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Important Read For Diabetics (with video)

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I just attended a screening of a film not-quite-done-with-post-production, called Raw for Thirty Days. Remember "Supersize Me," the film in which Morgan Spurlock went on a Mickey-D's-only diet for thirty days and chronicled the effects on his health? Well, this is the exact opposite. Six diabetics take the challenge to spend a month under medical supervision at Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona, eating only freshly prepared raw food and relearning how to cook. In a world chock-full of stupid reality TV shows, this is one reality movie of real quality that people should see.

The results were amazing. Four of the diabetics went home off all medications, one Type I diabetic went home on 5 daily units of insulin instead of 70, and, guy couldn't make the adjustment and went home prematurely. Watching the drama as the participants cheer each other on--one guy falls off the wagon halfway through--makes this an entertaining and wonderful film. You're hanging in there with Michelle as she struggles with homesickness, and there were more than a few tears shed in the screening when Henry goes home and goes back on his med's. When you get to the end and everybody else goes home medication-free, you're cheering right along with them. And it introduces a very timely question: What is "raw food" and why should we learn about making it?

The executive producer was there to answer questions after, and, sad to say, this film probably won't get a theatrical release because there are no big stars in it and no $40 million promotional budget. But if there was ever an important movie made, this is it.

The website is here and it's going to be premiering at film festivals starting in June.

Neale, please keep an eye out for this movie. If you can use your influence and world stage to help it go to theaters and not straight to video, please, please think about it. It's Spiritual Cinema at its finest!!

Thanks for reading.
