomas Smith, PO Box 7685, Loveland, Colorado  80537. Sorry, we are not set up to process credit cards. Canadian and other international  readers need to contact us by email or telephone to obtain the special  instructions needed for international transactions. This writer may be reached by telephone at 1 (970) 669-9176 or by email at:

Thomas Smith                                                               Approx: 2579 words

PO Box 7685                                                               Reprint rights

Loveland, Colorado   80537                                         Copyright 2009 by Thomas Smith

(970) 669-9176                                                           All rights reserved

Email:                                Microsoft word PC Ver 6.0

                                                                                    March 5, 2009
