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New York Introduces COVID Forced-Detention Law for Merely SUSPECTED Exposure or "Contact"

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New York Introduces COVID Forced-Detention Law for Merely SUSPECTED Exposure or "Contact"


A politician in New York state has introduced a Bill which would empower the state to forcibly detain for up to 60 days WITHOUT COURT ORDER "anyone reasonably believed to have been exposed to . . . . or who had contact with" a contagious disease.  No Warrant or Due Process necessary!

Assembly Bill A-416, pre-filed for introduction in 2021 by Assemblyman Noah Perry of East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, lays out the forced confinement of -- anyone -- merely because government says so.   And the person being forcibly confined cannot even ASK for a court hearing unless and until he's been deprived of his liberty for THREE DAYS; and at such time, he can request to be heard (as the court calendar allows) and will need a Court Order to be free!

The complete text of the Bill appears below:


Here is a direct link to the NYS Assembly for those who cannot see the PDF above: CLICK HERE

Assemblyman Perry is what is commonly known as a "Useful Idiot."  He's the guy that the people behind-the-scenes give a Bill to for introduction, when no other THINKING politician would go near it.  As like the dutiful moron he apparently is, Perry introduces it, despite its flagrant violation of the federal Constitutional requirement for probable cause, and due process.

Proof that this guy is a Useful Idiot can be found on the Wikipedia page about him.  Look at what he excels at . . . being a professional Minority!

From Wikipedia:

Noah Nicholas Perry (born August 1, 1950)[1] is a Democratic member of the New York State Assembly. He currently represents District 58, which comprises East Flatbush, as well as portions of Canarsie and Brownsville, among other neighborhoods located in the borough of Brooklyn. Perry serves as the Assistant Speaker Pro Tempore of the New York State Assembly, and is the current Chair of the NYS Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus. Perry also serves as the Region 2 (NY and PA) Chair of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators. He previously served four years as the Chairman of the New York State Association of Black & Puerto Rican Legislators.

Seems more interested in being a minority than in actually legislating.  Where are his Legislative accomplishments?  Maybe there just aren't any?


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