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Bird Flu In India Started by CIA

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uclear deal and offered help to contain the bird flu.

For over two decades, in press releases and letters and articles to the press, I have described how in the early years of the AIDS epidemic the United States was desperately looking for a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, how the C.I.A. was given the task of roping in a population for this purpose, how the disclosures of kickbacks in the Bofors and HDW deals were made in quick succession to blackmail Rajiv Gandhi, who was then prime minister, into agreeing to have India's population used for this purpose, how after initial resistance from Rajiv Gandhi both Rajiv Gandhi and Vajpayee (who was then in the Opposition) agreed to having the tribal population in India's Northeast used for this purpose, how then India's Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was given the task of spreading heroin addiction in the Northeast for this purpose and later the AIDS virus was introduced in other parts of India.

As the prospects for the nuclear deal, meant to disarm India of its nuclear weapons, have grown bleak, the bird flu epidemic has been started by the C.I.A., through its Indian agents (see for the role of the West Bengal chief minister, who is a C.I.A. agent, and others in both the nuclear deal and bringing India under military and economic subjugation to the United States).

For the relationship between RAW and the C.I.A., see link in paragraph above.