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Why doesn’t the medical deep state want coronavirus patients to heal?

Ethan Huff

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When it comes to dealing with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the only prescribed course of action coming from the government is to wear your mask, avoid all human contact, and, should you feel like you have become infected, go to the hospital. But what about simpler and more basic outpatient solutions that help to prevent serious infection while lessening the overall burden on the health care system?

Such solutions do exist, it turns out, but they are not being mentioned amid all the hysteria and fear-mongering over an out-of-control pandemic. One of them that we continue to emphasize is the hydroxychloroquine-plus-zinc remedy, which many researchers have validated as safe and effective.

Even a Henry Ford Health System study out of Michigan, which was double-blind and placebo-controlled, recently found that hydroxychloroquine alone is effective against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And yet the medical deep state, which includes the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), continues to deny use of this inexpensive anti-malaria drug, which works far better than cloth face coverings and other draconian impositions on people’s freedoms.

In the Henry Ford study, researchers found that hydroxychloroquine combined with the antibiotic drug azithromycin resulted in a 50 percent reduction in deaths among hospitalized Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients. After day one of the treatment, a whopping 82 percent of patients began to recover. And after day two, that figure jumped to 91 percent.

Another study out of France arrived at similar conclusions. Patients taking hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin almost all recovered, with only a scant 0.9 percent death rate. This same paper also found that taking these two drugs allowed most infected patients to return home rather than having to continue occupying scarce hospital beds.

Keeping in mind that the most often-used excuse for mandatory mask policies is that hospital beds are filling up too quickly, one would think that the “authorities” might consider a different approach that perhaps involves at least trying hydroxychloroquine-plus-azithromycin. So why are they not doing this?

The pandemic response is about politics, not patient care

If the medical deep state and its zombie followers were really concerned about “saving lives” as they claim, then they would be welcoming this simple outpatient drug treatment with open arms. They would be celebrating the prospect of keeping as many people as healthy as possible and avoiding hospital overload, allowing the rest of healthy society to return back to a normal way of life.

Instead, however, the push is on to continue increasing mask policies that make it prohibitively difficult for people who choose not to wear them for health or other reasons to participate in society. In many ways, masks have become the new “yellow star,” or even “mark of the beast” that is required to buy and sell or even just enter businesses without discrimination.

All of this could potentially go away if health authorities would simply lay down their partisanship, greed and lust for control over people, and instead embrace this simple drug protocol. After all, both hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin are FDA-approved drugs, and both can be procured very inexpensively – so why the resistance?

Sadly, many physicians are not only not utilizing this treatment, but they have also been prohibited from even trying it. Only in late-stage cases was hydroxychloroquine, at least early on in the pandemic, even being considered, but by then it was already too late.

“Unfortunately, an unscientific bias against hydroxychloroquine and criticism of the use of HCQ-AZ has been based largely on reports of failures of this treatment that was reserved for patients who were hospitalized in severe crisis and often in ICU units,” writes Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons for LifeSiteNews.

“However, antivirals, like Tamiflu or HCQ (hydroxychloroquine), need to be used immediately in order to be effective. To expect a serious case of COVID-19 to benefit from a late intervention with HCQ is unreasonable.”

More related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is available at

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