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Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD

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Dr. Russell Blaylock was a guest today on Dr. Stan Monteith’s program. They were discussing neurological diseases, mainly Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The amyloidal plaque in the brain is not the cause, it’s only a result. 
One of the biggest causes of Alzheimer’s is inflammation. Chronic inflammation can lead to Alzheimer’s such as rheumatoid arthritis etc.  If one takes aspirin regularly their chances of getting Alzheimer’s goes way down.  The big problem with that is aspirin can lead to stomach trouble.  There are other things which can cut down inflammation which work such as curcumin (flavanoid). Curcumin works best when taken with oil and absorbs much better as curcumin alone generally does not absorb well. Also quercetin (flavanoid) is recommended and silimarin as well as other antioxidants.  CoQ10 removes iron and does quercetin. Selenium removes mercury. Vit C and natural Vit. E are recommended. Blueberry extract is recommended. Resveratrol will reverse sugar damage (high sugar being very damaging) White teas is recommended. Avoid MSG (often labeled as many other things such as hydrolyzed yeast, etc.). Do not spray pesticides indoors; use boric acid (or soap spray). Avoid aspartame. Exercise has been protective against Alzheimer’s (exercise also increases lifespan). Abdominal fat increases inflammation and is to be avoided. Public water is to be avoided because of the aluminum and fluoride. Avoid baking powder. Remove mercury fillings and replace with ceramic fillings (only remove mercury fillings by a competent dentist knowledgeable in mercury removal). Progesterone is protective as long as it’s natural. You can get this from a compounding pharmacist. Artificial progesterone is damaging! Susanne Sommers wrote books on natural hormones. 
Another thing that leads to Alzheimer’s is repeated immunizations such as yearly flu shots (10 fold increase in susceptibility—also with Parkinson’s).  Generally when someone caches a disease it leads to inflammation of the brain but as soon as the disease is fought off the brain also recovers. With the flu shot the brain does not recover due to a constant immune reaction, this leads brain cell destruction and Alzheimer’s. The adjutants in the vaccines add to the problem because of a more rapid reaction. With early Alzheimer’s, infections lead to a more rapid progression of the Alzheimer’s. Vaccines to the elderly are very risky! Multiple vaccines are even a bigger problem. 
Other things that lead to Alzheimer’s and also Parkinson’s is mercury (nano-molar) and aluminum and excess iron. Parkinson’s can be caused by the pesticide Rotenone (as well as others). Only a very small amount of Rotenone can do this. If you also vaccinate and are exposed to Rotenone then the effect is multiplied even further. Even head trauma and strokes can lead to the problem. High omega-6 oils can lead to the problem as they increase inflammation. The omega-3 in fish oils help to reduce the problem, 2 to 3 grams. The DHA in the fish oil appears to be the desirable constituent in fish oil. Too much of the DEA component is not desirable. 
Another thing that can cause neurological inflammation and Alzheimer’s is food allergies (milk has been indicated and grains as possible allergens). Food allergies don’t always lead to obvious gastro-intestinal problems and therefore go undetected.  However, they cause neurological problems. Therefore food allergies should be tested for.  
People also have high levels of free radicals in their brains and inflammatory products. They have low vitamin C levels in the brain as well as homocysteine in the brain and other vitamins. These can be caused by inflammation. Herpes (dormant, but chroni) can lead to Alzheimer’s.  Alzheimer brains have high glutamate and cytokines. Insulin can lead to inflammation in the brain. Chronic Chlamydia and microplasms, viruses etc can lead to the problem.  
Diabetes, atherosclerosis, strokes etc. can lead to Alzheimer’s. When you age there is a more strong immune reaction which can lead to Alzheimer’s.  
The mother can pass on a viral problem to the fetus and the child will be susceptible throughout life to Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases. Flu shots to the pregnant women (proposed) is another disaster in the making even leading to schizophrenic children.   
Dr. Blaylock has recently written some peer-reviewed papers on the problem and plans to write even more papers outlining the problem
Neil Miller authored a new book, the Vaccine Safety Manual and it should be out this summer.  Dr. Blaylock wrote the forward to the book.