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Jom Stone

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Bolsonaro did not believe hospitals were being honest about Corona, had people break into one that claimed to have 5, 000 CORONA patients and the place was empty.

Five members of the Brazilian parlaiment went to hospitals under the orders of Bolsonaro to conduct surprise audits and confirm the number of patients there. One hospital claimed to have 5, 000 people with Coronavirus along with 200 dead. When the officials audited it, they discovered it was not even fully constructed yet and had no patients of any sort, let alone Corona.

The same trend happened at other hospitals that were completed. Though they had patients, there were few, if any, with coronavirus while the hospitals were claiming huge numbers.


The hospitals are guilty of embezzlement and defrauding the Brazilian government, while attempting to destroy Brazil with a fraud and forced vaccination scheme.


This same fraud is playing out in American hospitals to an even greater scale now - taken to such an extent that whistle blowing nurses are stating the hospitals are killing people on purpose to get the death stats to actionable levels. Coronavirus is likely the greatest scam perpetrated in the history of mankind.


You will NOT hear about this in America's scam MSM, but for A limited time only there's a twitter thread about this, complete with video of the government officials doing the busts. GET WHILE THE GETTING IS GOOD.

Jim Stone

Backup video link in case twitter tanks the video: