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COVID-19: The Canadian & The Walk Out


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First, let’s address the CDC’s latest release of vaccine deaths and adverse events. Normal posting of stale data is every Friday. Deaths to July 16th: 11,405. They skipped July 30th but posted August 6th: Deaths: 12,366 or an increase of 961 dead Americans. 1% reporting rate so that number realistically is much, much higher as well as the total adverse “events”: 545,337.

It appears the CDC has two sets of numbers. July 16th: 11, 140. Up 9,125 from July 9th. Two different reporting sites giving different numbers. Then we have a whistleblower who has given a sworn declaration under penalty of perjury the number of deaths at July 9, 2021 was 45,000 while the CDC posting showed only 9,048. It’s not possible to state a real number at this time because the numbers are being manipulated by the CDC and simply don’t jive. June 18, 2021 data post shows 6,136 dead. Now it’s 12,226. One month and 20 days it jumps to 12,366. Take a look at this: Caught! CDC Deletes Thousands Of COVID Vaccine Deaths

The lawsuit filed to expose this fraud is here.

My July 12th column: “Deaths through July .....

